Category Archives: This week’s editorial

Not only me, but also we

Strategy is currently being discussed both at the faculty and department levels; how can we become a better organization for research, teaching and dissemination –  and in continuation of this, how should we make K2 and UiB a brand name that attracts the best students, staff and grants.

Even though we are individualists, it is about collaborating, having projects that are interdisciplinary. However, it does not stop there. We must have a good collaboration with the health trust if we are to win in the competition for research funding and be able to give our students the best teaching.

How to go about this strategy is not always obvious. Strategy is a management responsibility, but just as important is that all employees are involved in common projects and goals. This will be the topic of K2’s strategy seminar 24-25 February at Solstrand, and we in the leadership group hope that as many as possible can participate, not least from our campi outside Bergen.

Cooperation is built through meetings and common meeting places are important. Next Wednesday, the Annual Faculty Day will be held in Auditoriet AHH from 10-13. The same afternoon, Bjørn-Tore Gjertsen, the recipient of this year’s King Olav the V’s cancer research prize will be celebrated in “Store Auditorium”. Join in the celebration of those who have excelled over the past year and discuss collaboration and strategy with your colleagues

Eystein Husebye

Deputy Chairman


Dear all!

This will be relatively long, please read everything!

I will start with some joyful things: I hope that as many people as possible have the opportunity to attend the Faculty Day on 20 October at 10-13 October, where the faculty’s teaching and research prizes will be awarded at the auditorium at AHH. Among other things, the prize for research environment of the year goes to Eva Gerdts’ research group Hypertension and Heart Dynamics/Centre for Research on Heart Disease in Women, and “Endopodden” is awarded with a teaching prize.

The day then continues in a very pleasant way with a celebration seminar for Bjørn Tore Gjertsen on the occasion of the award of King Olav V’s cancer research prize at 15-18 at Store Auditoriet, Sentralblokken. Registration is required for this event (click here). We now just have to take advantage of the fact that the coronary restrictions have been eased and we can reconvene! And not least, there will be some food  😊

The third pleasant matter is about outstanding research: would you like to seek ERC funds? Then you now have the opportunity to apply to the faculty for support for a mentor. The idea is that a more experienced ERC applicant (preferably one who has received ERC funds in the past) helps you along the way. This is especially important for younger research talents. If you are interested, please contact me or Amra for more information.

Last but not least, anyone who has projects involving the handling of personal data must check RETTE to see if everything is in order. There are many projects that require changes to RETTE, most often there is a lack of a short justification for the need to process the personal data.

Have a really good weekend (and autumn holidays for some)!


OSCE and application deadline for status as Excellent Teacher

The White Paper «Quality Culture in Higher Education» emphasized that all Norwegian universities must establish a pedagogical qualification framework. The intention with a pedagogical qualification framework is to inspire and reward teachers and academic communities for systematic work in educational development. At MED, the status as Excellent Teacher leads to a permanent salary raise as well as membership in a “pedagogical academy” of excellent teachers at the faculty. Basic pedagogical qualification is required. There is now a new application deadline for status as Excellent Teacher. It is important to read and address the criteria on which the evaluation of the applications is based. Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you consider submitting an application or have questions. We hope that some of our skilled and enthusiastic teachers will submit well-written applications which will win this award!

Application deadline: November 1st

OSCE 12 will be arranged on December 8th, and planning is well under way. The responsible persons for subjects that are part of the exam this year are alerted and will recruit sensors. The administration will reach out to administrative and technical staff and request their participation. OSCE is important and require teamwork and team spirit. We expect that everybody responds to requests with a positive attitude. We want to thank all of you who have contributed in previous years – and those of you who are contributing to OSCE 12 this December!

This weeks edithorial

Dear all of you!

In recent years, we have had great help from our research advisor Amra. Now she wants more challenges and has moved to the faculty, where for one year from 15/9 she will contribute even more to the research advisor team. Fortunately, this means that she can still be contacted! We thank Amra for her excellent contribution to K2, wish her the best of luck and welcome back!

And then we have been told by the HR section at the faculty that they have reduced staffing and that things will take some extra time in the future. At the same time, we can find some information ourselves on UiB’s website and may not always need to contact human resources:

And then it is often your immediate leader who can answer some of the questions. So feel free to ask your supervisor, research group leader or UGLE for advice.

Have a really good weekend!

Congratulations to Bjørn Tore Gjertsen with The King Olav Vs Cancer Research Prize

Although this was already mentioned in last week’s K2nytt, it is worth repeating: We are very proud and congratulate Bjørn Tore Gjertsen on the King Olav Vs Cancer Research Prize. Well deserved!

Otherwise, many of you are probably busy teaching and writing applications – remember, among other things, the application deadline for Helse Vest research funding 15/9, promotion to professor 15/9 and deadline for applying for a research fellowship from MED 19/9. There have also been some changes to the guidelines: a person cannot be the main supervisor for more than four people in recruitment positions (PhD candidate and postdoc) funded from the faculty (

Finally, a few words about the corona situation: many of us are now fully vaccinated, and we want to have as many people back on campus as possible. Employees who are dependent on public transport can work from home office where possible, but this must be agreed upon with your direct leader. We would rather not have more than 2 days of home office per week.

