Dear all PhDs and PostDocs at K2,
We are pleased to invite you to the next K2 Junior Retreat, which will be held at Scandic Hotel Voss on November 22-23 (lunch-to-lunch). We will take the train together from Bergen on the morning of November 22, and return in the afternoon on the 23rd.
The idea of the annual retreat is to have an educational, social and inspirational meeting place for you, the younger members of our department. There will be Flash Talks (short presentations of your projects), science group work and other scientific and practical input relevant to you as an early career scientist/employee.
We will soon share the program and open the registration. Until then, please save the dates. We strongly encourage you to not miss out – and all is paid for by K2!
Best wishes,

Foto: Sara Finne
The Organizing Committee (Simon Dankel, Elvira Viñegra, Ester Kringeland, André Sulen, Katrin Kleinsmann, Pernille Svalastoga)