Category Archives: Seminars and conferences

NorDoc Summer School 2021

The NorDoc Summer School takes place in Copenhagen on 16-20 August 2021 and this year the topic is:

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Career Development 

The annual NorDoc Summer School brings together PhD students from the Nordic countries for a week of interaction and discussions. The summer School is open to PhD students, faculty and administrators.

Sign up soon! There are only 250 seats available for the conference.

See here for more information and here: Nordoc Summerschool Programme for programme for the upcoming NorDoc Summer School 2021.

Open access week 2020, October 19.-23.

Do you wonder…

…what the open science policies are?
…how to publish openly?
…how you can improve the openess and replicability of your research?
…what the FAIR-principles are and how you can comply with them?
…how you can manage and store your research data?
…how you can retain your intellectual property?

These and more questions will be answered during the Open Access Week taking place 19th-23rd of October. See here for program and registration for the individual workshops.


CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium September 17, in Zoom

We have the pleasure of inviting you to our CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium (JUSS) September 17, 2020! This is an online event in Zoom.

In the keynote lecture, Christine Stansberg (ELEXIR) and Kari Ersland (Digitalt Liv Norge) will talk about how to implement digital tools in your research and inform you how to get help analyzing your biological data. In addition, local junior researchers will present their work on cancer therapy resistance, obesity and cancer, salt-sensitive hypertension, and metabolomic signatures predicting heart failure.

Join us for a perfect occasion for professional input and digital networking!

Open for all – register at for Zoom-link!

When: Thursday September 17, 2020 at 09:00 – 12:10 (Norwegian time)

Where: Digital event in Zoom (logon details will be sent to registered participants)

Program: can be found here.

Registration: At

General information: More information about the Junior Scientist Symposia can be found here.

Any questions can be addressed to Cornelia, Maria or Kenneth.

Save the date: K2 Junior annual retreat

This year’s K2 Junior Retreat will be held on Monday – Tuesday November 16-17 at Solstrand. You will receive an invitation to register and more information about the program in the coming weeks – for now, hold the dates! Please note that we have a limit of 30 participants, so be ready to register soon.

Best wishes,

The K2 JR Organizing Committee

Web based course CCBIO905 Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, fall 2020

We are happy to invite you to CCBIO’s course CCBIO905 Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, October 27-29, 2020. This will be run online through Zoom, so you can join from the comfort of your home, or your home universities. Although the course is mainly intended for PhD students and Master students, admission is open for others who find this course interesting.

CCBIO905 is a 5 ECTS course with focus on the full panel of advanced and standard methods with relevance for cancer biomarkers. The intention is a methodological course that also includes components of ethics and economy.

The thematic parts include methods ranging from basic techniques on nucleotides and proteins to more advanced approaches, as well as bioinformatics and bio-banking. The course will focus on methods to study tissue samples, blood samples, urine samples, and other biologic materials, like immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, PCR-techniques and sequencing, Western blot and ELISA, microarray methods, proteomics, circulating tumor cells and DNA, flow cytometry, bioinformatics and biobanks. Changes in nucleic acids and proteins in different settings will also be covered.

Program: See the preliminary scientific program here. Continue reading

Web based course CCBIO907 Cancer-related vascular biology, fall 2020

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a web based CCBIO course: CCBIO907 Cancer-related vascular biology, September 21 – October 2, 2020

The course will be held through a digital platform (Zoom), also the group assignments, so you can attend even from the comfort of your own home. Although the course is mainly intended for PhD students and Master students, admission is open for others who find this course interesting.

CCBIO907 is a 6 ECTS course that provides broad theoretical and practical understanding of basic aspects of vascular biology, cancer-related vascular biology, and other processes and diseases where vascular biology is relevant. The course presents knowledge about relationships between vascular biology, cancer progression, and diagnostic and treatment options directed towards the vasculature. Applied methods for studying vascular biology and biomarkers reflecting cancer-related vascular biology are taught. Also, the course aims to stimulate to scientific thinking, critical election and professional discussions.

CCBIO907 is part of the CCBIO-Harvard INTPART collaboration, and participants attending this course will have the rear opportunity to benefit from the knowledge of researchers who have been in the frontline of vascular biology research for decades, and who are experienced lecturers at Harvard Medical School. This year, you will get to meet Edward R. Smith, Joyce Bischoff and Hong Cheng in addition to Randy Watnick and Mike Rogers.

Program: See the preliminary scientific program here.

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Nordic Nanopore-Seq Network Meeting in Bergen on 14.09.2020

We are pleased to announce that we will hold the Nordic Nanopore-Seq Network Meeting in Bergen on 14.09.2020 as planned. Norwegian regulations allow to hold conferences in person, and we continuously plan to do so!

We hope that you all have the chance to join this free one-day meeting in September. If you have any further questions regarding the conference, do not hesitate to contact us!

If you have not done so, check out our Nordic Nanopore-Seq Network website with great information about us and the ~60 scientists that joined the network already!

