On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) invites foreign citizens who are interested in studying for a specialization, master’s degree or doctorate, conducting graduate or postdoctoral research, or taking part in an undergraduate or graduate-level academic mobility program, to participate in the 2017 Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students.
Author Archives: ijo013
New framework agreement for purchases and delivery of flowers
UiB has signed a new framework agreement for purchases and delivery of flowers in connection with our employee anniversaries, PhD defenses and other markings where the presentation of flowers is part of the even.
The framework agreement was signed with Botanica Flowers AS who might be familiar to most.
The agreement is active, and it created a new directory that you find in the BasWare PM with prices and pictures of the different options.
The agreement can be found here: https://sourcing.amesto.com/Avantra/Customer/Bergen/Modules/Contract/Card/Default.aspx?ContractId=3207&search=blomster
Botanica’s website can be found here: http://www.botanica.no/
We remind you that it is important that we are loyal to the framework agreement when ordering flowers.
Employee appraisal
It is time for the annual employee appraisal. All employees at K2 have the right to have an annual appraisal with a supervisor at the department. The appraisal is important, primarily for the individual who has the opportunity to take up current issues related to his/her work situation as well as topics such as skills upgrading and career. The supervisor has the opportunity to follow up on the individual’s work and matters relating to it. Hopefully the appraisal will help enhancing the working environment at K2. In practical terms, I will have appraisals with all the leaders of the research groups at K2 and all scientists engaged in full positions. Each research group leader will not necessarily personally have an appraisal with every member of his/her group, but should make sure that the members of the group are offered an appraisal. The plan is that everybody at K2 should have been offered an appraisal during the autumn.
The HSE Corner
University of Bergen has a new plan of action – Health, safety and environment at UiB – a good working environment for all.
You can find it here.
New names
Information about the career day, important to all PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and odontology – Thursday October 6th
Forskningskonsulentene ved fakultetets 5 institutter har tatt initiativ til en karrieredag for fakultetets ph.d-kandidater 6. oktober. Arrangementet er støttet av fakultetet og visedekan for forskerutdanning Roland Jonsson vil åpne dagen
The Alumnus-day September 10th
UiB welcome you to the Alumus-day, saturday September 10th 2016 at 11 AM.
The event is free for both UiB staff and past and current UiB students. Fell free to bring Your friends and Family.
More information can be found here.
New publications from Group G14
Qu Y, Gharbi N, Yuan X, Olsen JR, Blicher P, Dalhus B, Brokstad KA, Lin B, Øyan AM, Zhang W, Kalland KH, Ke X. Axitinib blocks Wnt/β-catenin signaling and directs asymmetric cell division in cancer.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Aug 16;113(33):9339-44. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1604520113. Epub 2016 Aug 1. PMID: 27482107
This publication was selected to be highlighted in the Editors’ Choice
section of Science Signaling, the weekly journal from the publisher of
Science magazine: http://stke.sciencemag.org/content/9/442/ec192
This publication also has been selected for a Feature editorial that will be published in the journal Cell Cycle.
Call for applications: CUHK Inbound Research Mobility Scheme for 2016-17
CUHK is a very reputable research university in Hong Kong / China with excellence of research and infrastructure. A lot of UiB researchers collaborate with CUHK, both bilaterally and multilaterally through Wun. As Wun member university, the University of Bergen one of CUHK priority international partners and UiB researchers administered thereby the opportunity to apply for funding for research stays at CUHK through their Inbound Research Mobility Scheme.
This is an opportunity for UiB researchers to apply for funding for research at Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) during the 1st half 2017
New names
INVITATION: Symposium in the memory of Helga B. Salvesen titled “Biomarkers in Female Cancer”, 14th September 2016
We hereby invite you to attend the local symposium in the memory of Helga B. Salvesen to be held 14th September 2016 in Store Auditorium at Haukeland University Hospital. The symposium is titled “Biomarkers in Female Cancer” and is a joint effort between CCBIO and the K2 department at UiB and Kvinneklinikken at Helse Bergen. The aim of the symposium is to honor Helgas memory by focusing on the state of the art within research on gynecologic cancer as well as younger researchers efforts within the field.
As you can see from the program (link below), we have secured international, national and local speakers. There will also be a combined lunch and poster session in the Aula of the Building for Basic Biological Research (BBB), where younger researchers can present their work. The symposium is open to all and free of charge, so please feel free to forward this invitation.
We would like to underline that all participants need to register through the below link within 8th September 2016. Please note that after pressing “Continue” and reviewing the registration you need to press “Register”. You are not registered before you have received the confirmation.
- Registration, within 8th September 2016: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=2355656
- Program: http://vedlegg.uib.no/?id=d321580fecd799e51bd8f8552673e51f
- Further information about CCBIO: www.ccbio.no
Questions: To CCBIOs Administrative Leader Geir Olav Løken on geir.loken@uib.no
We hope that Helgas memorial symposium will be an inspiring event to all participants!
On behalf of CCBIO and its partners at K2 and Kvinneklinikken,
Public PhD Defence, Week 36
Helga Bergljot Midtbø will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, September 9th, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, September 9th, 2016 09:30
Topic: “The bearing of inflammation on cardiovascular disease. Present knowledge and future Challenges”
Place: Stort auditorium, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Friday, September 9th, 2016 11:15
Place: Stort auditorium, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: “Subclinical cardiovascular disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Relation to disease activity and cardiovascular risk factors”
1st opponent: Associate professor Giuseppe Schillaci, Universitetet i Perugia, Italia
2nd opponent: Professor Karin Manhem, Universitetet i Gøteborg, Sverige
Innovation adds value
It is common to think that the end product of a research project are the publications that come out of the project. Many would add that the popular scientific dissemination of the project results is also part the end product: dissemination provides added value of the project results by demonstrating their utility to the society.
Innovation may also contribute to added value and increased society benefit. Commercialization of a research project is to move from possibility to reality: to offer new diagnostics and therapies to the society, not only lay the their foundation. Innovation is like research a creative process, but with a slightly different focus more geared towards market-oriented application. Both the Western Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Vest) and the ERC funding institutions evaluate the innovation potential of a project in the funding application processes, and the Western Norway Regional Health Authority also awards an Innovation Prize.
The Department of Clinical Science (K2) wants to strengthen innovation at the Department by setting goals for innovation in the strategic plan, but also through an established partnership with Bergen Technology Transfer Office (BTO) where a counselor from BTO, Kine Gregersen, will be available in the K2 expedition in the 8th floor every 2. and 4th Tuesday of the month. We hope you find an opportunity to reach out to her. Conversely, she will actively try to find an opportunity to consult with someone in your research group. Please embrace such an initiative if you do not take action yourself, it can pay off!
Helge Ræder