Have a really good weekend!

Go abroad, but come back

It is now possible to apply for funding for stays abroad, both for senior and younger researchers. The professors have the possibility to go on a sabbatical every 7th year, which is a fantastic opportunity to establish new collaborations, build networks and have time to plan projects and write applications. New collaborations are not only useful for the professor him- or herself, it provides opportunities for others in the research group to go abroad. Several of the groups at the department have utilized this in an exemplary way, for example the endocrine, diabetes and lung research groups.

Now, professors, postdocs and PhD students can apply for such funding both from UiB (deadline 1 October,  and Helse-Vest (deadline 15 September.  Postdoctoral fellows are especially encouraged to apply (Helse-Vest) and UiB provides an extra year of salary if you use it for a stay abroad. Support can also be applied for from the Research Council and other funding bodies *. The application deadline for a sabbatical leave is 1 April to the department each year.

Many do not consider an extended stay abroad due to practical challenges with regard to work and studies for their partner, schooling for children and housing. An alternative could be a shorter stay, perhaps to a country in Europe that requires less practical preparation. Such stays can also be valuable in order to establish the networks that can lift your research.

Read the announcement and apply. Request to visit an institution abroad is rarely turned down when you come with your own salary.

Good weekend!

Eystein Husebye

*Other funding bodies

Employee interviews

The semester is well underway, and this also means that it is time for the annual employee interviews. All employees who have a main position at UiB must have employee interviews. This also includes PhD candidates. For employees with 10-20% positions, the group leader can agree with the employee that it is not necessary.

The employee interviews are an important arena for clarifying expectations of performance, providing mutual feedback and insight into each other’s work situation and addressing the working environment and conditions at the workplace. Especially for younger researchers, it is important that career planning is included, and that basic pedagogical competence is something they should keep in mind.

The employee interviews have been delegated to the research group leaders, while I as acting head of department will begin the employee interviews with the research group leaders, which Pål will continue to do when he is back at the helm. This has been moved to 21 October since the SFF application deadline has been postponed until 20 October. Head of Administration Mia Holmaas is responsible for the employee interviews with administrative staff

This weeks edithorial

We are happy to announce that the Eitri Medical Incubator  will be inaugurated on November 1, 2021. We welcome you to build an ecosystem, together with us, where healthcare innovation can thrive. Eitri will be an arena for people transforming healthcare, putting ideas to work. We welcome innovation within drug discovery, diagnostic tool development, medical devices, e-health applications and beyond. We will host startups, industry professionals, clinicians and researchers conducing innovative research with great impact.

Eitri is located on 8th and 9th floor of the BBB (Bygg for Biologiske basalfag) and will be open for guided tours in August and September. Sign up here  if you are interested, and, please, remember to indicate your full name and email address. Contact us if none of the offered time slots is convenient for you, we will be happy to schedule additional visits.

If you are conducing innovative research with potential to improve human lives, Eitri may be the best place to bring your project to fruition. At Eitri you will benefit from advising, mentoring and educational events. Moreover, you will learn from likeminded peers and industry professionals surrounding you.

We offer dedicated desks and shared desks that can be used on first come first served basis. If you are interested in joining Eitri community and having a dedicated or shared desk at Eitri, please, fill out the form below to indicate your potential interest by September 15.

Please, contact Maija Slaidina (<>, 409 96 025) or Torleif Markussen Lunde (<>, 454 28 780) for more information or scheduling additional Eitri tours.

Good summer!

Dear all,

I am again acting head of the department while Pål works on his SFF application. I keep my fingers crossed that we get rewarded for it and wish him and his whole team good luck!

And I have to say, it is a pleasure to write this last editorial before the summer. First, I would like to congratulate Eva Gerdts and her research group Hypertension and Heart Dynamics  / Centre for Research on Heart Disease in Women who were awarded the faculty’s prize as  research/innovation environment of the year .

As mentioned before, the faculty’s teaching prize went to the endocrinology community for “Endopodden”, a podcast on endocrinological topics created by PhD candidate Åse Bjorvatn Sævik with active contributions from the academic community and medical students. The awards will be presented on Faculty Day on 20 October.

In addition, we also learned yesterday that Camilla Krakstad, Emmet McCormack and Yenan Bryceson have been allocated their NFR projects  Congratulations on your awards!

As I said, this is the last K2nytt before summer, I wish everyone a really good summer!


Change in the institute management

As you know, our former Head of Administration Julie Stavnes has left. Following the announcement of the position, Maria Holmaas has now been hired as the new Head of Administration. Most of you probably know Mia. She holds a Master’s Degree in Management from BI and has long and broad work experience from the business world in finance, management, personnel administration and HR. Mia has been employed at K2 since 2016 and has worked with project administration and financial management. We are lucky to get such a competent person to the management team at K2. Welcome, Mia!

