Public PhD Defence, Week 16

Maria VollsæterMaria Vollsæter will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, April 22th, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, April 22th, 2016, 09:30
Topic: “How to prevent and manage long term effects of bronchopulmonary dysplasia?”
Place: Auditoriet, Barneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 65
Public defense: Friday, April 22th, 2016, 11:15
Place:Auditoriet, Barneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 65
Title of dissertation: “Long-term Respiratory Outcomes of Extreme Preterm Birth. A Population-based Cohort Study”
1st opponent: Professor Sailesh Kotecha, Cardiff University, School of Medicine, U.K
2nd opponent: Kim G. Nielsen, Rigshospitalet, København, Danmark

Press release (in Norwegian)

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