Call for papers – «European Science Journal»

The “European Scienticfic  Journal” (ESJ) is a double-blind peer reviewed joournal which accepts high quality resarch articles. The journal is issued monthly and is available to all researchers who are  interested in publishing their scientific achievements.

Supporting the concept of interdisciplinarity we welcome submissions in different academic areas.

All articles must be in English, French or Spanish and have an English abstract.

The excellent team, composed of eminent researchers from over 120 universities worldwide, is crucial to the prestigious status that the ESJ enjoys.

Regular monthly publications of the ESJ are uploaded on our website at the end of each month. Moreover, the European Scientific Institute, ESI the publisher of the ESJ, mails printed copies of the journal to the authors of the papers.

The European Scientific Institute, ESI received an ISBN number registered in the international ISBN data-base in London. This enables the European Scientific Institute to publish books. In these terms, having in mind the ESI policy concerning young researchers and scientists,we are especially inviting the young researchers all over the world to publish their Master or PhD thesis using our services.

“ESJ” October edition vol.9, No.28, 29 and 30




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