Daily Archives: Friday February 14th, 2020

Education Awards and Teaching Day

Does your research group /UoB-unit know an excellent teacher or an excellent teaching environment? If so: you may nominate them for the Faculty’s educational awards! The nomination may be promoted by an environment (research group, academic environment, institute but not by an individual).

There are no specific price categories, but one main prize of NOK       150 000 is awarded, and up to two more prices of 50 000 each!

What may be the basis for nomination?
• Quality-enhancing measures in education
• Excellent teaching
• Digitalization of education
• Internationalization
• Testing of new teaching and assessment forms
• High quality in practical teaching
• Student active learning
• Innovation in education

The nomination must contain a description of the measure in question, show what results have been achieved and mention the transfer value and further plans for the measure. The institute and program committee may deliver the nomination via Ephorte, student organizations and other entities send it via e-mail to eirik.dalheim@uib.no. Deadline for nominations: 24th of February!

Moving on to the Teaching Day 01.04. (no it’s not April Fool …)
We will show You How to create your educational portifolio (will be required for future academic positions), practical use of MCQ in Mitt UiB and Martin Biermann will talk about how to use e-learning platforms to promote learning. After lunch, we sum up the OSCE (objective structured clinical exam) –experiences , and we may all take part in groups creating new OSCE  tasks that may be included in the exam database. Please register here.

Norwegian: Forskingsdag på Kvinneklinikken 26. mars

26. mars arrangerer KK, i samarbeid med UiB, sin eigen forskingsdag. Fødselshjelp og kvinnesjukdommar engasjerer bredt og vi ønskjer å fortelje alle interesserte om kva vi forskar på, kvifor, kva resultata seier og korleis vi brukar ny kunnskap.

Vi kan lokke med nokon av landets dyktigaste kvinnehelseforskarar, og tør påstå at du ikkje bør gå glipp av å høyre på dei spennande og aktuelle debattantane i panelet vi jobbar med å setje saman.

Første halvdel av programmet vil vere retta mot fagmiljø og andre forskarar (kl. 14-16). Andre halvdel av arrangementet er ope for alle med korte publikumsvennlege presentasjonar, før vi avsluttar med paneldebatt om forsking og kvinnehelse (kl. 17-19).

K2 sine involverte forskningsgrupper på KK (Line Bjørge, Cathrine Ebbing og Camilla Krakstad) er hjarteleg til stade og viser fram si forskning.

Tid: kl. 14.00–19.00 (mingling & mat kl. 16.oo–17.00)

Stad: Auditoriet, 4. et. Kvinneklinikken på Haukeland universitetssjukehus

Det blir enkel servering

Meir utfyllande program kjem snart, men du kan allereie melde deg på her meld deg på her

Vel møtt!

Beste helsing frå forskingsmiljøet på KK/UiB

Data Management Planning workshop for Life Science Projects 04.03.

Are you planning to submit a grant application for a life science
research project? This course will cover how you can generate a data
management plan which meets the requirements of the funding organisations.

When: 04.03.2020 – 09.00–16.00
Where: UiB Learning Lab Store læringsrom i Media City
Bergen, Lars Hilles gate 30
Registration deadline: 26.02.2020

For more information about the work shop and registration click here.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 8 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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