Category Archives: News

Registration K2 Junior Retreat 2021

Time: November 22-23, 2021
Place: Scandic Voss, Voss
Registration deadline: October 8, 2021

The Department of Clinical Science (K2) welcomes you to participate in the 4th K2 Junior Retreat for PhDs and postdocs, an arena for academic and personal development and local networking. This year we will meet at wonderful Scandic Voss at Voss. K2 covers all costs of the event.

This year’s topics will be
• How to get the best out for your PhD
• Open access
• Visualization of data
Invited guest speakers: Paul Simon Svanberg and TBA

At Voss, all participants will present their project in a 2-minute lightening talk. As soon as you have signed up for the retreat, we will email you instructions for an abstract.
We will travel together from Bergen to Voss by train. The registration deadline is October 20 at midnight. We have room for the 30 first who register. After that there will be a waiting list.

We hope to see you at Scandic Voss!
Register here.

SAVE THE DATE October 20, 15.00: Celebration seminar for Bjørn Tore Gjertsen being awarded King Olav V’s Prize for Cancer Research 2021

Dear all

We are happy to invite you to a celebration seminar October 20 at 15.00 to celebrate the awarding of King Olav V’s Prize for Cancer Research 2021 to CCBIO PI and Co-Director Bjørn Tore Gjertsen.

Place: Store Auditorium (the large auditorium), Sentralblokken (main building), Haukeland University Hospital.

Time: October 20, 2021 at 15:00

At the end of the seminar, a reception with tapas and refreshments will be held at the back of the auditorium.

Prior to the seminar on October 20, the award ceremony itself will take place in Oslo on October 18, 13-14.00.  H. M. King Harald will then present the prize to Professor Gjertsen and the whole ceremony will be streamed online as well as showed in real time on screen in the auditorium in Armauer Hansens Hus.

Link to award ceremony

More info about the prize here

Save the dates for now, and more info, including registration, will follow!

New editor of the K2 newsletter


I am the new editor of the K2 newsletter.

My name is Jens Vikse. I am a rheumatology resident, who just started a four year PhD program at UiB.  My PhD project focuses on the newly recognized rheumatic disease “IgG4-related disease”

Besides rheumatology, I also have an interest in immunology and medical education. I am the author of an immunology textbook with accompanying video lectures. More information can be found here.

I look forward to serving as the editor for this newsletter. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.


This weeks edithorial

Dear all of you!

In recent years, we have had great help from our research advisor Amra. Now she wants more challenges and has moved to the faculty, where for one year from 15/9 she will contribute even more to the research advisor team. Fortunately, this means that she can still be contacted! We thank Amra for her excellent contribution to K2, wish her the best of luck and welcome back!

And then we have been told by the HR section at the faculty that they have reduced staffing and that things will take some extra time in the future. At the same time, we can find some information ourselves on UiB’s website and may not always need to contact human resources:

And then it is often your immediate leader who can answer some of the questions. So feel free to ask your supervisor, research group leader or UGLE for advice.

Have a really good weekend!

(Norsk) Disputas David Erik Forsse

David Forsse

Trial lectue:    Oktober 1st, at 11:15

Subject:                 “Medical treatment options for endometrial carcinomas”

Dissertation:                  Oktober 1st, at 13.15

Subject:      “Novel preoperative biomarkers and evaluation of altered treatment strategies to improve outcome for endometrial cancer patients”



  1. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Francesco Fanfani, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy
  2. opponent: Professor II Annika Auranen, University of Turku, Finland
  3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Stian Knappskog, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av førsteamanuensis Elham Baghestan

Open for all.

Link to digital disputas/prøveforelsning


Research Day at the Women’s Clinic, Bergen, October 20

Dear Colleague!

The Women’s Clinic, the University of Bergen and the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences are inviting you to sign up for our ‘Research Day’ October 20th.

Obstetrics and gynecology are broadly engaging subjects, and we would like present our research projects, our results and how we can use new knowledge.

If you are doing research related to obstetrics or gynecology, you are invited to present your project!

