
  1. DIA 27th Annual Euro meeting

Development, Innovation, Access and Patient Safety. Issues across the entire drug development value chain. 13-15 April 2015, Paris, France.

 2 Driving forces behind research and innovation. The Focus on Business Seminar 2015: From curiosity to success. Oslo, 21 April


  1. BIO-NANO match-making seminar for new joint Call on industry-relevant research in autumn 2015 (NANO2021 and BIONÆR). Oslo, 21 April

 4 Hvordan bli professor i Norge? Information and discussion about the path to professorship.

Oslo, 27 April

 New5. 10th NRI-Conference: Nordic Cooperation for Future Health and Challanges. Bergen, 4-5 May.

 New6 Preannouncement: European IPR Helpdesk seminar “From Invention to Innovation” – Strategies for the Successful Exploitation. 12 – 13 May 2015, Bergen. More info comes here.

 New7. Webinar: Impact and Innovation in H2020 – a Guide for Proposers. 27 May 10.30-11.45. The registration will open 3 weeks in advance of the webinar.

 8. 2nd EATRIS conference: Building Bridges in Translational Medicine.

Amsterdam, 27-28 May 2015

 9. Conference EnGendering excellence. Gender is a cross-cutting issue in Horizon 2020. Distinguished international researchers will present why sex/gender analysis is crucial for the quality of their research. RCN, Oslo, 4-5 June 2015

 10. EuroNanoForum 2015: the largest European conference on nanotechnologies in the industrial environment offers excellent opportunities to find research and business contacts.

Riga, 10-12 June 2015

 11. 4th World Congress of Clinical Safety (4WCCS). Clinical Management and Governance for Healthcare Risk and Crisis. Vienna, Austria. 28 – 30 September 2015


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