Three applications from the Faculty of Medicine proceeded to phase 2 of SFF-V. These are

The Center for Translational Epidemiology, IGS and others, is headed by Tone Bjørge

Bergen Center for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health, IGS and others, led by Ole Frithjof Norheim

Center for Diabetes Mechanisms, K2 and others, led by Pål R. Njølstad

The Dean wants full focus on these SFF applications with the effect that I am given temporary leave from my position as head of department until 150921. Silke Appeal immediately moves up as Acting Head of Department and Emmet McCormack as Head of Research. All inquiries, emails, telephones etc. must thus go to these and me during this time.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Silke and Emmet for your willingness to take on these positions. I am sure you will manage your duties in an excellent way and wish you the best of luck!

Have a great weekend!

Teaching and teaching prizesy

The annual Teaching Day was successfully conducted on May 19th in collaboration between K2 and K1, with good attendance. I want to thank all of you who contributed to making this into a great day!

Heiko Bratke


The K2 Teaching Prize was awarded to Heiko Bratke at section for pediatrics at Haugesund Hospital. He was awarded the prize for developing a well-structured digital educational content in MittUiB during the pandemic.




Åse Bjorvatn Sævik



PhD-student Åse Bjorvatn Sævik from the Endocrinology group was awarded one of the Faculty’s teaching prizes for developing the podcast “Endopodden” as a teaching tool. This project was also selected for nomination to the UGLE prize.



Monika Kvernenes from Unit for learning also received a teaching prize from the Faculty. Monika has since 2015 worked strategically with the aim of improving teaching skills amongst teachers and lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine. At the Teaching Day, she told us about the need for basic training in teaching and how to document teaching skills end experience, a requirement which is now being reinforced.

The recent UGLE meeting discussed the organization of teaching. Vestlandslegen is being planned and will likely replace MED2015 as a programme encompassing both students who will remain in Bergen throughout their study period as well as students who will have their first 3 years in Bergen followed by 3 years in Stavanger, Haugesund or Førde.The number of students is estimated to surpass 300 over time for years 1-3.

When student numbers increase, we need to be smart. One smart move is to involve student as teachers. K2 recently attracted “corona money” dedicated to positions for students either as teachers at several courses or as “digital assistants” to assist us all in digital teaching activities.

OSCE 6 and 12 are ongoing – a great thank you to all of you (administrative staff as well as teaching staff) who make a huge effort to make this happen! Good luck with the last efforts – end of term and summer vacation are beckoning!

Input to the portfolio plan for HEALTH

The Research Council of Norway has now introduced a portfolio management model which means that investments are structured along fewer and more coordinated areas with their own portfolio boards. Each portfolio board has prepared a preliminary portfolio plan which forms the basis for the Research Council’s total investments within its area. These plans were prepared on the basis of existing program plans. These plans will now be revised.

The HEALTH portfolio comprises a wide range of research and innovation projects, from outstanding open research on the international front via applied research to meet societal challenges, to research and innovation for the development of a competitive health industry.

The Faculty of Medicine is invited to provide input to the portfolio plan through two input phases:

Input phase 1 – The knowledge base

In the first input phase, the purpose is to capture trends that are important as a knowledge base for the plan. A dialogue meeting has been held with the Faculty of Medicine. The challenges were:

  1. Which trends in society and research constitute a particularly important knowledge base for the portfolio plan for health?
  2. What are the most important societal challenges the portfolio plan for health must help to meet?
  3. What do questions 1 and 2 entail for prioritizing research topics, subjects and type of research / innovation?

K2 invited the research group leaders some weeks ago to provide input, and we have collected these and forwarded them to the Faculty. The result was that the Faculty out forward the following:

  1. Personalized medicine
  2. Global Health
  3. Research in the primary health care service

Input phase 2 – Draft portfolio plan

The second input phase is an online hearing in December 2021 where the Research Council invites everyone who is interested to provide input to the portfolio plan. After this input phase, the portfolio plan will be presented to the portfolio board and later for approval by the Research Council’s board in June 2022.

For information, there is a preliminary portfolio plan on the Research Council’s website for the portfolio, Porteføljeplan for Helse (

Enjoy the week-end!

The Government’s long-term plan for research and higher education is to be revised

The Government’s long-term plan for research and higher education is an important, strategic tool in knowledge policy. The current long-term plan will now be revised. See here for more info about the long-term plan:

In connection with the audit, the UiB management has requested input from the faculties in two rounds:

Round 1:

The first round of input for UiB’s part is a dialogue meeting between the UiB management and KD on May 28 2021. In connection with this, the Rector has requested short and general input from the faculties. Due to a very short deadline, the K2 management has in a separate email asked the research group leaders for help in answering the following questions:

What is the most prominent development feature in the faculties’ research / fields?

