Author Archives: ijo013

Use Skype for Business 2016!

snip_20160322200021Skype for Business 2016 is opened for use by K2. Several of the administration is already on Skype , including Head of Administration, finance consultants, office for student administration and Ingvild in the reception. It is therefore easier for you to send us a chat for help and questions.  

IT UIB announces the following:
Everyone at K2 will now have the opportunity to run Skype for Business – IMs . There are now many  who got in the system so it would be nice if you contact BRITA if anyone experience denied access to the service. A few may have errors in the e-mail address , this will not be generated automatically . There is a small catch – those who do not have Exchange ( Outlook) will experience the service as not very user friendly . A good option for those will be to switch to Exchange

Employee clothes – Laboratory building

Used clothes for employes are not submitted in accordance with the agreement. This means that the team will  regress from the laundry on certain sizes on some days. This is perceived as stupid and unfair to those who deliver their clothing as they should …

The agreement and the order of ours is based on that we pick up and deliver laundry every day for 1 floor.

Access to journals from Lippincott for employees with part-time position at the faculty

Helse Bergen and UiB has had separate agreements to Lippincott journals. Helse Bergen had their assets through an agreement made by the Health Libary, which was completed in January 2016. OVID has stricker access for Helse-Bergen as an institution, which means that even users With UiB usernames and passwords can not grasp the articles if they are conected to Helse-Bergens network. We’re sorry for this situation that makes it harder to get access for Our users. This access issue is national. The University libraries at the UiB, UiO, NTNU and UiT work closely with the Health Library for negotiations with OVID. The negotiations that are taking place are complicated, but we are seeing signs that we can come to an agreement for 2017 and beyond.

To gain access to these journals today, you can do this:
Users with emplyment at UiB have a username and password to the network connecting to UiB

  • If you are in the University’s premises you should have online access
  • If you are in Helse-Bergen’s premises you won’t get online access
  • For Remote access from home you can use the University Library’s Proxy or VPN for more information, click here: Notice that the Proxy/VPN does not work while in the University’s or Helse- Bergen’s premises.

We welcome article orders:

  • via email
  • via the Library’s search tool, click here:
  • It’s still possible to order via the UBB button in PubMed, but in the new Library system it will require a login. Then you’ll need a username and password. The username can be found on the Library card, for example: ubb1234567. If you have a password in the old Bibsys ASK can it be used further. Otherwise you can order a password here:
    In the login screen, Select Bibsys as Your affiliation

The Medical and Dentistry Library has a high priority on handling questions about the journal when they should be answered as soon as possible. For users without employment at the UiB we’ll send printed copies of articles.

Parking on ”the roof”

13511514_1040558346038933_544500915_nIt’s now a new system of who gets to park on ” the roof ” The new system will be in use from Monday August 15th 2016. This means it’s no longer the first man/woman to get there who will get a spot.

Parking spots 20,21,22,27,28,29,30,31 and 32 are owned by K2. Parking space 26 is reserved for guests and can be booked  the expedition.

All questions about parking on the ” roof ” goes to the one in charge of parking.
If you have any questions you can contact Ingvild Jonsvoll in the expedition, 8th floor ( / 55973050)

Public PhD Defence, Week 34

Leslie S.P. EideLeslie Sofia Pareja Eide will defend her PhD thesis on Thursday, August 25th, 2016
Trial lecture: Thursday, August 25th, 2016 at 10:15.
Topic: Delirium and surgery: theoretical and methodological issues in current Research”
Place:  Auditorium 4, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Thursday, August 25th, 2016 at 12:15.
Place:  Auditorium 4, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation:  “Delirium after aortic valve therapy. A prospective cohort study of octogenarian patients following surgical aortic valve replacement and transcatheter aortic valve implantation”
1st opponent: Senior Research Associate James Rudolph, Brown School of Public Health, Providence, USA
2nd opponent: Docent Marie Ernsth Bravell, Jönköping University, Sweden

Press release (in Norwegian)

Parking this summer

13511514_1040558346038933_544500915_nThe one who is responsible for the parking spaces at the ”roof” is starting their summer vacation on June 8th (week number 27) Week 27 is the final week of the reserved parking. After that week it’s the first man/woman to get there who gets a spot. There will be sent out a new possibility to apply for parking, it will be sent out on August 8th. The new system will then last out this year.

If you have any questions you can contact Ingvild Jonsvoll in the expedition, 8th floor ( / 55973050)