Category Archives: Uncategorized

EEA /Norway grant partner requests (contact Corina Guder for utfyllende informasjon):

1.            Jiri Mekyska, Signal Processing Laboratory, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

Field: Non-invasive neurological disorders analysis by novel algorithms and data acquisition protocols, methods, tools and systems supporting neurologists, speech therapists and psychologists.


2.            Katerina Ušelová, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Current trends in bioanalysis, namely  protein purification and separation by isoelectric focusing (IEF), isoelectric trapping (IET) and OFFGEL, exemplified on e.g. insulin.


3.            Marius Stefan, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi, Romania

Use of some metabolic derivatives from Artrhobacter nicotinovorans as novels neuroprotective drugs.


4.            Jānis Smilga, Technology Transfer Office Expert in Promoting, Riga Stradins University, Latvia

“Vital tissue less traumatic high frequency alloy technology approach in clinical and field surgery” and development of living tissue welding technology.

Erasmus International Staff Exchange – University of Helsinki

Technical and administrative staff may apply for staff exchange at the University of Helsinki in 2014.  Click here for more information about the Erasmus programme  (In Norwegian).  Click here for more information about the staff exchange with the University of Helsinki .  If you are interested you may contact Signe Knappskog (

BMFS grant

Professor og barnelege Pål Rasmus Njølstad ved UiB forskar på gener som kan vera assosierte med overvekt og diabetes.

The Bergen Medical Research Foundation (BMFS) has granted 5 million kr each to 2 projects following the announcement «Research with starting point in registers, biobanks and larger, complex research infrastructure».  One of the projects which received support was:

Utilizing the Mother and Child Cohort and the Medical Birth Registry for Better Health,
Project leader:  Professor Pål Rasmus Njølstad, Department of Clinical Science / Children’s Hospital, Haukeland University Hospital

K2 News congratulates!