Please find attached the updated Advertisement poster: N3M – 2020

Norwegian: Pedagogisk kompetanseheving – høst 2020

Vi forbereder nå høstsemesteret, og Enhet for læring har et variert tilbud for våre ansatte som ønsker å lære mer om undervisning, veiledning og pedagogikk.

Kurset PHDPED – Introduction to teaching and learning in Higher Education Health Sciences for Phd and Post doctors (5 ects)

Seminarrekken Pedagogisk Påfyll vil i høst ha fokus på digital undervisning og vil være i et digitalt format:  

  • 23/9 TBL goes digital v/Olav Tenstad
  • 14/10 Downsize and digitalize your lecture
  • 11/11 Flipp your classroom – kombinasjoner av synkron og asynkron undervisning
  • 9/12 Læringsstier i MittUiB v/Harald Wiker

Alle dager fra kl. 15-16. Mer info og påmelding via nettsiden:æring/136678/pedagogisk-påfyll-høsten-2020

Workshop i pedagogiske mapper (Zoom): 6/8 (kl. 09:15-12:00)

Det vil settes opp flere workshops ila høsten. Følg med på våre nettsideræring

Som del av vår satsing på ansatte i bistilling har vi tre nye kurstilbud denne høsten, alle tellende som del av utdanningsfaglig kompetanse:

  1. Journal Club – medisinsk og helsefaglig pedagogisk forskning Oppstart 18/9 (kl. 12-15)
  2. Praksisveiledning: 31/8 (kl. 09:15-16:00) + 21/9 (kl. 09:15-12:30)
  3. Kurs i formidling og presentasjonsteknikk: 20/10 (kl. 09:15-16:00)

Mer info her:æring/135895/aktiviteter-ved-enhet-læring-høsten-2020

Course: “Entrepreneurship in healthcare”

The School of Health Innovation has now opened Course 2: “Entrepreneurship in healthcare” that will be arranged this autumn – Application deadline 1st July.

The course is designed for medical, healthcare and life science researchers such as PhDs and postdocs/researchers. In this course the attendees will get experience from Scandinavia´s most advanced support system for healthcare entrepreneurs, combining academic learning, practical cases from healthcare companies, 1-1 mentorship with the aim of further developing a research idea into commercialization, and how to develop a new service for patients in a clinical setting.

The overall aim of this course is that the researcher or clinician will learn from experienced life science entrepreneurs or business development executives, how to develop a research idea into business and to develop a business plan (BI – Norwegian Business School).

Do you know any PhD or a postdoc/researcher that would like to attend, please encourage this person to apply for admission.

There is no course fee.

Invitation to Research Infrastructure Network Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to our first digital gathering for the informal Research Infrastructure Network at the University of Bergen.

The network is initiated by a core group of three persons at different faculties (Hiwa Målen/SVFA, Susanna Pakkasmaa/MATNAT & Jorunn Viken/PSYKF), to share experiences, information, best practices and the like, and the potential members will be people working hands-on with research infrastructures.

Please see the agenda for our first digital gathering, that will take place on Tuesday 19 May, between 13:00-14:30.

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CCBIO courses as online events: CCBIO904 Biomarkers and Tumor Biology in Clinical Practice May 25-27, and CCBIO908 Scientific Writing June 8-11

Dear all

We are happy to announce that the two courses formerly postponed due to the corona measures, now will take place as web-based courses which you can attend from your home office:

  • CCBIO904 Biomarkers and Tumor Biology in Clinical Practice: May 25-27, 2020 (full days)
  • CCBIO908 Scientific Writing & Communication Seminar, June 8-11, 2020 (4 half days)

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The Nordic Nanopore-Seq Network Meeting September 14.

The Valen Lab at the Computational Biology Unit Bergen is hosting a conference to get to know Oxford Nanopore Sequencing and its applications.
The free-of-charge, one-day meeting aims at bringing together Nanopore experts with interested scientists from various disciplines. Experts from the company as well as experienced scientists will cover a wide range of scientific areas.
Additionally this conference aims at founding a network of Nanopore Sequencing users in the Nordics.

If you are interested, find out more information at the conference website:

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Norwegian: Ønsker du pedagogisk stimuli?

Læringsfestivalen er i år digital, og gratis å være med på, den går 4-5 mai.

Hva er Læringsfestivalen? Festivalen er en nasjonal konferanse med fokus på undervisning og læring i høyere utdanning. Årets tema er:

  • studentaktiv læring
  • læringsarenaer
  • vurdering
  • læring og teknologi

Programmet er tilgjengelig her:

Conference: Oxford Nanopore Sequencing and its applications.

The Valen Lab at the Computational Biology Unit Bergen is hosting a conference to get to know Oxford Nanopore Sequencing and its applications in Bergen on 14.09.2020.

The free-of-charge, one-day meeting aims at bringing together Nanopore experts with interested scientists from various disciplines. Experts from the company as well as experienced scientists will cover a wide range of scientific areas.

Additionally this conference aims at founding a network of Nanopore Sequencing users in the Nordics.

