Dear Colleague,
The Government’s goal is to stimulate active seniors with emphasis on opportunities in employment and society. The Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD) works with a strategy for a modern senior policy (see Public Health Report. St. 19 2014-2015) and need to get an overview of ongoing age-related research in various research environments, both social science, medical and health care research. HOD has asked The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) in collaboration with NOVA to create such an overview. Age Research is a broad term, and HOD is also interested in knowing about the research in which the elderly (50 years and up) and aging are not directly aim for research, but which can shed light on factors that are important for aging, such as employment research.
We need your help to get the best possible overview and hereby ask you to give a brief account of the relevant age-related research at your institute. We have created a short form with six points. If you feel that neither you nor your department operate with age-related research, we will also be happy to get your feedback. For larger institutions and institutes, we also want information about the department or faculty where you work. The information will be compiled into a brief report to the HOD that will also be also sent to all who have provided information. We hope you can help us and look forward to your feedback, within October 10, 2015. Please contact us if you have any additional comments or questions. Here are the six points we want you to answer shortly:
1. Name and address of the institution (and URL)
2. Does not have age-related research / Have age-related research: Brief summary of ongoing research on aging field.
3. How many scientists at your institute work with age related research full- or part-time?
4. Short on how this research is organized and funded (you may distinguish between internal and external funding).
5. Does the department / organization have a strategy for the age-related research – e.g. mentioned in policy documents? Provide a brief description of the strategy.
6. Do you have national and international partners in this research?
See the attached example of how The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has reported its age-related research.
Marijke Veenstra (NOVA) Bjørn Heine Strand (FHI)
E-mail: E-mail:
Tel: 902 302 54 Tel: 990 052 86