Category Archives: News

Transforming health and care systems

Have you heard about the “Transforming health and care systems” call regarding European research collaboration for the healthcare of the future?

The objectives of the call for proposals are quite broad, so that many activities can fit in:

  1. Providing the necessary knowledge to build the health care of the future.
  2. Supporting the implementation of innovative solutions on a larger scale.

The Research Council of Norway is announcing 2 000 000 euro to Norwegian researchers who want to participate in this European research collaboration. More information you can find here.

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships – Webinar

Are you looking for a postdoctoral period abroad? Or are you a foreign researcher planning your application for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF) at a Norwegian host institution? Or you may be  a potential supervisor for a MSCA postdoctoral fellow at your lab or institute?

26 April 09:30 – 11:30

Interested in innovation? Get up to NOK 500 000 and help to develop your idea

Good ideas occur everywhere at the University of Bergen, and with UiB idé students and researchers  can test and develop their innovation ideas. Students can get up to NOK 100 000, and researchers NOK 500 000. You will also get advice from professional advisers. The application deadline is April 30th. Read more about the program at and join the UiB idé vors for students April 12. You can also apply for a maximum of NOK 25 000 through UiB tidleg idé, and applications can be filed anytime. For more information contact


Joint Research Day UiB – Helse Bergen 170323 – and UiB – Helse Stavanger in the autumn!

Last Friday, the Joint Research Day for UiB and Helse Bergen got off the ground. The aim was to stimulate increased research collaboration between the hospital and the university. This was a success. We counted 160 people present in the room – i.e. more than the maximum number at registration. Consequently, there were not enough chairs, and some had to stand. There is nothing quite like feeling that something is so popular that it is cramped for space 🙂

CEO at Helse Bergen Eivind Hansen and Vice Chancellor at UiB Gottfried Greve opened the seminar together. They emphasized that today’s culture of collaboration is very good and little governed by what is difficult, but that you must constantly work to overcome the challenges that arise. Together we are stronger 🙂

This was followed by great, scientific talks on the corona pandemic by Professor and Senior Physician Nina Langeland, on rhythmic hormone diagnostics by Professor and Senior Physician Eystein Husebye, on possibilities for treating a rare cause of blindness by Associated Professor and Senior Physician Cecilie Brederup, and finally on mechanisms of action in anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders by Associated Professor and Senior Physician Olga Therese Ousdal. The research that was presented represented some of the best we have at Haukeland Campus, i.a. based on articles in the Nature, Science, and Lancet class.

The research seminar should definitely be repeated! If we e.g. aim for seminars four times per year, one can imagine themes such as patient cases with translational aspects, clinical studies, new techniques and methods, interdisciplinary studies, as well as presentations by  young, promising researchers.

In connection with the half-yearly meeting of the Joint Education Council between the Faculty of Medicine and Helse Stavanger last Monday, the implementation of the first step for the new course of study Vestlandslegen at Helse Stavanger from the autumn was on the agenda. There was no doubt that the students will be well received with concrete plans for teaching for the coming 4th year in Stavanger.

Before the corona pandemic, we had planned a research seminar between UiB and Health Stavanger with the same goal as the meeting we had last week at Haukeland Campus. The corona pandemic caused this seminar to be cancelled, but now the initiative has been brought back to life. There was still great interest in such a meeting in Stavavanger, and I certainly believe that it is mutual when it comes to researchers in Bergen. There is much we can learn from each other with opportunities to create new research collaborations for mutual benefit and fun. We are therefore planning such a meeting in connection with the first meeting of the Joint Education Council in the autumn.

Have a great weekend!

Online COST Info Day

May 24, 2023
10:00 – 11:30 CET

This online COST Info Day is open to all researchers and innovators at any career stage and from any field of research, especially young researchers, as well as R&I staff. The aim is to inform researchers and innovators about how to connect with COST Actions or submit a COST Action proposal, the role and impact of the COST programme, and the benefits of participating in COST for researchers’ careers, with a focus on young researchers.