Answers are requested to be sent to Silke Appel by Tuesday 25 May at 08. K2 makes a comprehensive answer which is sent to the faculty.

Round 2:

In the next round, the faculties will provide input to UiB centrally on the three questions below. These answers should be more comprehensive than those given in the first round. The research group leaders will receive a separate email about this, but K2 asks everyone to submit suggestions for answers to the research group leaders to the questions:

  1. What is the most prominent development feature in the faculties’ research / fields (same as above)?
  2. What is the challenge of the thematic areas in the current long-term plan?
  3. What is missing in the long-term plan? Are there areas, and needs, that are not ‘covered’ by the plan’s long-term priorities and, if so, in which ones?

Answers to these three questions should be sent by the research group leaders to Silke Appel by Monday 21 June. K2 makes a comprehensive answer which is sent to the faculty.

Friday, May 21 at 13-14, there will be a digital start-up meeting for the audit round where the Minister of Education will introduce the ambitions for the plan and the process towards a completely revised plan: -invites-to-boot-fashion-21-May / id2848736 /

Wishing you a peaceful and nice Pentecost!


Sad to leave, but happy to go

Dear colleagues,

I’m sad to say goodbye to you all. After almost 6 years at K2, my curiosity for the world outside K2 has gotten the best of me. I will soon start my new job as head of administration at the Department of Biological Sciences.

It is most definitely an ungrateful time to leave. If it was up to me, I would gather as many as possible for a nice lunch together. However, this year insists we do things a little differently. For those who have the time and desire to drop by the common area on the eighth floor and say goodbye, I will offer coffee and cake. I’ll make sure we keep the right distance and I have rubbing alcohol available. Pop-up cake and coffee on the eighth floor, Thursday 06 May, Friday 07 May and on my last day, Monday 10 May between 1200 and 1400. No registration required and everyone is welcome to drop by.

The years at K2 have been fabulous. I have been allowed to work in a great administration and with outstanding scientific and technical colleagues. Thank you to everyone in the administration, all technicians, all scientists, research group leaders, UGLE, department council, safety representatives, research fellows, other heads of administration, Professor Emeritus. It is all of you who have made K2 a great place to be! There has been a lot of laughter, pondering, some frustration, some disagreements, a lot of problem solving. And some things stand out. The institute seminar at Solstrand in 2019 was an absolute highlight. It was a great atmosphere and great to spend so much time with all of you. I hope you get organized again.

Unfortunately, my last few months have been a little more demanding than expected. My mom suddenly fell ill in January, and passed away almost two weeks ago. With sick visits and funerals in Trøndelag, my last months at K2 have been more absent than desired, and I apologize for those who have been affected by this in various ways. I very much appreciate the care and concern you have shown me in these hard times.

I am very grateful, humble and happy for the years at K2, and I will always remember you all as good and caring colleagues and friends. Thank you for making my workplace a great place to be.

Take care of yourself, take care of your colleagues and take care of our good working environment.

Warm wishes, Julie❤

Changes in the administration

As previously announced, Julie Stavnes will resign from her position as Head of Administration for K2 on May 11. The recruitment process for a new Head of Administration is ongoing. Until a new person can take over, Maria Holmaas will work as Head of Administration. I assume she is well known by most having many years of experience in the administration at K2, most recently as Head of the Finance Section. In her absence, Kjetil Haugsvær Dyrkolbotn will act as Head of Finance.

Wishing you a really good weekend!

The University of Bergen is 75 years old!

In 2021, UiB will be 75 years old and everyone at UiB is invited to join the celebration, see information here.

The anniversary will have “Knowledge That Shaped Society” as a theme, and will make visible our values, our strengths and our role in society, with the faculties and the University Museum as our most important arenas of knowledge. In the autumn, there will be a separate Anniversary Week 25 – 31 October, with activities and events for UiB’s students and staff, but also for a wider audience. K2 can propose contributions to the f

Faculty that will take this on to the Anniversary Committee.

K2 now asks everyone for:

  1. Proposals for contributions this autumn’s Anniversary Week should be sent to the Head of Research, Silke Appel ( or the Head of Teaching, Mette Vesterhus ( by 26/4.


  • Can take place from the start of studies until the autumn and into 2021
  • Can be lectures, podcasts, guided tours, debates, conversations, exhibitions, printed matter, concerts, readings, art projects, chronicles, etc
  1. Not only retrospective topics, but also topics that are current, such as:
  2. What role should the university play in the future in a world with fake news, alternative facts?
  3. What will be the next pandemic? How should society prepare?
  4. How far can one go in replacing human parts?

Hoping for many and innovative suggestions!

Have a great weekend,



It`s prize time

Now you have the opportunity to suggest colleagues and groups that have excelled in the past year for prizes – it’s prize time! The faculty announces both research and teaching prizes and each department can nominate up to two candidates in each category, except for this year’s publication (that is 2020) where one proposal can be submitted.

