Financial status at K2

Per BakkeFor the most part of last year, the financial situation at K2 was a recurring topic in this column and at various meetings. The general tone was that there was a large deficit. As late as November last year, I presented a prognosis which showed that by 2017 we would accumulate a total deficit of kr 18 million, even if we phase out all current positions where natural retirement will occur. After meetings with the Dean’s office we received a permanent compensation for part of our salary expenses.

This, in addition to us cutting expenses to the bone, has resulted in K2 achieving financial balance by March this year. The salary expenses reveal an underutilization of 0.5 million NOK in relation to the budget, which is caused by leave of absences and sick leaves. The prognosis thus predicts that the financial situation at K2 will be in balance this year.

The final deficit last year turned out to be kr 3.1 million. We are in dialogue with the faculty regarding a back-payment plan for this. Even though the situation remains tight, we are about to acquire control of the financial situation. The next goalwill be a situation where the institute has room for financial maneuvering. I will return with more information about this.


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