Programme overview
10:00 | Welcome and introduction | Director of the COST Association
10:10 | What is COST and how to participate in a COST Action? | COST Policy Officer
10:30 | How to submit an application? Tips & tricks | COST Science Officer
10:40 | Which activities are funded? | COST Administrative Officer
11:00 | What are the benefits of participating in COST? | COST Action Chair
11:15 | Q&A
11:30 | End of the session

1st Workshop “Modelling Immuno-Oncology”

CCBIO PI Emmet McCormack is organizing a meeting for the COST Action “Modelling immunotherapy response and toxicity in cancer”, fostering research and innovation in the field of preclinical immuno-oncology models with the ultimate goal of advancing in the treatment of cancer patients by improving their outcomes and quality of life.

The COST action group is pleased to invite you to the first online workshop of the COST Action “Modelling immunotherapy response and toxicity in cancer” (IMMUNO-model) to be held on the 30th March 2023. See scientific program here.

The IMMUNO-model COST Action aims at fostering research and innovation in the field of preclinical immuno-oncology models with the ultimate goal of advancing in the treatment of cancer patients by improving their outcomes and quality of life.

The “Modeling Immuno-Oncology” workshop will focus on in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro models. Please find attached the program.

Internationally renowned speakers will present their work on a rich selection of topics such as targeted therapies, the role of select pathways and translational patient models.

To register in advance for this workshop please follow this link:…

After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the meeting.

If you are a participant of this COST Action, you will also receive an invitation through the e-COST platform: please accept the invitation and then follow the link to sign up for the meeting by filling in the Zoom registration form.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

More information

INVITATION: 11th CCBIO Annual Symposium at Hotel Solstrand & Online, May 8-10, 2023

Dear all,

A kind reminder of the invitation to the 11th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 8-10 at Hotel Solstrand close to Bergen – this is booking well, so if you have not registered yet, make sure to do that now while we still can accommodate you at the lovely Solstrand hotel. Deadline is March 31. The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to circulate this invitation.

The 2022 symposium was a success with more than 240 participants, and we expect the enlarged 2023 symposium to be even better with its generous time frame and two overnight stays. You can choose between attending online for scientific updates, or in-person at Hotel Solstrand in order to also enjoy the company of colleagues and the informal and mutually fertilizing scientific crosstalk in the breaks and the evenings.  We expect the symposium to become fully subscribed, and we strongly recommend you to register early and within the deadline of March 31.

We have secured a range of international speakers: Alexander Swabrick, Amy Leblanc, Anniina Färkkilä, Benno Schwikowski, Douglas Lauffenburger, Frederic Amant, Iain McNeish, Ian Mills, Ingrid Hedenfalk, Klaus Pantel, Michael Rogers, Caroline Heckman, Rameen Beroukhim, Robert D’Amato, Stephane Terry, Catherine Panabieres and Jean Paul Thiery. See prefinal program here.

Younger researchers are offered slots for 3-minute speed-talks as well as extended poster sessions with ample time for interaction between the participants. There is still time to register for speed talks and/or poster.

The heavily subsidized registration fee is 3000 NOK/300 Euro per person for the three days and two overnight stays with full board. In order to enable us to accommodate 200+ participants in the 138 rooms available, we are dependent upon as many as possible sharing rooms (up to four).  So, please indicate if, and with whom, you are willing to share your room when you register online.

For an overview of speakers, registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:

Symposium website:

Registration: please use this link

Practical information: on this link

Further information about

We look forward to seeing you at our symposium!

On behalf of CCBIO’s Director, Lars A. Akslen

With best regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
University of Bergen


ERC Proposal Reading Day

The Research Council of Norway organises “ERC Proposal Reading Days” for researchers who are planning an application to the European Research Council (ERC).

On the Reading Day you get the opportunity to read successful ERC grant proposals and see how a proposal can be structured. More than 60 Norwegian ERC-grantees have kindly given their consent to make their proposal available for the reading day.

18 April at 9-12

18 April at 12.30-15.30

Webinar: Dissemination, communication & exploitation – What’s what, and why do they all matter?

One of the building blocks contributing to the positive evaluation of your Impact section in a Horizon Europe proposal is a well-written sub-section of Measures to Maximise Impact that describes your planned dissemination, exploitation and communication activities.

