Monthly Archives: November 2016

Public PhD Defence, Week 47

Louise Jeanette Pauline Persson

Louise Jeanette Pauline Persson will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, November 25th, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, November 25th, 2016 at 09:15
Topic:  “Vitamin D and pulmonary disease – what is the evidence for a beneficial effect?”
Place:  Auditorium 2, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Friday, November 25th, 2016 at 11:15
Place:  Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Vitamin D and antimicrobial peptides in COPD: Results from the Bergen COPD Cohort Study”
1st opponent: Universitetslektor, ph.d. Peter Bergman, Karolinska Institutet, Sverige
2nd opponent:Førsteamanuensis Anne Hildur Henriksen, NTNU

Press release (in Norwegian)

Course for PhD students in Tromsø

Dear PhD students and supervisors,

Join us for three days of hands-on training and laboratory demonstrations on experimental methods to assess cardiac energy consumption and function.

Training will be performed using:

1)      an intact large animal model
2)      exvivo mouse heart
3)      isolated mitochondria

The course also offers opportunities to discuss your own PhD project and how this relates to the methods presented.

This exclusive event is limited to 8 participants, so register early!

Where: Tromsø
When: January 17th – 19th 2017
Application deadline: December 1st 2016

Refund of travel expenses is available to all NORHEART-student members.

Click for further information and registration.

Workshop: Interactions and cross-talk between cardiac signalling pathways

Dear PhD students and supervisors!

Join us for the CHFR workshop ”Interactions and cross-talk between Cardiac signaling pathways” Time: Monday December 5th 2016, 11:30 – 16:30
Place: Rikshospitale B: Green auditorium 1.

-Invited lectures by Professor Emilio Hirsch and Alessanadra Ghigo from University of Torino, Italy, world leading experts on potential drug targets in inflammation and cardiocascular dysfunction.
-Presentations and discussions of ongoing CHFR Projects
– A unique opportunity for New Insight and fruitful discussions With colleagues With shared Research interests.
-Free lunch for all registed participants!
NORHEART will cover COSTs for travel and accommodation for PhD students.
Registration deadline: November 30th 2016 at 23:00

Click here for program and registration.

This CHFR workshop is orginized by Lise Romàn Moltzau and Finn Olav Levy, Department of Pharmacology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital

Horizon Lecture Thursday, December 1 in Egget – Kenneth Hugdahl: Auditory Hallucinations: Two landings Voice That do not exist

Welcome to a Horizons lecture Thursday 1 of December in Egget at Studentsenteret

Kenneth Hugdahl:  Auditory hallucinations: To hear voices that do not exist

Refreshments (hopefully included “julegløgg”) will be served from 15.45,  prior to the lecture which starts at 16.15, on Thursday 1 of December in Egget at Studentsenteret.

Everybody is welcome!

The lecture is held in English.



øøWill you be sending Christmas gifts to foreign countries, it’s okay to look at the deadlines. For Christmas mail in Norway recommended December 16th, packets will broadcast time will increase by up to 2 days from December 12th.

To help you make sure that your Christmas letters and packages  will be received before Christmas, we recommend sending by the dates specified for each country.

Here are the deadlines for sending letter: A-Priority

Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland – December 16th
Rest of Europe – December 14th
The United States and Canada – December 12th
Other countries in the world – December 5th

Regular delivery time:
A-priority earliest 2-6 days in Europe and the earliest 4-8 days to the rest of the world
B-priority: Earliest 4-10 days in Europe and 10-14 days earlier than the rest of the world.

Here are the deadlines for Christmas packages:
Package abroad – (carryon) Finland, Iceland, Sweden and Denmark – December 14th.
Other countries in the world and express consignments (Quickpack) – last ned pdf her. (dowload pdf here)

Briefing on preliminary translasjonal announcement in ERA-NET for Translational Cancer Research (TRAN SCAN)

Cancer Society wishes to provide information about preliminary announcement in ERA-NET for translational cancer research – TRAN SCAN

The theme for the upcoming announcement is Minimally and non-invasive methods for early detection and / or progression of cancer. You can read more about the call on the NCS and TRAN SCAN their websites, see here and here 

Norwegian researchers are encouraged already now to prepare their participation in the announcement.