The research prizes are: this year’s publication, this year’s PhD dissertation, and this year’s research and innovation environment as well as the dissemination prize. For teaching, up to three prizes are awarded for outstanding efforts in education. Of these, there is a main prize of NOK 150 000 and two prizes each of NOK 50 000.

Nominations for the research awards should be sent to The Deputy Director for Research Silke Appel ( Teaching award nominations should be sent to The Deputy Director for Teaching Mette Vesterhus ( The deadline for nominations for all these awards is April 16. It would have been very nice if K2 stands out with many good nominations.

In addition, K2’s teaching prize will be awarded on the annual teaching day 19 May. Do you know anyone who has contributed to extraordinarily good student-centered teaching, or more organizationally; someone who have taken a leadership role and implemented innovative teaching programs? If so, send nominations to The Deputy Director for Teaching Mette Vesterhus us by 10 May.

You find more information on the prizes in K2-news week 12 (

REgarding teaching, the Norwegian Parliament has allocated a total of NOK 150 million to universities, colleges to pay students to provide academic follow-up to other students. Our faculty has received about 1 million kroner for this and the idea is that the funds will be used already this spring. Possible use is to pay experienced students to have group tuition for younger students. Here, however, the deadline is very short and the department must send proposals to the faculty as early as 12 April. Proposals are sent to Mette Vesterhus

Hoping for many nominations and proposals.

Eystein Husebye

New Head of Administration and ARK

As you may have noticed, our current Head of Administration, Julie Stavnes, is leaving. Julie has held the position for six years and has made a huge effort for the Department. Her background as a Master of Business Administration from NHH and the business community has been very useful in the demanding job of being Head of Administration for a department that is as large as several other faculties at the University of Bergen.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Julie for a wonderful effort, not only administratively professionally, but also socially and as a fellow human being. I think I can say on behalf of everyone at K2 that we will miss her very much. She goes to the position of Head of Administration at BIO, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and they are very lucky.

Julie will be difficult to replace. Hence, we hope to get good applicants. If you know of any good management candidates, you need to encourage them to apply. The deadline is the weekend after Easter.

I also take this opportunity to encourage everyone to respond to the ARK survey. It is absolutely central as an instrument for improving the working environment and preventing unnecessary health, environment and safety work (HMS in Norwegian) measures. Here, all voices will count and be important. A unique aspect of the survey is that it is repeated every few years so that it is possible to map changes in the working environment over time.

Dean Per Bakke has promised a free lunch with tall sandwiches and something extra for the department with the highest response rate. K2 is used to winning and this “gold is gonna go home”. Conduct the survey today!


Priser, Prizes, funds for education and PhD positions til utdanning og stipendiatstillinger

This year’s awards

The Faculty of Medicine will also this year award prizes for best 2020 publication, PhD work, research / innovation environment and outstanding research dissemination as well as outstanding measures in education. The proposals will go through the departments.

We ask for proposals for this year’s prices by Friday 16 April. Send these to More comprehensive information can be found here.

Announcement of incentive funds for education 2021

For 2021, the University of Bergen is announcing a total of NOK 3.3 million in searchable incentive funds for quality-enhancing measures in the educations. The purpose of the scheme is to promote projects that are innovative, in line with UiB’s strategic initiatives or that contribute to achieving national goals for study quality and implementation.

Guidelines and application are linked here. We request that applications be sent to by Wednesday 7 April. The applications will be sent to the Faculty, which forwards the applications to UiB.

PhD positions at the Pandemic Center

The Pandemic Center at the University of Bergen invites to project sketches for two PhD positions. The call is open to all academic environments at UiB. Further information about the positions, requirements for project sketches and template for application form can be found below.

K2’s teaching prize

Our Department recognizes the importance of good teaching to the extent that we have a prize awarded to the person / teaching environment that has excelled during the previous year. It can be clinical or paraclinical, within the areas for which K2 has teaching responsibility. It can be directly close to the student or more organizational; to create a new study plan. Who do you know who has contributed to extraordinarily good student teaching, or more organizationally; gone in the breeze and implemented innovative teaching programs?

Please send an email to by 10 May regarding your candidate and a brief explanation. The Department management will then select the best candidate to receive this year’s prize, which will be awarded on the Teaching Day on 19 May. :

Finally, I will again encourage everyone to vote in the election of a new rectorate.

Have a great weekend!

Why you should spend 15 minutes on ARK

You may have noticed in passing in K2-news, or in the meeting notice I forwarded? This week marked the start of the work and climate survey (ARK) at UiB.

The last time we responded to ARK was in 2019. At that time, the survey was conducted for a few units only. This time, the entire UiB will implement ARK at the same time. There have also been digital kick-off meetings under the direction of MEDFAK this week, both in Norwegian and English. On Monday 08/03, all our employees in a 20% position or more received an e-mail with an individual link to the questionnaire. I hope you all will take the time to go through the form.

