
Dear all,

Towards the end of the autumn break, I would like to encourage everyone to update their UiB profile pages. As most people will hopefully have been informed about, we are in the process of RCN’s evaluation for medicine and health, EVALMEDHELSE. In connection with this, it is important that our web pages are up to date. And by that I mean not only the pages of K2 and all our research groups (which in most cases need some updating), but also the personal page that all UiB employees have. This is something everyone can and should update (which, by the way, also applies to myself, I’m working on it)! In addition to contact information, where you can add a link to MazeMap so that visitors can more easily find you, you can inform about your expertise, ongoing research projects, teaching, dissemination, you can upload a CV and provide a link to social media. And not least: I encourage everyone to upload a photo!

Here you will find everything you need to make it happen (although unfortunately it does not give you more time to do so):



Have a great weekend!

Are you applying for research funding from RCN or elsewhere?

From 18 October, it is possible to submit a FRIPRO application to the Research Council

If you want to apply funding from the Research Council of Norway or any other external source, you should register your proposal here https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=15135608

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact your research adviser!

Masterproject to IBM

Dear all

The new students on the Master’s programme of biomedicine will be looking for projects this autumn and spring. We are therefore collecting project descriptions for them. Please use the attached form if you have projects for our students. The timeline of the projects is from June/august 2023 to June 2024.

Please send your project to studie.biomed@uib.no by the 24th of October. We will distribute all the projects to the students on Mitt UIB after this deadline. The students are then encouraged to approach the supervisors of the projects they are interested in.

We also ask you to hand in the Master’s agreement (see attached file) 14 days after you have formally signed on a student, or let us know if a project is taken. Then we can update the list of available projects.

Please let me know if you have any questions about taking on a master student. 

Best, Bianca

Center seminar 30.10.23 on: Women’s Health, menopause, social security utilization and sustainable work participation

Associate professor Inger Haukenes and professor Silje Mæland present. Are YOU ready? Then bring your lunch box to meeting room 8.1-8.2 Laboratory building, Monday 30.10.23 @ 12-13. Coffee and tea will be served together with the Center cake. The event is open to all.

More details here. 

# Joint MED-CBU seminar

CBU will host a joint MED-CBU seminar open to all interested in
bioinformatics and data on the 19th of October at 11:15 in the Blåbær
room, høyteknologisenteret 5th floor. This will be followed by an
opportunity to mingle between the MED and CBU communities around *free
If you are interested in joining, please contact Marc
(marc.vaudel@uib.no) so that we can plan the amount of pizza to order.
Please also include dietary requirements and whether you need assistance
of any kind.
Hoping that many of you will join,
Anagha and Marc

Call for Applications for CAS Research Grant

The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) invites researchers to pursue excellent, fundamental, curiosity-driven research in Oslo during the 2025/2026 academic year. Assemble your international dream team of prominent researchers and apply for a research stay at CAS.

Each year, we host three research groups working within and across the following fields:

  • Humanities/Theology
  • Social sciences/Law
  • Natural sciences/Medicine/Mathematics

The research groups stay at CAS, situated at the stately premises of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo, for one academic year. Each project receives a grant of roughly NOK 3.2 million.

Application deadline: 18 October 2023.



Call for master’s projects Biomedicine

The new students on the Master’s programme of biomedicine will be looking for projects this autumn and spring. We are therefore collecting project descriptions for them. Please use the attached form if you have projects for our students. The timeline of the projects is from June/august 2023 to June 2024.

Please send your project to studie.biomed@uib.no by the 24th of October. We will distribute all the projects to the students on Mitt UIB after this deadline. The students are then encouraged to approach the supervisors of the projects they are interested in.

We also ask you to hand in the Master’s agreement (see attached file) 14 days after you have formally signed on a student, or let us know if a project is taken. Then we can update the list of available projects. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about taking on a master student. 

MAL Projectdescription
Ferdig masteravtale engelsk versjon (skrivbar PDF) (1)

Launches new application portal for external funding

Research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine have recently launched a new portal for researchers applying for external funding.

The web portal acts as a common entry point for researchers at all departments seeking different types of external funding: «Application Support for External Funding»

“The new portal, or webpage, is a result to deliver simpler and streamlined processes for external funding applications”, says leader of the faculty research advisor team, senior advisor Ramune Midttveit.

Better utilization of the competence of the different advisors

Midttveit believes that with the new routines, they will be better able to utilize the competence of the different advisors.

“Previously we were organized with individual advisors tied to specific departments, which made it more difficult to match the individual strengths to the needs”, she explains.

“In this way, we ensure that researchers have easy access to advisers regardless of department”.

Making it easier to transfer tasks

The previous system also created challenges with maintaining quality when staff left or went on various kinds of leave:

“With the new organization, all advisors are involved throughout the entire process across departments, which makes it easier to transfer tasks between us”, the senior advisor explains.

“At the same time, we ensure that the individual adviser gets the best use of his expertise, regardless of the institute”, Midtveit concludes.

Read more at the portal  «Application Support for External Funding»