Daily Archives: Tuesday May 21st, 2024

2024 UiB Læringskonferanse

The UiB Læringskonferanse is open to all members of the UiB community and is an opportunity to learn, discuss and celebrate research-based practices that embody Connection, Community, and/or Inclusion in university teaching and learning.

The conference will take place on Thursday, 17. October in NG5 and the day will include keynote speakers and workshops, paper panels and poster presentations. We invite everyone involved in teaching, supervision, assessment, and other teaching related activities at UiB and other local institutions to contribute to and attend the conference.

Submissions/presentations can be in Norwegian or English and the deadline for submissions is 30. June.

Read more

Apply for membership in the Young Academy of Norway

Applications are now open for membership in the Young Academy of Norway (AYF). AYF aims to include members from all types of institutions and fields of study. It is equally important to have researchers from a wide range of job categories, from PhD candidates to professors.

Criteria for Admission:

  • Demonstrates significant and independent scientific or artistic work and has made a notable active and professional impact within their field.
  • Has an interest in and the opportunity to actively participate in AYF’s activities.
  • Does not turn 41 in the calendar year the admission takes place. Age reductions due to parental leave, military service, and sick leave follow the guidelines of the Research Council of Norway.

The application deadline is June 9th. After the deadline, a selection committee will review all applications. About 20 candidates will be called for an interview, of which 10 will be offered membership.

Link to the announcement:https://akademietforyngreforskere.no/soknad2024/

Indo-Norwegian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education and Research

Call for applications 2024

The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) and the University Grants Commission (UGC) India, announce up to NOK 32 000 000, – ≈ INR 262 080 000, – in joint grants (50/50 from each side) to project partnerships between Norwegian and Indian higher education institutions.

The aim of the call is to establish partnerships for internationalisation and quality enhancement in higher education, through academic collaboration and mobility, in close connections to work life, industry and business in India and Norway.

The cooperation shall complement and expand existing Indian and Norwegian research cooperation.

Application deadline 13 August 2024


Basic Fire Safety Training UiB 2024

Reminder about the mandatory fire safety course for all employees, UiB offers a digital course




Understanding the correct use of fire extinguishers and implementing thorough safety practices is essential to protect yourself and others in case of emergencies.

Through practical training and guidance, we will instruct you on the proper use of fire extinguishers, evacuation techniques, and other important fire safety procedures. Our goal is to provide you with the confidence and competence to handle fire situations in a safe and effective manner.


  • Basic theory about different types of extinguishing equipment (outdoors).
  • Extinguishing with fire extinguishers (outdoors).
  • Alternative ways to extinguish small fires (outdoors).
  • Smoke development in a smoke wagon (outdoors).

Link to the registration form (the course is available in both Norwegian and English): https://deltaker.tiv.no/no/participate/grunnleggende-brannvernopplaering-uib-2024-c2e062305f

Horizon Europe info day 28 May

This short information session aims to inform potential applicants about 3 new topics that have been added to the Cluster 1 ‘Health’ work programme of 2024.

Under the pillar 2 of Horizon Europe, Cluster 1 focuses on Health and aims to deliver on the following six destinations matching the Strategic Plan:

  • Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society
  • Living and working in a health-promoting environment
  • Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden
  • Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care
  • Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society
  • Maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health-related industry


“FRIPRO-løftet”, part 3: Proposal Reading Day

Are you considering applying for FRIPRO funding from the Research Council? This is the third workshop in the “FRIPRO-løftet” series.

27.05.2024 – 09.00–15.00

Workshop for researchers at all career levels, who are considering applying for funding for FRIPRO projects from the Research Council of Norway


Marie Sklodowska-Curie – Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions lie under the Excellent Science pillar of Horizon Europe. The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships  is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD degree who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. The scheme supports academic projects but does strongly encourage researchers to include project work in the non-academic sector.

Webinar by the Reserach Council of Norway for MSCA-PF applicants to Norwegian host institutions:

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships – Webinar (forskningsradet.no)

Online writing class 29.-30. May 2024:

Agenda 2024 MSCA-PF writing class.

Sign up by 28. May via the registration form.

Data café at the Faculty of Medicine 27 June

We are pleased to invite you to the next Data café at the Faculty of 
Medicine on the 27th of June from 12:00 to 15:00 in the conference room 
at the 9th floor of the BBB 
https://rom.app.uib.no/romInfo/q.php/408/9A110BP). We will enjoy a 
mingling lunch followed by two workshops:

1- David will give a new iteration of his workshop building large 
language models (LLMs) for text generation. This time we will try to 
make it more interactive and let you play with the code during the 
sessions, so it might be interested for some of you to take the workshop 

2- Jakub will give an introductory workshop on data visualization with 
python. If you are tired of spending hours on Excel/GraphPad, want to 
learn how to create publication-grade plots automatically using free 
software, and at the same time learn some good practices on data 
visualization, this is for you.

The workshops are entry-level, there is no prior requirement and all are 
welcome independently of their seniority or expertise.

To help us plan the food and workshops, please register at the link below: