Strategy is currently being discussed both at the faculty and department levels; how can we become a better organization for research, teaching and dissemination – and in continuation of this, how should we make K2 and UiB a brand name that attracts the best students, staff and grants.
Even though we are individualists, it is about collaborating, having projects that are interdisciplinary. However, it does not stop there. We must have a good collaboration with the health trust if we are to win in the competition for research funding and be able to give our students the best teaching.
How to go about this strategy is not always obvious. Strategy is a management responsibility, but just as important is that all employees are involved in common projects and goals. This will be the topic of K2’s strategy seminar 24-25 February at Solstrand, and we in the leadership group hope that as many as possible can participate, not least from our campi outside Bergen.
Cooperation is built through meetings and common meeting places are important. Next Wednesday, the Annual Faculty Day will be held in Auditoriet AHH from 10-13. The same afternoon, Bjørn-Tore Gjertsen, the recipient of this year’s King Olav the V’s cancer research prize will be celebrated in “Store Auditorium”. Join in the celebration of those who have excelled over the past year and discuss collaboration and strategy with your colleagues
Eystein Husebye
Deputy Chairman