During this webinar, we will dive deep into the understanding of the EC’s goals that stand behind these proposed activities and share with you numerous practical tips and tricks that will help you develop a competitive dissemination and exploitation part of your proposal, as well as a strong set of communication activities.

This webinar session will take place on March 30th 2023 at 10:30 CET.

On Saturday 22 April many UiB IT services will be unstable or unavailable for longer periods

The IT division will be performing continuity tests and training, which will cause larger and longer lasting outages than on a normal «change Saturday». We do not recommend working on the UiB campus network or with UiB IT services this day. External services (such as Microsoft 365) should work as normal as long as you avoid the UiB network.
Please note that this outage in April is on the fourth Saturday of the month, rather than the third as in our normal schedule. There will be no other change Saturdays in April.
Regards, The IT division


The Department’s Day 2023

I would like to remind you about the Department’s day 290323. It is a merger of the previous strategy seminar and the Health, Environment and Security Day (HMS). We aim to be at Solstrand with accommodation every two years. We were there in 2022, and therefore this year the seminar is local. We will be at the Eitri innovation building. We think that will be inspiring and exciting.

The program includes an article on clinical trials by newly appointed Professor of pediatrics, Camilla Tøndel. Clinical trials will receive a much greater focus in healthcare companies in the future, and here the university can be an important player.

Professor Camilla Krakstad from the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics has recently had a research term at Harvard Medical School and will talk about how she proceeds when it comes to collaboration on large-scale genetics analyses, something that is relevant now with the restrictions of the GDPR.

An absolute highlight will be that Dean Per Bakke will come to talk about the new economic everyday life and what it means for the faculty and department.

Then we will hear about an exciting study on the effect of a metabolite on delirium and the risk of hip fracture in elderly patients by newly appointed Associate Professor of Geriatric Lasse Gil.

The day ends with a presentation from the IT department regarding IT security. This is a very important topic that we must take very seriously.

It is still possible to register for the seminar! We can also tempt you with lunch, coffee and probably something unhealthy, but definitely good, with the coffee 😉

Have a great weekend!

Researcher projects: «Questions and answers» for applicants

On Tuesday 25th of April at 9.30–11.00 we’ll be taking a quick look at the parts of the application form we receive the most questions about, as well as answering submitted questions from you, in a digital seminar.

The details of eligibility for «Young Aspiring Cancer Researchers» will be presented. The application guidelines and the application form will become available at the latest on the 14th of April.

Please sign up for the seminar and ask your questions through the form within the 19th of April.

Pandemifrokost #3

Join us for the third “Pandemifrokost” and listen to interesting research about emotional eating and consumption during the pandemic as well as a presentation of a tool with pandemic data from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI).

This time we will be joined by Elaheh Javadi Arjmandm, guest-researcher from the Department of Public Health and Primary Care. Elaheh will present a research-project entitled “Emotional Eating and Changes in High-Sugar Food and Drink Consumption Linked to Psychological Distress and Worries: A Cohort Study from Norway”.

23.03.2023 – 08.30–09.15

Alrek Helseklynge 1. etg

Esperanza Diaz

Register here

Norwegian Cancer Society Researcher projects: «Questions and answers» for applicants

On Tuesday 25th of April at 9.30–11.00 we’ll be taking a quick look at the parts of the application form we receive the most questions about, as well as answering submitted questions from you, in a digital seminar.

The details of eligibility for «Young Aspiring Cancer Researchers» will be presented. The application guidelines and the application form will become available at the latest on the 14th of April.

Please sign up for the seminar and ask your questions through the form within the 19th of April.


11th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 8-10

Dear all,

CCBIO has the pleasure of inviting you to the 11th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 8-10 at Hotel Solstrand close to Bergen. The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to circulate this invitation.

