Author Archives: jla088

4th advanced immunology course/workshop 5–7 April 2017

Bergen Research School of Inflammation (BRSI) together with Broegelmann Laboratory cordially invites you to their 4th advanced immunology course/workshop (3ECTS) under the topic of “Inflammation – Root of All Things Evil” at Voss 5–7 April 2017. The meeting will be held in Fleischer’s Hotel.

The advanced immunology course/workshop is a combination of invited, renowned international and national speakers and two poster sessions during which younger researchers present their research. International speakers include Francesca Barone, Thomas Dietrich, Arno Hanninen, Phillippe Gillery, Anca Katrina, Trevor Owens, and Yenan Bryceson, with Patrick Venables as a keynote speaker. In addition, you will get to hear from national researchers working in the field of inflammation as well as young and upcoming investigators. Broegelmann Laboratory together with UiB looks forward to welcoming you! Travel grants are available.

Program and registration.

Deadline for registration: Wednesday 15 March 2017.

Martens Scientific Seminar and the Martens lecture 2017

In collaboration with the Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research (Norment, CoE) and K.G. Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Dr. E. Martens Research Group for Biological Psychiatry invites you to the Martens Scientific Seminar and the Martens lecture 2017 at Bikuben conference centre, Haukeland University Hospital, on Thursday 4 May 2017.

The main topic is “How translational research has disclosed many old secrets of psychotic disorders”.

Program and registration here.

Funding announcements from Gades Legat

Gades Legat announces funds for use in research in pathology, microbiology and immunology. Anyone who is affiliated to a research group at UiB or Haukeland University Hospital in pathology, immunology or microbiology, can apply for funding.

Applications should be submitted electronically to Gades Legat by Secretary Håvard Hoel Aass.

Deadline: Wednesday 5 April 2017.

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Financial support for stays abroad for postdoctoral fellows

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry offers grants for research stays abroad for postdoctoral fellows and other scientific staff. The purpose of the grant is to cover initial and additional expenditures in connection with research-related stays abroad. It is also possible to apply for travel expenses to be covered. Research grants are given for stays abroad lasting from 3 to 12 months.

Announcement and application form can be found here.

Deadlines: 1 March and 1 October.

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Follow-up meeting regarding the Research Programme

The faculty plans a short follow-up meeting after the task day regarding the Medical Student Research Programme, which was held on January 19. Here, prospective research programme students get the opportunity to ask any questions about this task day and the Research Programme. The meeting will take place on Wednesday March 22 at 2:15–3:00 p.m. in Auditorium B302, Sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital.

Contact: Kaia Nepstad