
Dear all!

This year’s first application round to NFR is in full swing, and several have already submitted an application to Researcher Projects for Scientific Renewal/Women’s Health and Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges. Our young researchers have an application deadline in a few weeks (Researcher Project for Young Talents (FRIPRO). NFR is now introducing changes that will be implemented from the FRIPRO calls for proposals published in the autumn, following a request from the Ministry of Education and Research to reduce the number of applications, limit the use of resources and increase funding to 25 per cent. In brief, it will be the following:

  • ongoing FRIPRO application processing
  • quarantine for applications awarded a mark of less than 5.5 (Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal) or 4.5 (Young Talents)
  • Once the FRIPRO application has been submitted, you as project manager will be given a 12-month waiting period before you can submit your next application.
  • you cannot be project managers for more than one FRIPRO project at a time
  • requirement of 6 years of post-doctoral experience for a Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal


More information can be found on NFR’s website (https://www.forskningsradet.no/en/news/2023/important-changes-in-the-research-councils-application-processing/).

Have a nice weekend!

Silke Appel

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