Monthly Archives: October 2023

National investment in artificial intelligence

RCN invites to input meetings on investment in artificial intelligence, 5, 6 and 7 November.

We are also invited to provide written input by 8 November.

The research initiative has three main tracks

  1. Research on the consequences of artificial intelligence and other digital technology for society. Central topics will be democracy, trust, ethics, economics, rule of law, legal regulations, privacy, teaching and learning, art and culture.
  2. Digital technologies as a research area in themselves, i.e. research on artificial intelligence, digital security, next-generation ICT, new sensors and quantum technology.
  3. Research on how digital technologies can be used for innovation in industry and the public sector and how artificial intelligence can be used in research in many different disciplines.

We hope the academic communities will participate in the input meetings.


Dissertation Britt Engan – November 3rd

Lecture: Friday, November 3rd, 2023, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28
Topic: “Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health in Youth”

Photo/Illustration: Thomas Green

Dissertation Defense: Friday, November 3rd, 2023, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28
Dissertation Title: “Cardiac Function and Early Risk Markers for Cardiovascular Disease in Children and Young Adults Surviving Severe Childhood Disease”

Opponent: Researcher Bjørnar Grenne, NTNU
Opponent: Professor Jan Sunnegårdh, University of Gothenburg
Committee Member: Associate Professor Dana Cramariuc, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Camilla Tøndel.

Open to all interested parties.

Press refrence


Area in the Laboratory Building

The Faculty of Medicine has a substantial amount of space available at Campus Haukeland. Some of these areas are dedicated university spaces, such as the Building for Basic Biological sciences (BBB), while others are leased by Helse Bergen. These areas are, of course, central to teaching and research.

In recent years, the leasing costs have significantly increased. It is, therefore, necessary to assess whether the use of these spaces is optimal. K2 has access to a lot of research space in the Laboratory Building. Many of these spaces are more or less free, as part of the old Haukeland agreement, while some of the areas come with a price that is substantial. Since research activity related to “wet lab” is less today than before due to a shift in research activities towards more “dry lab” and the use of core facilities, we are now investigating the possibility of managing with somewhat less laboratory space. Any savings in leasing costs will benefit K2 and be positive for K2’s tight budget. This could provide us with more flexibility to reduce the number of positions that currently need to be frozen. A committee led by Silke Appel is examining this possibility.

We will return to the matter in an open process with comprehensive information and an opportunity for input and discussion if it turns out that this becomes relevant.

Have a great weekend!

Intensive Track 2024 – Call for Applications

The Female Science Talents Intensive Track goes into its third round! For the year 2024, we are looking for 20 exceptionally talented women in science from all disciplines to take part in our one-year intensive programme.

Benefits of the intensive track

The Intensive Track programme provides selected candidates with multiple opportunities:

  • Participate in two high-level landmark events in Berlin: the International Spring Gathering & International Fall Gathering as part of the Falling Walls Science Summit 2024, including travel scholarships for both events;
  • Take part in a series of online and in-person skill-enhancement workshops on topics such as leadership, business building, grant applications and more;
  • Peer exchange with fellow international young talents from all disciplines;
  • Get unique opportunities for networking with Female Science Talents role models and women leaders in academia, politics, business and the media, including our official partners (Bayer, The Elsevier Foundation, Foundation Medicine, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft);
  • Get opportunities for networking and peer exchange with Falling Walls community members, including Falling Walls Venture, Falling Walls Engage and Falling Walls Lab;
  • Become part an active part of the inspiring Female Science Talents community via events and related communications channels;
  • Benefit from an increased reach and visibility via the Falling Walls website and social media channels;
  • Opportunities for mentoring support with role models from academia, industry and related fields.

Selection Criteria

All PhD-students at the final stage of their research and postdocs or comparable qualification levels from all disciplines at university and non-university research institutions worldwide are eligible to participate.* We are looking for exceptional talents** who conduct inspiring research in their field.



Dear all,

Towards the end of the autumn break, I would like to encourage everyone to update their UiB profile pages. As most people will hopefully have been informed about, we are in the process of RCN’s evaluation for medicine and health, EVALMEDHELSE. In connection with this, it is important that our web pages are up to date. And by that I mean not only the pages of K2 and all our research groups (which in most cases need some updating), but also the personal page that all UiB employees have. This is something everyone can and should update (which, by the way, also applies to myself, I’m working on it)! In addition to contact information, where you can add a link to MazeMap so that visitors can more easily find you, you can inform about your expertise, ongoing research projects, teaching, dissemination, you can upload a CV and provide a link to social media. And not least: I encourage everyone to upload a photo!

Here you will find everything you need to make it happen (although unfortunately it does not give you more time to do so):



Have a great weekend!

Are you applying for research funding from RCN or elsewhere?

From 18 October, it is possible to submit a FRIPRO application to the Research Council

If you want to apply funding from the Research Council of Norway or any other external source, you should register your proposal here

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact your research adviser!

Masterproject to IBM

Dear all

The new students on the Master’s programme of biomedicine will be looking for projects this autumn and spring. We are therefore collecting project descriptions for them. Please use the attached form if you have projects for our students. The timeline of the projects is from June/august 2023 to June 2024.

Please send your project to by the 24th of October. We will distribute all the projects to the students on Mitt UIB after this deadline. The students are then encouraged to approach the supervisors of the projects they are interested in.

We also ask you to hand in the Master’s agreement (see attached file) 14 days after you have formally signed on a student, or let us know if a project is taken. Then we can update the list of available projects.

Please let me know if you have any questions about taking on a master student. 

Best, Bianca

Center seminar 30.10.23 on: Women’s Health, menopause, social security utilization and sustainable work participation

Associate professor Inger Haukenes and professor Silje Mæland present. Are YOU ready? Then bring your lunch box to meeting room 8.1-8.2 Laboratory building, Monday 30.10.23 @ 12-13. Coffee and tea will be served together with the Center cake. The event is open to all.

More details here. 

# Joint MED-CBU seminar

CBU will host a joint MED-CBU seminar open to all interested in
bioinformatics and data on the 19th of October at 11:15 in the Blåbær
room, høyteknologisenteret 5th floor. This will be followed by an
opportunity to mingle between the MED and CBU communities around *free
If you are interested in joining, please contact Marc
( so that we can plan the amount of pizza to order.
Please also include dietary requirements and whether you need assistance
of any kind.
Hoping that many of you will join,
Anagha and Marc