Monthly Archives: October 2020

«The show must go on!”

COVID-19 struck back just as we were starting to relax: The start of the semester coincided with a surge in the number of infected people, leading to justified worries and frustration. The order from the faculty was clear: teaching and learning activities were to be carried through in line with what was planned as far as possible, including clinical teaching. Samarbeidsutvalget for UoB and the hospitals agree that education must be prioritized, we cannot afford to lose a generation of students!

For those of us who engage in teaching or organizing of teaching and learning activities, the challenges have been plenty – but luckily so have the victories! Once again numerous lecturers and administrative staff have rolled up their sleeves and solved the task.

Julie has got hold of UoB laptops to lend out and upgrading of more rooms for zoom lectures is ongoing. We have managed to transform quite a lot of auditorium lectures to digital ones – often interactive and in real time using zoom, which is the preferred alternative. A substantial part of the group learning activities has been provided following adjustment of rooms and group sizes. Not least, we have been able to offer our students the clinical learning activities which is essential in order to turn them into good clinicians, despite all the worries springing from an ongoing pandemic.

In particular, I would like to thank the heads of teaching groups, UGLE, the heads of semester boards and semester coordinators, who are putting down a lot of work in evaluations regarding infectious control and adjustments, changes to the organizing of teaching and learning activities, and in answering a considerable amount of questions from students and staff. I would also like to thank all of the lecturers and clinicinans who read the information which is sent out and manage to implement the necessary adjustments and perhaps also find some good solutions. Some have even managed to produce research based on this – K2’s Geriatrics Group by Marit Stordal Bakken and Katinka Alme will present two posters on teaching in a European geriatrics congress: «The show must go on: Teaching Geriatric Medicine during Covid-19 lock-down».

From several angels, there is intense, ongoing activity to secure that exams, OSCE 12 in particular, can be carried through if at all possible given the state of the pandemic at the given time. OSCE general Rune Nielsen is making a tremendous effort in preparing solutions that are feasible given the need for infectious control – a difficult but important task. The show must go on!

National Security Awareness Month

October is National Security Awareness Month. The University of Bergen (UiB) therefore plans to have an extra special focus on information security in October.

UiB aims to be a safe and secure place to study and work, whether you are based at home or on campus. We therefore want all students and employees to be fully aware of security.

Many employees and students have already completed the e-learning course in Data protection and Information security on Mitt UiB in order to improve their knowledge of security. If you have not yet had the time to take the course, please do so now

We also recommend following the internal news channel På høyden this month (NO), which will highlight relevant subjects, such as challenges relating to working from home, where to find help and, not least, how to report a breach of IT security.

Click here to read more about National Security Awareness Month at UiB also provides a lot of helpful information about information security and data protection

A big thank you to Bergithe Oftedal for being our “frontrunner”

Bergithe was K2’s “frontrunner” in the Corona era and was our primary contact for questions regarding digital teaching. Now the faculty has decided to stop the frontrunner project. From now on, the study administration is first-line contact ( Moreover, there are many useful online resources available, this website ( is, for example, a good starting point for help with self-help. The learning lab also has many useful suggestions ( lab). On Teams, “K2 digital undervisning” is recommended for all lecturers. We have also purchased several PCs to borrow for teaching, contact Julie (

Proposal to Research Council of Norway 2021

In the newsletter two weeks ago we present changes in RCN’s (known as NFR) announcement for 2021. The early deadline combined with coming changes in UiB’s budgeting processes urges us to gain an overview of potential applicants as soon as possible. We fully understand that it is not easy to know if you will apply while still waiting for feedback from this years’ submission. We therefore give you an option to sign off for this. In addition, you are of course free to change your mind.

The form is very simple and we truly appreciate if you could cross of your choices in the few fields:


Online course in Health Research Act

The faculty has made a new online course in Health Research Act (MED-HELFORSK) which is accessible for everybody via mittuib. The course is mandatory for PhD fellows and from 2021 also for supervisors. Everybody is encouraged to take the course! Currently in Norwegian only but will soon be available in English.

PhD students: Posters for the Ocean Sustainability Conference In Bergen

Dear PhD students (even some who have already (just!) finished, some who are about to finish!!),

For the second year in a row, UiB will host the Ocean Sustainability Conference in Bergen, hosted by Ocean Sustainability Bergen (OSB) led by Prof. Lise Øvreås on November 11, 2020.

This year we invite motivated students from Mat.Nat., Social Science, Medicine and Law, indeed ALL faculties, to present posters on their research related to Ocean biodiversity, sustainability, blue carbon, marine innovation, marine exploration, seafood, human health, policy and climate change themes. We will host a hybrid conference this year, with most participants following online and some in the Aula. Thus, we are thinking a bit out-of-the-box when it comes to the poster session:

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New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 8 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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