Author Archives: ove072


Rain, storm and weather warnings have characterized Western Norway over the last couple of days. Perhaps this is how everyday work life has felt sometimes for those of us who take care of teaching, exams and administration of this, in a semester characterized by digital conversion and adaption to variable rules for physical gathering or distancing. Luckily, it is in fact true that every cloud has a silver lining. Is it possible that we may have gained something on our way through the storm, like new ways of teaching?

It is time to share our experiences regarding this as well as regarding the implementation of the K2 teaching groups when the teaching group leaders (UGLE) meet virtually on Tuesday November 24th at 12-13. Link will be provided in a separate invitation to the UGLEs.

I would like to remind you of the short questionnaire that Julie sent to get an overview over the UNDERVISNINGSGRUPPENE. We would like to get the responses as soon as possible, in preparation for the UGLE meeting. It is swiftly done – please respond by Monday if you haven’t already done so! You will find the form here:

Wishing you a lovely wintery weekend.

Early deadlines for transition to new systems

Due to the transfer to new systems from 1st January 2021, there are some early deadlines, please see below.

Please make yourself acquainted with the deadlines.

Holidays must be registered by 01.12.20.

Time Account – My Time (for technical – administrative): When switching to SAP, all balances related to time registration must be correct. The deadline for registering time is 28.12.2020. There will be NO opportunity to correct the balance in 2021, due to the transition to new system.

Payments via My Time:  After 30.11.2020, nothing will be registered in Min Tid that entails payment. This applies, among other things, to overtime, hourly wages, emergency guards, expeditions etc. All such registrations MUST be registered in the HR portal from 01.12.2020.

Absence and leave Employees who apply for leave / extension of leave can still apply for this in the HR portal. The form must be processed by FLA and sent to the Section for Salary by 22.12.2020. The section for salaries will ensure that this is followed up when transitioning to a new salary system.

Hourly paid Registration of timesheets in the HR portal: Timer t.o.m. 30.11.20 must be registered and approved by the manager no later than 02.12.2020. Hours for December must be registered and approved by the manager no later than 16.12.2020.

Travel expenses With regard to travel invoices, we encourage employees to register this as soon as possible after the trip has been completed. The last approval date for travel invoices is 16.12.2020.

Compensation for expenses With regard to reimbursement of expenses, we encourage employees to register this as soon as possible. The last approval date for reimbursement of expenses is 16.12.2020.

Fees paid The last approval date for remuneration is 16.12.2020.

UiB is launching Tredjepartsportalen

In January 2021 UiB launches Tredjepartsportalen (, a solution where students get access to relevant software to enhance learning where they are, when they need it – simply administered by the teachers themselves. For more information see here.

Software for Tredjepartsportalen must be submitted using this form: Copy of Kartleggingsmatrise av programvare til undervisning og vurdering

Please return the form to by 25 november.

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium (JUSS) November 26, 2020

We have the pleasure of inviting you to our CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium (JUSS) November 26, 2020! This is an online event in Zoom.

Our keynote speaker Yamila Cleuren (research advisor at CCBIO and Neuro-SysMed) has a very international career and a successful track record of securing international research grants. Surely, her talk on “Money and careers in science: where to start?” will apply to PhD and postdoctoral fellows. In addition, local junior researchers will present exciting findings in malignant melanoma, breast, prostate and endometrial cancer.

Join us for a perfect occasion for professional input and digital networking!

When: Thursday November 26, 2020 at 09:00 – 12:15 (Norwegian time)

Where: Digital event in Zoom (logon details will be sent to registered participants)

Program: can be found here.

Registration: At

General information: More information about the Junior Scientist Symposia can be found here.

Any questions can be addressed to Cornelia or Maria

Announcement of the Meltzer Research Fund Awards – nomination deadline: 1 December 2020

All professors at the University of Bergen are entitled to nomiate candidates. The same applies to all Department Heads.

Signed suggestions can be sent as an email attachment as pdf-file to  at the Division of Research and Innovation by the deadline: December 1, 2020.

For more information:

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 11 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

Continue reading

Dear everyone!

It is Friday 13th and unfortunately, we are back in the Home Office after it almost felt like we were back to normal operation. The leadership team will thus also have limited presence, but one of us will be available every day. Fortunately, we were given an exemption from the mandatory home office for people who depend on being in the lab this time. It is the research group leaders who will keep track of the activities.

With increased digitalization and fewer meeting places, it is even more important than before to have good websites! We will be working on K2’s pages in the weeks ahead and I ask EVERYONE to update his or her person page ( and upload a photo. Besides, I ask all the research group leaders to take the initiative to improve their web pages, do not wait until the next K2 retreat (which hopefully comes!)

In addition, we are working to map the teaching groups. All scientific employees have received an email from Julie with a link to registration, and it is also included in this edition of K2nytt. All scientific employees shall belong to at least one teaching group!

Take care of each other and have a nice weekend!
