Category Archives: Application deadlines


Legatet har estimert utdelingsbeløp i 2020 på kr 50.000,-.

Legatets formål er å fremme den medisinsk-vitenskapelige forskning av hjerte- og karsykdommer. Legatet kan også anvendes til forskning eller studier av andre sykdommer, eksempelvis kreft og reumatiske lidelser.

Alle ansatte i hel- og delstillinger, ph.d.- og postdoktorkandidater ved UiB kan søke om midler til vitenskapelige reiser og driftsmidler. Også de som er ansatt ved UiB i en bistilling kan søke. Budsjett skal sendes inn som en del av søknaden, og presist formulerte søknader prioriteres.

Søknader sendes her

Søknadsfrist 2019: 20.12.19

MSD Lunch and Learn Seminar Invitation November 7th

Learn about the Mesoscale multiplex immunoassay platform. The platform offers solutions ranging from validated assays for research & clinical biomarkers to open platform assays allowing you to create your own multiplex/singleplex assays in Human, Rodent and NHP.

Date: Thursday, November 7th, 2019
Time: 11:30-12.30
Location: Seminar room 5.1/5.2, Laboratory building, 5th floor

Registration not needed – but if you sign up, no later than November 5th, we will provide a sandwich.
Registration: Janne Pleidrup Andersen

More information here.

Pasteurlegatet & Thjøtta’s legat

Pasteurlegatet and Professor Th. Thjøttas legat will award a grant on the 27th of December this year to young Norwegian scientists who intends to study a topic regarding infectious agents, chemistry or fermentation industry.

The grant is preferably given to young, active and promising researchers, under the doctoral level. Emphasis is placed on documentation of preliminary results and evaluations of their efforts. Priority is given to specific operational and equipment-related needs, rather than traveling, accommodation, general study support and publication expenses.

It is usually not granted support more than twice to the same person. However there is the possibility of exceptions in special cases.

Any award will ordinarily not exceed 15.000, – NOK.

The application must include a short project description with a budget (up to 3 pages) and curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).

The application should be submitted by December 1, 2019 to Pasteurlegatet’s secretary Mari Støen, Department of Microbiology, University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital to

See also Pasteurlegatet’s website.

Progress report NFR – deadline October 1st or 31st

If you have an ongoing project at NFR, you may have been notified to submit Progress report via “My RCN web”. The report layout concerns academic progress.  We would also recommend that you request a report from your financial controller about unused funds for 2019. Last year, the NFR came last week in November, reminding us that unused project funds for the calendar year must be applied transferred to the following year. If you have large residual funds for 2019 (can be clarified with the financial controller), we recommend that you submit an application for a project change as soon as possible.