
Are you home?

Does your website show that you are an active employee, that you constantly publish ground-breaking research and that you are a media darling? If not, it might be time to update it.

All employees have an automatically generated personal page on uib.no. This contains contact information and formal information about your position, but it looks undeniably bare if you have not entered any self-selected information such as:

  • A portrait of yourself
  • A description of your competence, both as a researcher, teacher and communicator
  • Your research group and projects, consortia you are part of which may have their own website
  • Link to social media if you disseminate research there
  • Publications from CRISTIN

Feel free to use fields of competence, so that people looking for experts in immunology, diabetes, proteins or something else find you.

The K2 leaders encourages everyone to upload a photo of themselves as a minimum (but we accept that some do not want this for personal reasons), that you specify your subject/field of work and upload a link to publications in CRISTIN. You will find instructions on editing your personal page here: https://manual.uib.no/en/brand-guide/personal-page/

Why is this important? If you apply for funding from The Research Council of Norway, Helse Vest or EU funding, there is a relatively high chance that some of the evaluators will check out your page. If it looks like no one is at home, it is not positive for the evaluation.

Good luck

Eystein and Susanna

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