When the corona shutdown started exactly one year ago, K2 had two smaller, local surveys about how you all were coping with the restrictions. The surveys were anonymous, and I read through all the feedback we received. The feedback was direct and honest, positive as well as negative, and these are exactly the kind of feedback we need to be able to work with what works and does not work in our work environment. ARK is a new opportunity to give us input on what we can do better and what works well. The working environment at K2 is valuable for all of us, and it is well worth spending 15 minutes on.

The deadline for responses is March 29, but why wait? The results are ready in mid-April, and the first follow-up meeting is already scheduled for 21 April.

Thank you for caring about our work environment and for taking the time to respond to ARK.

Many greetings from Julie

Valg av rektor og prorektor og nye medlemmer til universitetsstyret

In norwegian only.


Rektorvalget ved Universitetet i Bergen skal gjennomføres 22. – 25. mars 2021. Den neste rektorperioden starter 1. august 2021, og varer i fire år. Les mer om valget her:

Tirsdag 9/3 kl 14-16 blir det digitalt allmøte på MED hvor de to rektorlagene med rektorkandidatene i spissen vil presentere seg og svare på spørsmål fra oss på MED.

Hold av tidspunktet 9/3 kl 14-16. Lenke til møtet kommer i egen mail.

Det blir anledning til å høre om hva de tenker om våre utfordringer på MED og få svar på spørsmål du lurer på. I tillegg vil aktiv deltakelse fra oss på dette møtet bidra til å sette MED på kartet og synliggjøre våre saker uansett hvem som vinner rektorvalget.

Du trenger ikke melde deg på, og tenk gjerne på spørsmål du ønsker svar på. Ikke minst benytt muligheten til å avklare hvem av de to rektorlagene du vil stemme på.

De to lagene er:

Rektorkandidat Oddrun Samdal med prorektorkandidat Nils Gunnar Kvamstø

Rektorkandidat Margareth Hagen med prorektorkandidat Pinar Heggernes

Mer informasjon finner du i videoen nedenfor der Margareth Hagen og Oddrun Samdal stilte med sine prorektorkandidater og svarte på spørsmål.

Til slutt vil jeg oppfordre alle om å stemme ved valget.

God helg og godt valg!

Pål R. Njølstad

This weeks edithorial

Dear everyone!

Now it has been one year since Covid-19 came to Norway. We have been through several lockdowns that have had a major effect on the research, teaching and not least the entire operation of K2. We have gotten used to talking to a screen and using the kitchen table as a desk. But all of this has not stopped our PhD fellows from finishing their projects. We have had a total of 42 disputations in 2020! I congratulate all the PhD candidates (and the supervisors) who have managed to finalize their thesis despite difficult conditions. The day was probably not quite as one had imagined without the opponents present and with only a few people physically gathered, and some may have had extra technical challenges, but all in all it has gone very well. The fact that trial lectures and disputations are conducted as zoom webinar actually allows more people to follow along online. There is a lot of exciting research going on! Check

In that context, I would also like to say a big thank you to all of you who have been custos! For 2021, we expect similar numbers (between 35 and 40 disputations), and I hope that all our professors and associate professors are willing to take on the role of custos.

Have a good winter holiday!

This weeks Editorial

The rearrangement of the NFR deadlines in combination with a new lockdown in Bergen and one of the coldest, but most beautiful winters I have experienced, certainly has brought a novel twist to 2021 thus far. While most of us come up for air after the NFR deadline, there are many more deadlines for funds, positions and positioning right around the corner, it’s a case of hold on to something tight and here we go! Firstly, I would like to highlight the possibility to apply for small research funds, which has a deadline of 14.02.21 and here are the application criteria:

  • Funding for researchers who do not have large funding.
  • You can apply for 15 000-150 000 NOK.
  • The funds have to be used within 2021 and cannot be transferred to 2021.
  • Recipient has to be an active researcher with a permanent position, prof II or II
  • The recipient must have applied for external funding during the past years

Do not forget the application deadline for PhDs (9 positions) and Postdocs (2 positions) at the Medical faculty also with a deadline of 14.02.21.

Finally, 2 exciting application possibilities in conjunction with the Trond Mohn Foundation have been published. In collaboration with Haukeland hospital, the medical faculty will fund a new center of regenerative medicine. This center will build on the existing efforts of the Bergen Stem Cell Consortium (BSCC) and the new ex vivo clean room facility at the laboratory building of the culture of cells to be utilized for clinical trial. The center will be supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation over a 5-year period and the foundation has set off 20 MNOK to support 3-4 research project within the field of regenerative medicine. Additionally, the foundation has also put aside 5 MNOK funding for collaborative projects between a Bergen – and Oslo environment in core facilities for genetically modified cell therapies in Oslo. Application details can be found here:


In another initiative, the Trond Mohn Foundation has in collaboration with the University of Bergen, Haukeland University Hospital and Stavanger University Hospital established the West Norwegian Center for Antimicrobial Resistance (CAMRIA). The center is led by Professor Nina Langeland at K2, University of Bergen. The centre aims to shed light on the spread of resistant bacteria in hospitals, by combining new and predictive mathematical approaches with advanced molecular biology. This intersection of disciplines will allow the unprecedented characterisation and prediction of AMR spread and outbreak dynamics and the identification of optimal control strategies using the paradigm of “precision medicine”. In parallel, new logistic, and policy research will provide a change in our ability to intervene in outbreaks. The center is now announcing funding for 3-4 projects that can help achieve the center’s objectives. For more details on this call and application templates please contact The deadline for this call is March 15th, 2021.



