Ethics and integrity for AI in research

How can we promote the ethical use of AI? How might AI be employed to advance fundamental values and committments in science-related research and communication? And how can research practices in this new digital environment be assessed? These are the questions that this webinar will address.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is disrupting and revolutionising science by accelerating research progress, boosting innovation, and improving researchers’ productivity. The European Union (EU) has embraced the opportunities this brings, including AI’s potential to make science more accessible, reduce inequities, and contribute to mitigating the reproducibility crisis. At the same time, we must be ready to respond to the challenges and threats associated with this fast-evolving technology, such as the risks of furthering inequalities, exacerbating biases, and developing unethical behaviours among scientists and academics as well as by their institutions.

10 September 2024 14:00-15:30

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