If you are interested, find out more information at the conference website:

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Norwegian: Digitalt frokostmøte om arbeidsmiljø 14. mai

Arbeidsmiljø – trakassering – håndtering

Et godt arbeidsmiljø kjennetegnes av god ledelse, medvirkning fra ansatte og tydelige organisatoriske rammer. Kompetanse, god kommunikasjon, mestring og anerkjennelse gir både trygghet og trivsel. Noen ganger er det imidlertid ikke slik og det oppstår situasjoner på arbeidsplassen om fører til mobbing og trakassering.

Vernetjenesten ved UiB ønsker å sette fokus på betydningen av godt arbeidsmiljø gjennom frokostseminarserien Arbeidsliv i endring – hva med arbeidsmiljøet. Serien setter søkelys på arbeidslivs- og arbeidsmiljøfaktorer under endring og omstilling. Hvordan tar vi vare på arbeidsmiljøet vårt og hverandre i en verden som stadig er i endring? Hvordan ha fokus på arbeidsmiljø med stadig nye krav til effektivitet, kompetansebygging, fleksibilitet, bærekraft og nye digitale løsninger i arbeidslivet? Målgruppen er alle ansatte og ledere.

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Teaching Day 01.04.

We will show you how to create your educational portifolio (will be required for future academic positions), practical use of MCQ in Mitt UiB and Martin Biermann will talk about how to use e-learning platforms to promote learning. After lunch, we sum up the OSCE (objective structured clinical exam) –experiences , and we may all take part in groups creating new OSCE  tasks that may be included in the exam database. Please register here. Press «continue reading» to view the program of the day.

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Norwegian: Lunsjseminar for ph.d.-veiledere ved Det medisinske fakultet 10. mars

Lunsjseminaret har som vanlig to høyaktuelle innlegg. Denne gang får vi besøk fra Norsk sender for forskningsdata som vil snakke om forskjellen mellom anonymisering og avidentifisering av forskningsdata.

Videre vil professor Nils Roar Gjerdet komme for å snakke om sluttfasen av et ph.d.-prosjekt: hvordan opprettholde momentum og hvilken rolle veileder spiller her.

Lenke til påmelding:

Lunsjseminaret er gratis.

Norwegian: POP-UP UKE 9.-13. mars

Prosjekt Tjenesteutvikling arrangerer POP-UP verksted i uke 11! Denne uken er vi innom de ulike fakultetene for å ha korte verksteder/kurs der du kan lære ny metodikk. Oversikt over de ulike kursene og hvor de befinner seg finner du her.

POP-UP verksted er et lavterskeltilbud for administrativt ansatte ved UiB. POP-UP verkstedene har ulike tema, varer 45 min og vil arrangeres på ulike lokasjoner i uke 11 (09.mars-13.mars). Se mer informasjon på 

Nordic Flow Cytometry Meeting in Oslo 27-28 August 2020

The Norwegian Society for Flow Cytometry (NFCF) would like to welcome you to:

·       Nordic Flow Cytometry Meeting 2020 – Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of August

Expand your horizon with versatile talks by exciting international and Scandinavian speakers (see attached program). Meet the Scandinavian cytometry community and make new contacts. Discover the latest innovations at the commercial exhibition and talks. Submit an abstract and discuss your project during the poster session. For students: A poster at this international conference is eligible for 2 study points (ECTS) at all Norwegian Universities.

·       Basic Flow Cytometry course – Wednesday 26th of August (optional)

The day before the meeting, a flow cytometry course will be held by the talented Dr. Mikkel S. and Dr. Charlotte C. Petersen. You can sign up for this course in addition to the meeting. For students: The course is eligible for 1 study point (ECTS) at different Norwegian Universities.
For registration and more information:

For a list of the speakers and more information about the course topics, see the attached file: Flyer NordicFlowCytometryMeeting2020

Seminar on bioinformatics March 24.

Are you using bioinformatics in your research or plan to do so in the future? Are you looking for bioinformatics research partners or in need of bioinformatics support? The Computational Biology Unit ( may have the skills and knowledge your project requires. Come to the CBU day at the Medical Faculty to learn more!

When and where? Tuesday March 24, 12:00-16:00, BBB auditorium 2

See CBU event at MedFac for program and more information.

Courses and seminars arranged by CCBIO/Harvard INTPART

The CCBIO/Harvard INTPART collaboration is continuing, and we are happy to present new dates for some of the successes in the program:

  • Scientific Writing & Communication Seminar May 14 and 15
  • CCBIO907 Cancer-related vascular biology course September 21 to October 2.

In these events, participants will get the unique opportunity to learn from experienced Harvard lecturers, right here in Bergen.

You are very welcome to register – registration is open for both.

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Seminar on bioinformatics March 24.

Are you using bioinformatics in your research or plan to do so in the future? Are you looking for bioinformatics research partners or in need of bioinformatics support? The Computational Biology Unit ( may have the skills and knowledge your project requires. Come to the CBU day at the Medical Faculty to learn more!

When and where? Tuesday March 24, 12:00-16:00, BBB Auditorium 2

See CBU event at MedFac for programme and more information.