The practical station exam OSCE8 for medical students should actually have been completed in June 2020, but this was postponed until February 2nd due to the corona pandemic. Although there was sufficient time to plan the exam, for many it was still a hectic rush last week.

There are several reasons for this. The ROSA analysis was delayed, there were new challenges in the infection situation, and there were personnel challenges partly due to many sick leaves at the study section K1 / K2 in the most critical phase, but also due to the need for extra reserve personnel if someone urgently had to be quarantined. Nevertheless, OSKE8 was carried out, and my impression is that it happened in a very good way, professionally, administratively, and in terms of infection control. It was just extremely impressive! And the students were very happy that the exam could be completed!

Many of you in a very short time lined up as extra markers, examiners, examiners and administrative people, and many worked day – and in fact night – to facilitate the exam. There is certainly a lot we can learn from this round and which we should probably address in the next round this spring when OSKE8 and OSKE12 will be held again, but I want to praise all of you who lined up, both electively and ad hoc, so that this became possible. THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH!!

Have a great weekend. Hope you have a surplus in your mental account for a ski trip or two J

Who deserves K2’s Teaching Award?

Teaching is one of our core activites and we want to stimulate GOOD teaching at K2!

This year, we focus on raising awareness about the requirement for teaching education, which now applies to all scientific staff both for novel employees and for applications for the renewal of temporary positions (20% positions). The decree demands 200 hours of courses (about 8 study points). We are working on sharing information regarding courses in teaching and learning, and on finding god solutions for how to facilitate the acquisition of the required education for those in need. “Enhet for læring” (the learning center) at the Faculty of Medicine offers a selection of courses that may be recommended.

Our institute wishes to honour a teacher or teaching environment who has demonstrated an extraordinary effort within the field of teaching or development of innovative teaching and learning programs, by forwarding the K2 Teaching Award (NOK 50’000). Think of a nominee an e-mail the name of your candidate and a brief explanation to by March 15th.

RETHOS is active from 2022. All UGLE must revise descriptions within their fields accordingly, securing that they comply with the requirements in RETHOS as regards form and content. Contact Harald Wiker for help.

The K2 Teaching Award is awarded at the TEACHING DAY May 19th – save the date!

This weeks editorial

Hi everybody!

It is time for the allocation of small research funds (SMÅFORSK). The funds are a joint effort between NFR and UiB. The intention is that the funds should be given to research groups that have not received large grants so that they can start new projects. It can be applied to cover expenses for travel, seminars, courses, materials, technical-administrative assistance and other operating costs.

Requirements for application and criteria for allocation:

– The funds go to researchers who do not have large operating assets already.

– The size of the individual grants is between 15 000-150 000 NOK.

– The funds must be used by 2021  and cannot be transferred.

– Recipients must be active researchers in a permanent scientific position, Prof. II or II.

– Recipients must have applied for external funds in recent years.

Since we have experienced that is does not work optimally to limit the application to research group leaders, as last year all permanent scientific employees (including scientific employees in 10-50% position) can apply. It is done via this link ( Deadline is 14.2.2021

Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMS) has announced a new round of recruitment grants with a final deadline of March 8 2021. Since there is a limit to the number of nominated candidates each department can promote, we ask interested applicants to submit a 1-2 page sketch describing the candidate, project, research community and candidate’s CV (TMS wants a CV of up to three pages that includes the most important and relevant publications).

The internal deadline is February 1 2021. The sketch and CV can be sent to and

It is worth noting that this scholarship provides an opportunity to bring in external candidates, something both the Foundation and the Faculty of Medicine strongly encourage.

In addition, I want to inform you of the PhD and postdoc positions from the medical faculty for spring 2021. There will be 9 PhD positions (2 of those MNT positions, i.e. reserved for mathematics, natural sciences and technology, and 1 within odontology) and 2 postdoc positions. The ads will be available online and in BT today with an application deadline 14.2.2021.

Have a nice week-end!

Many application opportunities in 2021

We have received the results of last year’s applications to the Research Council, but there is no time to rest. The application deadline for groundbreaking research (FRIPRO) is already 10 February, so applicants must report to the department management so that a project economist can be assigned. It is also possible to get help from our research advisor. In addition to FRIPRO, there is also a call for young research talents, persons under the age of 40 years and between 2 and 7 years after PhD. A three-year research project with international mobility is a brilliant opportunity to work and gain experience abroad. In addition, funding is announced for the use of health data for sustainable health and welfare and global health that could suit some of K2’s research groups.

