Author Archives: cra002

(Norsk) Thea Midtun

Jobber med Studie, Klinisk institutt 2

Jeg jobber som semesterkoordinator for MED9 (niende semester på medisinstudiet) og er administrativ ansvarlig for noen masteremner ved instituttet.

Det som jeg liker best ved jobben min, er at det er så mange ulike og varierte arbeidsoppgaver, og at jeg har ansvaret for alle prosesser i et emne fra start til slutt! Det er givende å se at arbeidet man legger inn i planleggingsfasen fungerer i praksis, og å kunne legge til rette for at både studentene og de vitenskapelige har det de trenger for å kunne utføre arbeidet sitt.

Mesteparten av tiden på jobben går med til å holde kontroll på at alt går som det skal med undervisning, praksis og eksamen.

Jeg liker å jobbe på K2 fordi jeg har så mange gode og kjekke kollegaer her! Og ikke minst er det givende å være med på å legge til rette for at vi kan utdanne de beste legene i landet.

Do you want to contribute during the research days in Bergen?

UIB is the largest contributor to the festival i Bergen, and we hope more professional communities will join i making research visible to the city`s population. The research days is an annual, national festival and this year take place from 21th of September to 2nd Oktober.

 We are applaying for contributions to:

  • 23. og 24. september in a big tent in Festplassen, filled with 25-30 stations from the city`s research and educational institutions.

for more information:

Open guest lecture at the Faculty of Law UiB.

On May 16, the Faculty of Law will host an open guest lecture with Professor Stephen J. Morse of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and the Department of Psychiatry, in collaboration with the DIMENSIONS research project. The title of the lecture is “Neurolaw: Perils and Promises” (see the invitation for a more detailed description of the topic), and the topic may be of interest across different disciplines. Invitation here!

Kreftforeningens hovedutlysning, Forskerprosjekt 2022 -Frist 31. mai

Open Call, Rosa sløyfe, Krefttak mot Kreft og geografisk spredning

The Cancer Society works to fight and prevent cancer, and to ensure the best possible life for cancer patients and their relatives. The Norwegian Cancer Society announces funding for research projects in these thematic areas:

  • Free cancer research (Open Call, NOK 130 million).
  • Breast cancer (Pink ribbon, NOK 28 million).
  • Cancer with spread (Efforts against cancer, NOK 20 million).
  • Cancer research at institutions outside the big cities (NOK 8 million).

For more information on this call:

Are you planning to apply to the Norwegian Cancer Society in 2022? Then you must fill in the form below:

Jeg planlegger å søke Kreftforeningen med frist 31. mai



Eystein at the helm

Dear K2 employee

This week I took over as head of department after Pål, but only for a short period – Pål has a short leave until 10 May and I will try to provide the same good service as him in the meantime. Now that it is time for Easter, it is appropriate to thank all K2 employees for their efforts so far this year. Research and teaching are taking place at a high pace, even though resources are scarce. Falch’s Junior Prize will be awarded and the research group leaders are asked to promote candidates, see announcement in this issue of K2-news.

A special thank you to Maria Holmaas and the rest of the administration who are making a formidable effort to keep the wheels turning. K2 is a fantastic workplace and has an enormous potential for good research and teaching. Carry on and do what is good better.

I hope all of you all take the opportunity to enjoy some days off over Easter, and recharge your batteries with both physical and perhaps spiritual food. The war in Ukraine is a strong reminder that we cannot take freedom and democracy for granted.


Easter greetings,


Eystein Husebye