Daily Archives: Friday November 23rd, 2018

Document flow at K2

To lead the institute is a rewarding but busy job. Although our job is to serve you we do not always want to stay put in the office. This can be challenging if some of the employees need a signature in a hurry (and some of you are always in a hurry). Like many of you we receive an ever increasing number of e-mails every day and the few important one sometimes are lost in the crowd or disappear below the horizon and are forgotten.

To secure adequate and expedient document handling, applications for PHD programme, thesis evaluation, material transfer agreements, etc, must be sent to the administration, either Irene Hjelmaas or Julie. They will secure, save and ready the documents for signature and we will sign as fast as possible.

Have a nice weekend when that time comes

Eystein and Julie

(Norwegian) Diabetespris til Dankel

Simon Nitter Dankel ved Klinisk institutt 2 mottok Diabetesforbundets forskningspris for 2018 for sin diabetes- og fedmeforskning.

Prispengene på 50 000 kroner går til et pågående prosjekt på en metabolitt som skilles ut av fettceller, og som har sterk sammenheng med utvikling av type 2 diabetes. Vi tror metabolitten kan måles i blodet som en biomarkør, for å fange opp type 2 diabetes som er i utvikling på et tidlig stadium, sier Dankel.

Les mer her.

K2 gratulerer!

Public PhD defense, week 48

Tina Fonnes will defend his PhD thesis on Friday, November 30th, 2018

Trial lecture: Friday 30 November 2018 at 09.15
Topic: “Radiomics/Radiogenomics – A potential tool to improve diagnosis and treatment in endometrial cancer?”
Place:  Aud. Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

Public defense: Friday 30 November 2018 at 11.15
Title of dissertation: “Preclinical models and molecular biomarkers – tools to improve treatment in endometrial carcinoma”
Place:  Aud. Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

1st opponent:Professor Tone Frost Bathen, NTNU – the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
2nd opponent:Professor Miguel Abal Posada, University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
3rd member of the comittee: Researcher Karianne Fjeld, University of Bergen

The defense will be led by Professor Francisco Gomez Real, University of Bergen

Press release (in Norwegian)

Reminder: The Annual Research Presentations by the Research School in Clinical Medicine

Dear Researchers from the Department of Clinical Medicine (K1), Department of Clinical Science (K2) and Helse-Bergen. You are hereby invited to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience at the 13th Annual Research Presentations arranged by the Research School in Clinical Medicine 23rd-25th January 2019.

If you have presented a poster or had an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or a conference in 2018, you are welcome to present your work at our conference. You can submit one contribution – either a poster or an oral presentation.

Poster presentation:

  • Each poster presenter give a short presentation of the poster to a scientific committee (around 3 minutes including questions from the scientific committee).
  • Posters should be submitted as PDF files. Please check the quality thoroughly before you submit your poster. We will print out the posters on a poster banner.

Oral presentations:

  • 10 minutes for each oral presentation + 5 minutes for discussion.
  • Please send us your PowerPoint presentation through e-mail before the event.
  • Oral presentations held at meetings in 2018 can be presented in their original form, but given that the audience will be a general medical one, it may be wise to include some additional background information.
  • Note: Due to time limitations, there will be a limit of 20 oral presentations. Only the first 20 to submit their oral presentations will be able to participate.


A scientific committee appointed by the Research School will evaluate all presentations held by PhD students and postdocs. Prizes will be awarded to the best posters/presentations. Building on last years success, we will also this year have a “People’s Choice Award”.


Send abstract (if oral presentations) or abstract+poster (if poster presentation) to forskningspresentasjoner.forskerskolen@uib.no. Abstract should be possible to open with Microsoft Word and posters should be sent as PDF. NB: Mark the file(s) and your mail’s subject with your name, the affiliation you have (K1, K2 or Helse-Bergen) and if you are a PhD student or postdoc/researcher. Specify whether you want to have an oral or poster presentation. As in previous years, we would like to have a short Norwegian summary which is easy to understand for the general audience (typically 5 sentences long in a Word document).

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us through the e-mail address provided above.

Deadline for submission: 1st of December 2018.

The Centre for Nutrition Seminar series, Wednesday 28 September

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB invites to a new seminar in the series of lectures on nutrition. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday November 28th at 14.30-15.30

Venue: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei

Food Carbohydrates: Can food technology help in the prevention of life style diseases?

Simon Ballance, Senior Research Scientist, Nofima AS, Oslo

Sustained postprandial hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia in healthy adults are strongly associated with an increase in the risk of developing type-2 diabetes/and or metabolic syndrome.

Moderator: Gülen Arslan Lied

There will be light refreshments.


There will also be an extra seminar series on Wednesday December 5th at 14.30-15.30, with Anne-Marie Aas from University of Oslo. More info to come.

(Norwegian) Hjertefondet

Kjære kollegaer,

Vi vil minne om fristen for søknader om økonomisk støtte fra Hjertefondet ved Universitet i Bergen 01.12.18.

Se mer her.

Hjertefondet har i 2018 til utdeling 100.000,-

Alle søknader vil gjennomgå fagfellevurdering der det tas hensyn til:

  1. Vitenskapeligkvalitet på prosjektet
  2. Prosjektetgjennomførbarhet
  3. Prosjektets verdi for Hjertefondet

Det kan også søkes om større beløp til større prosjekter som Rådet for Hjertefondet etter fagfellevurdering, vil prøve å skaffe midler til fra andre kilder. Rådets medlemmer ønsker å bidra til å skaffe finansiell støtte til viktige prosjekter innen hjerteforskning i Bergen. Gjennom de vel 25 årene Hjertefondet har eksistert, har det blitt samlet inn nesten 25 millioner kroner.

Vi håper at du vil søke om midler fra Hjertefondet og imøteser en oversiktlig søknad med mål, delmål, prosjektplan, budsjett og vitenskapelig betydning. Vi vil også ha informasjon om det er søkt eller søkes om midler fra andre kilder. Dette har betydning hvis vi skal prøve å skaffe midler til prosjektet fra andre kilder.

Vedlagt søknaden bes det også om en kortfattet populærvitenskapelig beskrivelse av prosjektet.

Søknaden sendes
Hjertefondet ved Prof. Nina Øyen
Institutt for Global helse og Samfunnsmedisin
Universitetet i Bergen
Postboks 7408
5018 Bergen

Eller pr. e-mail: nina.oyen@uib.no

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 3 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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