Monthly Archives: May 2017

Introduction course for new employees at UoB

It is important for UoB to support new employees in a situation which for both parties are an important transition and establishment process. Therefore, UoB organizes introduction courses for new employees.

This course is offered to all new employees, regardless of job size and title. Therefore, the units at UoB should facilitate so that new employees are able to participate in this event. The course addresses general topics of being an employee at UiB. In addition, it is a great opportunity to get to know other staff members at the institution.

The HR department arranges introduction courses for new employees twice a year. All information will be provided in Norwegian. The university employs many foreign workers, and therefore organizes separate introduction courses in English.

Time: 2 June, at. 09:00–15:00.
Location: Stein Rokkans hus, Nygårdsgaten 5, Auditorium 1080.

Registration (link in Norwegian)
Deadline for registration: 26 May.

Broegelmann Research Laboratory marks 60 years of research

k2nytt_2017_uke-19_laboratory-work_broegelmann-research-laboratoryThe Broegelmann Research Laboratory was initiated in 1957 after a donation to the University of Bergen, and is internationally one of the leading research groups on experimental, clinical and genetic studies of Sjögren’s syndrome. After 60 years of research in immunology and rheumatology, the laboratory marks the anniversary for invited guests with a seminar about the unit’s history and research activities.

Time: Tuesday 16 May 2017 at. 10:00–14:00.
Location: Bikuben kurs- og konferansesenter (the old canteen), Haukeland University Hospital.

The seminar is only for invited guests due to capacity constraints. Interested parties may contact Kate Frøland.

Program (link in Norwegian)

Centre for Nutrition | Seminar series | Friday 19 May

k2nytt_2017_uke-19_logo_centre-for-nutritionThe Centre for Nutrition has the pleasure to invite you to the second seminar in our new series of seminars with lectures on nutrition from researchers from home and abroad. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Friday 19 May, at 14:30–15:30
Venue: Auditorium 4, The BB-building (map)

Plant foods and adiposity and risk of chronic diseases and mortality: results from systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Dagfinn Aune, School of Public Health, Imperial College, London

Moderator: Simon Dankel

There will be light refreshments. Welcome!

Conference: Translational Medicine 2017

k2nytt_2017_uke-19_logo_translational-medicineThis is a kind reminder that the call for abstracts and posters for the conference Translational Medicine 2017 (24–26 September 2017 in Prague) is two weeks away from closing.

The conference is looking for high quality abstracts for oral or poster presentations for the following two categories:

  1. Novel approaches in clinical development (25 September)

Scope: novel biology or tools for patient selection & response prediction, cases of novel approaches to clinical trials.

  1. Developing more predictive preclinical tools to better reach proof of concept (26 September)

Scope: novel pre-clinical models with high predictive value, including new screening technologies for toxicity or efficacy, novel models predictive of biodistribution.

More information on abstract submission can be found here.

NorDoc and Nordic PhD Summit

The faculty participates in a Nordic network for research education in medicine and health science, called NorDoc. The purpose of this network is to establish a joint platform and collaborate on activities and courses, and the network recently applied for NordForsk funds for further development of its activities and courses.

NorDoc will now host a Nordic PhD Summit on 21–22 August. PhD candidates participating here, may get 1 credit (ECTS) approved in their training component. Program and more information can be found here.

Reduced attendance fee upon registration before 19 June. The fee will be doubled after this deadline.

Feel free to contact Kaia Nepstad or Roland Jonsson if you have questions about this.

Reminder about the Postgraduate School of Medical Research’s Network Luncheon

k2nytt_2017_uke-17_ileana-cristeaDear all,

The Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research is preparing a new Network Luncheon for all PhD fellows and researchers at K1 and K2 departments. Take a break from your daily lab-routine and enjoy a free lunch, socialize, and hear talks from fellow PhD students, and on top of all that, earn one ECTS point!

The upcoming Network Luncheon will take place on Tuesday 23 May in the Konferanserom of BBB (in front of auditoriums 2 and 4), from 11:30 a.m. to 13:00 p.m.

Now is the time to sign up as a presenter, if you would like to present your latest results, engage in discussion with other PhD students, and practice your presentation skills.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have! Looking forward …

Ileana Cristea, MSc, PhD fellow

New names

Sushma Bartaula-BrevikWe present Sushma Bartaula, PhD from University of Bergen. Sushma started her work in May 2017 as a post doctor at K2 and works in Burseruds Research Group (G5).
She will work on characerizing the pathways in leukemia cells from pations With acute myelogen leukemia, and especially the interaction wand communication betwen diffrent signaling pathways, under the guidance of Professor Øystein Bruserud. If anyone wants to say hello, you can find her in the 3rd floor of the lab-building


Innovation seminar this coming week

helgeNext week, innovation is in focus. Together with the Department of Biomedicine, we have invited Ulf Landegren, Professor of Molecular Medicine at the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology and SciLifeLab, in Uppsala to hold the CCBIO / BBB seminar on Thursday 11.5 at 1430 in Auditorium 4, BBB.

In addition, there will be a lecture on innovation at 8.30 at BBB, room 9A109 on the 9th floor aimed at research group leaders. There will also be an opportunity to meet Ulf for individuall conversation. If you like to have an individual meeting with Ulf we your need feedback, preferably within the next Tuesday through email to Eystein or Helge.

Ultrafiolett EysteinUlf Landegren is distinguished both through outstanding scientific efforts, but also because he has over 40 patents and applications that have been commercialized. He has started a total of six companies and two of them have been sold to Affymetrix and Agilent, respectively.

We hope to see you at a seminar with Ulf Landegren next week.

Good weekend wishes

Eystein og Helge