Daily Archives: Friday April 26th, 2019

Back in town from Cambridge and Boston!

In addition to being at Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, I worked one day a week at the Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). This is a public hospital located in downtown Boston and is considered by many to be one of the world’s best hospitals. Here, the world’s first ether anesthesia was performed, where a number of interested doctors observed the incident, see the legendary image (hanging in The Ether Dome; find the error!). I participated in several Grand Rounds in endocrinology in this room. The level of these was impressive. Assistant doctors gave presentations that were very detailed, and biochemistry and genetics were carefully dissected. There was plenty of time for discussions where seniors were very active. The first time I was there, it was full flap. The two presentations were about MODY and hyperinsulin, respectively. These are two disease groups that I have worked a lot with as a clinician and researcher for many years!

Otherwise, at MGH every week there is a presentation of a case for all doctors in education and other interested. These include supplementary information from several doctors involved in investigation and treatment. Own personnel write up what is said and the one who held the presentation finally publishes it in the New England Journal of Medicine. I was attending my boss, Professor Jose Florez MD PhD, his presentation of an unusual case of gestational diabetes. The presentation was just amazing. It was elegant and to the point, easily explained but still detailed when it comes to investigation and treatment. In addition, he included state-of-the-art at the research front in the field. The presentation was with a decent portion of humor so it didn’t get boring. The presentation was of great inspiration when it comes to, for example, teaching of students. Our teaching should be research-based. It must be updated. The students are particularly pleased with lecturers who are inspiring. It often doesn’t take much more than giving a little bit of oneself and with a smile occasionally. Then the students better follow the talk.

Have a great weekend!

(Norwegian) Det medisinske fakultet er resertifisert som Miljøfyrtårn

Fakultetet ble resertifisert som Miljøfyrtårn den 9. april etter en resertifiseringsprosess som startet høsten 2018. Resertifiseringen inkluderer instituttene, sentrene og fakultetsadministrasjonen.

For å bli resertifisert som Miljøfyrtårn, har fakultetet dokumentert at vi oppfyller en rekke krav innen det systematiske HMS-arbeidet, i tillegg til krav innen avfall, innkjøp, transport og energi.

Å være Miljøfyrtårn forplikter oss som institusjon og som enkeltansatte til å gjøre miljøbevisste valg i hverdagen. Miljøsertifikatet er gyldig i 3 år. Når det skal fornyes i 2022, må fakultetet kunne dokumentere at vi er blitt enda bedre.

På UiBs nettside finnes eksempler på hvordan både ansatte og studenter, kan bidra.

(Norwegian) Frokostmøte om Kinas ambisiøse klimatiltak

Kommende mandag er det duket for nok et Frokostmøte med fokus på Kina.

Sted: Bergen Global (CMI)
Tid: mandag 29.april kl. 08:30.

Her møter man klimaforsker Nils Gunnar Kvamstø og Kina-forsker Ole Johannes Kaland i en samtale om Kina, klimapolitikk og forskningssamarbeid mellom Norge og Kina.

Fint om dere kan hjelpe med å dele denne linken, og invitasjonen (gjerne også til studenter), meget bredt, slik at de fleste som er interessert kan få med seg arrangementet.

Dere finner omtale her.

Lenke til omtale på Facebook her.

De som kommer på Frokostmøtet får servert gratis croissanter, kaffe og te.

Spetses Summer School on Epigenomics, Nuclear Receptors and Disease 

We would like to draw your attention to our upcoming Spetses Summer School on Epigenomics, Nuclear Receptors and Disease (FEBS Advanced Lecture Course ALC19-046) at Spetses Island/Greece from August 25 – 30, 2019.

Unlike ordinary larger meetings, the summer school is highly interactive and allows the participants to actually meet and discuss with all lectures for full four days during and beyond the many different program activities.

For information and application see our website.

The deadline for applications is May 6. 

Merck Life Science (Sigma Aldrich) invites you to a free seminar in Bergen

The seminar is a Cell biology seminar.

Also Josefine Jaxby from Corning will be at Seminar if you have questions about Corning products.

Hopefully you can send it forward to people that might be interested in this Seminar at your department.

Speaker: Marina Wiklander, PhD
Date: 08.05.2019
Time: 08:30 – 12.00

Location: Thormøhlensgt 55 (N-terminalen, romnr. 520B1), 5.etg., Bioblokken 

  1. Cell Identity and Authentication: What’s in your flask?
    Cell line misidentification is one of the greatest threats to the validity of research in the 21st century. With cell culture key to most life science research it is vitally important that any practitioner of cell culture is aware of the magnitude of the problem and be able to employ resources and strategies to ensure valid results. 
  2. Trouble Shooting in Cell Culture
    Overview of the global cell culture process, where and why problems could be encountered (poor growth and viability, low adherence, mycoplasma detection, phenotypic drift). A chance for customers to “share their problems”. 
  3. Moving from 2D to 3D cell culture?: 3D Neural Stem Cell Models of Alzheimer’s Disease
    Introduction of 3D cell culture technologies provided us with improved model for cellular research for drug discovery and other medical applications. Combination of 3D cell technology with stem cell research helped us to establish a relevant disease model in order to understand the pathology of the dementia and also improve the development of drugs.Based on publication by Kim et. al who created a three-dimensional (3D) human neural stem cell model of Alzheimer’s disease, we would like to introduce this model as a valuable tool to study age-related Alzheimer’s dementia as well as other neurodegenerative disorders.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 8 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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