Of larger calls, we find Large interdisciplinary research project and a new call for K.G. Jebsen Centres in translational medical research. The latter has an application deadline in May and is a 2-step process. UiB and HUS have the opportunity to submit an application for 4 centers in this round.

The Norwegian Cancer Society also has an early application deadline this year, namely 10 March. The same date is also the deadline for Helse Vest’s announcement of innovation projects for 2021. You can apply for funding for new projects at your own company or idea transfer between the full companies.

Last but not least, there will be good opportunities to apply for EU funding this year. The new research program Horizon Europe starts this year with the first announcements this autumn. Many of the calls will suit K2’s researchers

We hope all the research groups at K2 will send applications this year.


Good luck



Vice head, K2

Happy New Year!

Christmas and the holiday season at the end of the year are over. It has been a busy time – everything must be fixed and arranged for a few, intense days. However, for most people it has been a precious holiday with time together with the ones we love, as well as an opportunity for contemplation and reflection. It provides motivation and strength to embark on a new year with new opportunities.

We entered the new year with dramatic events. The landslide accident in Gjerdrum was a terrible event, and our thoughts go to relatives, friends and acquaintances of those who lost their lives or were affected in some other way. There are probably many of us who could not believe what we saw on TV on Wednesday where the riots in Washington DC were a failed attempt at a coup in a country that has been a guardian of democracy and a champion of individual freedom. And unfortunately, the coronavirus infection rates have increased significantly, which has necessitated more and stricter restrictions.

There is still reason to look at the new year with optimism! We have learned a lot of new things in the past year in terms of infection prevention and alternative forms of learning, so we are well on our way. A lot of activity will therefore be able to continue as it did in the autumn of 2020 when it comes to research and teaching.

Vaccination is now underway and hopefully the infection situation will be under control sometime this year. We have therefore decided that K2 Retreat, which we had planned for the spring of 2021, will be moved to the autumn while the teaching day (together with K1) will be in the spring, even though it may be digital.

We received good results on applications last year (EU, Helse Vest, Hjertefondet, Kreftforeningen, NFR, Novo Nordisk Fonden). There are a number of application deadlines already now in January and February, among others Novo Nordisk Fonden and NFR so it’s just a matter of getting around. Contact Amra for help and advice. There is the possibility of financial support for applications, especially for those who want to try their hand at ERC. The latter should be considered by more people, the one who dares nothing, nothing wins!

All the best for the new year!

Merry Christmas and happy holiday season!

“Just another year”? Because of Covid-19, 2020 will be a year for the history books. The pandemic has turned research and teaching upside down for most of us. Hygienic measures such as social distancing, face masks and antimicrobial sanitizing, as well as the reorganization of communication and teaching to digital media, have required a lot from the individual and the organizations, including K2. But it has been great for me as a leader to see how well you have coped with this upheaval with acceptance, constructive action and even enthusiasm. Thank you very, very much!

We have learned a lot in many areas. Within a few weeks, UiB became digitalized, including eg. The K2 Day! New forms of communication make distances trivial and new international contacts and networks have become possible. I think we will emerge stronger from the pandemic, although there are some things that have been delayed or made more difficult.

K2 has undergone a number of changes in 2020 in that the research groups have been partially reorganized and teaching groups have been established with teaching group leaders (UGLEs). I think this will improve the academic environment for research and teaching. Thanks for constructive processes and involvement.

Despite Covid-19, 2020 has been a good year for K2. Employees have published in the best journals and been awarded prizes. Professor Nina Langeland will lead a National Program Against Antibiotic Resistance, Professor Eva Gerdts a Center for Heart Disease in Women, and Professor Einar Klæboe Kristoffersen a Center for Regenerative Medicine. Congratulations to these environments!

We have so far not fully achieved our goal of external research funding for 2020, but we hope this year’s allocations in the Research Council of Norway, which will be announced next week, will rectify this. K2 coordinates two COE applications, is shared leader of two more and partner on another five. It is to hope that at least one of these will make it! Thanks to Silke and Emmet for being temporarily willing to move up!

Autumn is often perceived as hectic due to application deadlines, meetings, and new student courses. And the semester is relatively short compared to the spring semester. Hence, as the year is nearing its end, it is good to be able to look forward to a holiday with the opportunity for peace and reflection.

For many, Christmas and the holiday season is the highlight of the year where family and friends gather for a holiday full of traditions and a sense of belonging, followed by Christmas in space, which can provide opportunities for other activities at home in Bergen, trips to the mountains or elsewhere. Covid-19 unfortunately places restrictions on this this year, but then we get the opportunity to form even closer ties within our own family.

What most of us take for granted is not necessarily the case for everyone. Some have lost someone they loved or have no close friends or family gathered this year. Can we think extra about these and maybe include them in our own Christmas celebration?

With wishes for a peaceful Christmas and all the best for 2021.