Category Archives: The HSE Corner

HSE corner: Managing violence and threats | Introductory course

UoB has great awareness of the risk of violence and intimidation, and leaders at the university are responsible for ensuring that the working environment is fully in accordance with the  Guidelines for dealing with violence and threats. As part of this work, the Section for HSE and BHT offers the introduction course “Managing violence and threats”.

Time: Friday 8 December at. 09:00–12:00.
Location: C.G. Sundt’s house, meeting room A / B, Muséplassen 1.
Target audience: Leaders of all levels, as well as HSE delegates.


  • Increased understanding of what affects our safety.
  • Knowledge of how violence and threats can be prevented.
  • Be better able to handle potential violence and threat situations.
  • How to mitigate potential damage and learn from our experiences.

Application deadline: Friday 24 November 2017.

Registration. (Link in Norwegian.)

The course has limited number of places. Confirmed registration will be sent to the participants.

More information here. (Link in Norwegian.)

HSE corner: All positions must be announced externally

The new law on state employees came into force on 1 July and replaces the Old Civil Service Act (tjenestemannsloven). One of the changes is that we no longer can announce vacancies internally without a separate legal basis.

The positions posted in the internal market during this summer must therefore be converted to external announcements, and in future, all positions have to be announced externally.


HSE corner: Stop in the ventilation system

Dear all,

The hospital is performing maintenance on the ventilation system, hence the ventilation will be turned off at 17:00 on Thursday 24 August, in both the A-block (north) and B-block of the Laboratory Building. The work is expected to be completed at 20:00.

Any laboratory work dependent on ventilation cannot be performed during this period.

Questions can be directed to engineer Diana Espelid at HUS.

Best regards Julie

HSE corner: Empty the backup freezer in 1M before the holiday

Since we are now entering a period of absence from work and potentially warm weather, the backup freezer must be cleaned and emptied before going on holiday.

There are currently several (forgotten) samples in the freezer that are not on the list of content. We request that everyone take responsibility for a check of samples that have been left behind, and remind you that the use of the freezer must be agreed with Julie Stavnes.

HSE corner: Evaluation of the internal labor market at UoB

The arrangements in the internal labor market have been effective since 1 September 2016. According to the agreement with the labor unions, the scheme will now be evaluated to assess which measures will be continued. The survey contains questions related to internal information, simplified affiliation processes, and utilization of hospitalization schemes.

The survey can be found here. (Link in Norwegian.)

It takes about 10 minutes.

Deadline: 31 May.

HSE corner: E-learning course for laboratory staff



The HSE section has prepared a small e-learning course for laboratory staff. The course will be an alternative to the course “Laboratory Course for New Employees”, which we arrange annually, and is part of an e-learning project for employees.

The e-learning course is available to anyone who wishes to take the course, whether newly employed, employed for a long time or a student.



The course is now open for registration. There is no deadline for when the course must be completed.

Information and registration (link in Norwegian)

HSE corner: Basic course in first aid

A basic course in first aid is organized on Thursday 4 May.

Time: 08:30–11:30 a.m. or 12:30–15:30 p.m.
Location: Museplassen 1, meeting room A + B on the lower floor, entrance from Prof. Keysers gate
Target audience: all employees at UiB


Registration form

If the course is fully booked, you can put your name on a waiting list for later courses during the spring of 2017.

HSE corner: Bike to Work 2017

On 19 April starts this year’s Bike to Work-campaign. The aim is to get in better shape, but Bike to work is also a social initiative for employees. This year, the University of Bergen awards great prizes to both teams and individual participating employees. Details about these prizes are provided later. In addition, there are opportunities to win prizes in the national competition.

For more information: see here. (Link in Norwegian.)