The event takes place at Bikuben (Haukeland University Hospital Campus) and will continue with an award ceremony and debate at ‘Litteraturhuset’ downtown 6 to 8 pm.

Use the registration link to sign up, by Sept. 22, 2021 for speakers/posters and Oct. 13, 2021 for audience. Detailed program will be announced!

More info in English:

More info in Norwegian:

Contact person for questions: Mari Kylleså Halle

Congratulations to Bjørn Tore Gjertsen with The King Olav Vs Cancer Research Prize

Although this was already mentioned in last week’s K2nytt, it is worth repeating: We are very proud and congratulate Bjørn Tore Gjertsen on the King Olav Vs Cancer Research Prize. Well deserved!

Otherwise, many of you are probably busy teaching and writing applications – remember, among other things, the application deadline for Helse Vest research funding 15/9, promotion to professor 15/9 and deadline for applying for a research fellowship from MED 19/9. There have also been some changes to the guidelines: a person cannot be the main supervisor for more than four people in recruitment positions (PhD candidate and postdoc) funded from the faculty (

Finally, a few words about the corona situation: many of us are now fully vaccinated, and we want to have as many people back on campus as possible. Employees who are dependent on public transport can work from home office where possible, but this must be agreed upon with your direct leader. We would rather not have more than 2 days of home office per week.

Have a really good weekend!

Go abroad, but come back

It is now possible to apply for funding for stays abroad, both for senior and younger researchers. The professors have the possibility to go on a sabbatical every 7th year, which is a fantastic opportunity to establish new collaborations, build networks and have time to plan projects and write applications. New collaborations are not only useful for the professor him- or herself, it provides opportunities for others in the research group to go abroad. Several of the groups at the department have utilized this in an exemplary way, for example the endocrine, diabetes and lung research groups.

Now, professors, postdocs and PhD students can apply for such funding both from UiB (deadline 1 October,  and Helse-Vest (deadline 15 September.  Postdoctoral fellows are especially encouraged to apply (Helse-Vest) and UiB provides an extra year of salary if you use it for a stay abroad. Support can also be applied for from the Research Council and other funding bodies *. The application deadline for a sabbatical leave is 1 April to the department each year.

Many do not consider an extended stay abroad due to practical challenges with regard to work and studies for their partner, schooling for children and housing. An alternative could be a shorter stay, perhaps to a country in Europe that requires less practical preparation. Such stays can also be valuable in order to establish the networks that can lift your research.

Read the announcement and apply. Request to visit an institution abroad is rarely turned down when you come with your own salary.

Good weekend!

Eystein Husebye

*Other funding bodies

Dissertation – Yasaman – September 15th

Yasaman Pakdaman

Trial lecture:     Wednsday September 15th at 10:15

Subject:        “Targeted molecular therapy in monogenic neurodegenerative diseases: Challenges and opportunities”

Link to digital dissertation

Dissertation:                  Wednsday September 15th at 12:15

Subject:       “Dysfunction of the protein quality control system in neurodegeneration: a study of the co-chaperone and ubiquitin ligase CHIP in vitro and in zebrafish”


  1. opponent: Professor Nico Dantuma, Karolinska Institute, Sverige
  2. opponent: Forsker Kaja Kristine Selmer, Oslo Universitets Sykehus
  3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Silje Skrede, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Lars Herfindal.

Open for all.

Link to digital dissertation


King Olav V’s Prize for Cancer Research 2021 to Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

The Norwegian Cancer Society announced September 2nd that this year’s King Olav V’s Prize for Cancer Research will go to Professor Bjørn Tore Gjertsen. The award amounts to 1 million NOK, is considered as a great honor in the Norwegian research communities and goes to the very best in the entire spectrum of Norwegian cancer research.


Accounting department reduced staff

Kjetil Dyrkolbotn og Mia Holmaas have now transferred to new positions at UiB. The process of finding new, talented colleagues is underway.

Until new staff is in place, it may take a little longer before we respond to your inquiry.

If you plan to send applications this autumn, we ask that you contact your controller as soon as possible so that we can plan a good process.