Monthly Archives: September 2018

Åsgard 2019

The Research Council of Norway and the department of Scientific and academic cooperation of the Institut français de Norvège (French Embassy in Oslo) announce the launch of the Åsgard programme 2019.

This programme is composed of two different calls:

  • Åsgard-Research is designed for researchers willing to develop collaborations between France and Norway. It funds a one-week stay in France, allowing the researcher to meet counterparts in universities and research institutions.
  • Åsgard-Innovation is designed for professionals working in technology transfer structures, clusters etc. and aims at exchanging good practices as well as creating new collaborations. It also funds a one-week stay in France.

The programme of visits will be established with the help of the Institut français who will suggest relevant contacts.

Applications are open from September 15th to December 15th. The stay has to take place in 2019. For information and application, please visit their website.

Welcome to first aid course for laboratory staff

The first aid course in the laboratory is offered to employees who have the laboratory as a workplace.

Course content:
First aid in the laboratory is a one-day course that includes introduction to lifesaving first aid, CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and handling of various injuries that may occur in a laboratory.

The goal of the course is that the participants will acquire sufficient skills to assist with first aid in emergency situations at the workplace.

The course is held both in Norwegian and English. Registration and agenda (One of the course below is in English):

Fredag 09.11.18 kl. 09.00-15.00, C. G. Sunds hus, møterom A og B  (No).  Elektronisk påmelding  Påmelding innen 02.11.18

Mandag 12.11.18 kl. 09.00-15.00, C. G. Sunds hus, møterom A og B  (No).  Elektronisk påmelding   Påmelding innen 05.11.12

Tirsdag 13.11.18 kl. 09.00-15.00, C. G. Sunds hus, møterom A og B   (Eng) Elektronisk påmelding   Registration deadline 06.11.18

(Norwegian) Veilederseminar i Stavanger for ph.d.-veiledere ved Det medisinske fakultet

Veilederen er en nøkkelperson for ph.d.-utdanningen. Det medisinske fakultet har i flere år hatt samlinger for sine ph.d.-veiledere og høsten 2018 tilbyr vi en halv dag med faglig påfyll og inspirasjon også i Stavanger.

For mer info og program se her.

Tid: 21.november 2018 – 12.00-16.00
Sted: Auditoriet i Vestbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Påmeldingsfrist: 13.november 2018

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 12 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading

Relay baton transferred

I will act as Head of Department for the next 6 months in Pål Njølstad’s absence. Emmet McCormack will be my deputy, while Silke Appel and Jone Trovik continue in their roles as Vice Heads for research and teaching, respectively. The administrative team and I will do our best to solve the tasks ahead of us in a good way.

One of the issues we are working with is the strategy plan. The existing plan expires at the end of the year, but we have now extended it for one year to get more time to work out a new one. In March we will invite to whole institute to a retreat at Solstrand as a substitute for next year’s strategy seminar and institute day. The new strategic plan will be a central theme at the retreat. External funding will be a key issue for discussions. Another point is the allocation of positions. The legislative changes that reduce our opportunity to hire persons temporary will give the department challenges over time, but I am confident that we will manage to solve these issues in a good way together.

Finally, I wish all our talented employees good luck with the applications to Helse-Vest.


Migration Conference: Health in All We Do

15-16 November 2018, Bergen University Aula

Welcome to the UiB conference on migration health! The conference is organized by the University of Bergen in collaboration with Norwegian Centre for Migration and Minority Health (NAKMI), the University of Oslo and the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

Registration deadline: 15 October, 2018

The conference will be a meeting place where researchers, representatives from health services, volunteer actors and users enter into dialogue and actively listen to each other’s messages and experiences. Large gaps between research results, practice and patient needs can lead to unequal health care and poor health outcomes for some immigrant groups.

Research on “migration and health” has increased in scope in recent years, but there is little collaboration between academic disciplines, but also between health institutions nationally. Our vision is to provide politicians and the society with relevant, useful and up-to-date information that can help improve health care for all, including immigrants.

Programme here.

K2 Annual Retreat

K2 arranges the second Annual Retreat for PhDs and postdocs employed at the department. The event has both an academic and social profile, where the overall aim is to promote communication and collaboration between our different research environments. This year’s event will be at Vatnahalsen in Myrdal, on October 25-26. We invite all interested PhDs and postdocs to sign up by September 16. 

Display of BIFF film Monday 24 September: Picture perfect

Also this year, K2 organizes the display of one of the year’s BIFF films. The movie is open and free for all.

This year, the choice fell on “Picture perfect” by Ida Kleppe. The film will be subtitled in English. More about the movie here:

Welcome to a BIFF movie experience at work, hope to see many of you there.

Best regards Julie

Time and place: Large auditorium, Sentralblokken. Monday 24th September, 14.30

(Norsk) Vi sees på Innovasjonsuken OPP!

Under en måned til årets store arrangement for de som er interessert i innovasjon, entreprenørskap, ny teknologi, finurlige løsninger og fremtidens tjenester! Årets arrangement blir større, bredere og enda fetere!

OPPdag vår innholdsrike festivalkalender
40 arrangement er allerede på plass. Flere er under planlegging og det er enda tid til å bli med som arrangør. Sjekk ut festivalkalenderen og meld deg på arrangement på

OPPlev noen smakebiter fra programmet:

*   Grand Opening sammen med Bergen Design Festival på GRAND Selskapslokaler
*   Det vil yre rundt på Marineholmen under «OPPlev Marineholmen»
*   Flere «Design Mornings» arrangementer
*   «Stormkast», “Sysla Live” & “Nuwave” gründermesse i Grieghallen
*   «Give A Job» er en viktig inkluderingsarena for å vise frem innvandrere og flyktningers kompetanse for potensielle arbeidsgivere i regionen vår
*   Som alltids blir det «DNB NXT» & “MeetCorprates” hos DNB i Solheimsviken
*   Innovasjon Norge inviterer til flere kurs og samlinger flere steder i regionen
*   Bergen Teknologioverføring og Impact HUB har flere arrangement iløpet av uken
*   «Bergen Brainstorm» i regi av studentgruppen Start UIB, «Show & Tell» på Fabrikken på HVL og “Early Stage” er gode initiativer for studentmiljøet i Bergen
*   54 timers hackathon under «Startup Weekend Bergen»
… og enda er det mange spennende arrangement på gang!

Det finnes også andre relevante arrangementer relatert til innovasjon og brukermedvirkning:

Oslo Innovation Week går av stabelen 24. – 26. september. Du finner programmet her.

Cutting Edge Festival er et samarbeid med en rekke ulike samarbeidspartnere, deriblant UiO. Inngår som en del av Oslo Innovation Week og avholdes 25. september. Les mer her.