The 2022 symposium was a success with more than 240 participants, and we expect the enlarged 2023 symposium to be even better with its generous time frame and two overnight stays. You can choose between attending online for scientific updates, or in-person at Hotel Solstrand in order to also enjoy the company of colleagues and the informal and mutually fertilizing scientific crosstalk in the breaks and the evenings.  We expect the symposium to become fully subscribed, it is already well booked, and we strongly recommend you to register early and within the deadline of March 31 (closes earlier if fully booked earlier). We have secured a range of international speakers, among them Alexander Swabrick, Amy Leblanc, Anniina Färkkilä, Benno Schwikowski, Douglas Lauffenburger, Frederic Amant, Iain McNeish, Ian Mills, Ingrid Hedenfalk, Klaus Pantel, Michael Rogers, Rameen Beroukhim, Robert D’Amato and Stephane Terry. Younger researchers will be offered slots for 3-minute speed-talks as well as extended poster sessions with ample time for interaction between the participants.

The heavily subsidized registration fee is 3000 NOK/300 Euro per person for the three days and two overnight stays with full board. In order to enable us to accommodate 200+ participants in the 138 rooms available, we are dependent upon as many as possible sharing rooms (up to four).  So, please indicate if, and with whom, you are willing to share your room when you register online.

For an overview of speakers, registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:

Symposium website:

Registration: please use this link

Practical information: on this link

Further information about

We look forward to seeing you at our symposium!

Best regards,

CCBIO special seminar: learning from tumor to treat stroke

Dear all

We are happy to invite you to a CCBIO Special Seminar, Thursday 30.03.2023, in Aud. B301, Sentralblokken, from 11.30-12.45.

Edward R. Smith will give the talk Learning from tumor to treat stroke – showing how the cross-pollination between benchtop scientists and full-time clinicians led to a unique insight that a shared biological mechanism might be pathologic in one disease process – and helpful in another, seemingly unrelated, disease.
Speaker: Edward R. Smith, Harvard Medical School and the Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children’s Hospital
Time: Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 11:30-12:45.
Where: Auditorium B301, Sentralblokken 3rd floor
Title: “Learning from tumor to treat stroke”
Chair: Agnete Engelsen, CCBIO

Abstract: Is available here

Registration: at this link (deadline is January 24 at 11 AM). A light lunch is included when registered within the deadline.

Best regards,

CCBIO course with talks from Harvard Medical School Faculty

Dear all

In relation to the CCBIO907 course that will be running on Campus March 20th to 31st there will also be a lot of great talks by Harvard Medical School Faculty that are open to all and extra relevant for early-stage career researchers:
Some of the highlights are:

  • Monday March 20th 1pm: How to craft a presentation (Watnick/ Zetter), HUS Aud B301
  • Tuesday March 21st 1pm: Crafting your Pitch (Bielenberg), HUS Aud B301
  • Monday March 27th 1pm: Bridging the Gap between science and medicine by disease Focused research (Smith), HUS Aud B301
  • Tuesday March 28th 1pm: Mentoring (Panigrahy), HUS Birkhaugsalen
  • Wednesday March 29th 1pm: Fundamentals of Proposal Writing (Watnick), HUS Birkhaugsalen

Registration link:  (Now only non-ECTS registration possible, but then you can go to the lectures you please and skip assignments and exam.)
Read more about the course here. Early-afternoon coffee/ tea and pastries will be served!

Best regards,


CCBIO Special Seminar, Thursday 23.03.2023 – 14.30–15.45, Aud. 4, BBB, with Michael Rogers

We are happy to invite you to a CCBIO Special Seminar, Thursday 23.03.2023, in Aud. 4 BBB, from 14.30-15.45.

Michael Rogers will give a talk on Neuro-immune communication in endometriosis, a novel therapeutic target?

Join us also for our informal pizza get-together following the talk!

Speaker: Michael Rogers, Harvard Medical School and the Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children’s Hospital
Time: Thursday, 23.03.2023 – 14.30–15.45
Where: Aud. 4, BBB
Title: Neuro-immune communication in endometriosis, a novel therapeutic target?
Chair: Agnete Engelsen, CCBIO
Abstract: Is available here

Onsite event in the auditorium. The CCBIO seminars are open to all, so feel free to forward this invitation.

Hope to see as many as possible there!

Best wishes,

Camilla Tvedt Ekanger
Seminar coordinator/PhD student
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
The University of Bergen
Mobile +47 465 29 280