Author Archives: ligan4552

Upcoming events at the International Centre

Mobility seminar

Are you planning a research stay outside of Norway? Make sure to join our online mobility seminar to learn about practicalities and necessary steps when planning a research stay abroad. It will take place on February 22nd from 09.00 to 12.00 in Zoom. Sign up

Introduction to tax

Sign up and join us for an online informative meeting about how to pay tax in Norway. This is useful if you are moving to Norway, shifting between Norway and other working countries, or working from abroad. We have this seminar 2 Fridays per month, from 11.00 to 11.30. The next seminar will be on February 9 th . In the registration form you can choose which date you want to sign up to. Read more

Introduction course for new employees

This course is step 2 of our introductory seminars for new international employees. The course will take place on March 19 th from 12.00 to 15.00. The doors open a bit in advance, so you have the chance to have a coffee and snacks and get to know each other. You can register

Please complete step 1 (short e-learning course) before attending

Dual career: career advice for partners

If your partner came with you to Norway, and they are looking for a job, this course will be useful for them to get to know the basics about the Norwegian labor market, how to prepare a CV and cover letter, and a bit about Norwegian culture. The seminar is taking place on April 10 th from 09.00 to 12.00 at Rom Aktiv 2, Ulrike Phils hus (Professor Keysersgate 1). You can read more here

The University Library is testing Keenious

Keenious is an example of a new type of academic search tool that utilizes technology based on artificial intelligence to find research articles. The University Library wants to test whether this is a useful supplement to traditional search tools. Therefore, students and staff at UiB will have access to Keenious Plus during the spring semester of 2024. The Plus version provides more features than the free version.
Read more here about how to use the tool and how to get started:

The University Library is testing Keenious | University of Bergen Library | UiB

PhD Grant Writing Workshop

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD-candidates to a workshop on «How to write a successful grant proposal».

The workshop will enable PhD-candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal.

PhD Grant Writing Workshop (Day 1) | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Target audience: PhD-candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.

13.05.2024 – 09.0013.00, EITRI Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31

Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP)

The Norwegian Research Council and Horizon Europe require projects to submit a data management plan (DMP). A data management plan describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed and made available.

Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP)

23.02.2024 – 10:15-11:00 ▶ Sign up!

05.04 2024 – 10:15-11:00 ▶ Sign up!

Open call for the 2024-2025 Momentum Programme

Momentum banner

The Momentum Program is a career development program for young, outstanding researchers at UiB. The target audience for the program is young outstanding researchers who aspire to an academic career at a research university. The program is interdisciplinary, aiming to bring together various disciplines and scientific fields. There are 15 spots available for the program, with the Faculty of Medicine being allocated 3 spots.

The purpose of the program is to enhance participants’ career development. The program consists of five gatherings and one shorter webinar scheduled to start in August 2024 and conclude in June 2025. It is mandatory for candidates to participate in all seminars.

Who can apply?
Postdocs, researchers and associate professors employed at UiB can apply to Momentum. Candidates should adhere to the following eligibility criteria:

  • The candidates should normally have a minimum 80 % FTE position at UiB.
  • Employees in fixed-term positions must have at least one year left on their contract at the start of the programme in August 2024.
  • It should be no more than six (6) years since candidates have obtained their PhD from the start of the programme in August 2024. You can subtract time for statutory leaves of absence, compulsory military or civilian service or sick leave.
  • Candidates admitted to the programme must have a plan to apply for external funding in the coming 12-24 months.

The application process and deadlines:

Step 1 – the candidate applies to the faculty.
The deadline for candidates is March 22, 2024. The application is submitted via the program’s website
Step 2 – the faculty nominates its candidates.
The faculty is responsible for the evaluation and selection of its candidates. The deadline for internal evaluation and nomination of candidates by the faculties is April 19, 2024. Offers of placement for candidates accepted into the program will be sent out at the end of April, with an acceptance deadline in early May.”

The announcement of Peder Sather funds for 2024 – 2025

The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study annually announces funding for collaborative projects between Norwegian educational institutions and UC Berkeley (California). The Peder Sather funds offer a unique opportunity to establish collaborations at one of the top universities in the USA.

The application deadline in 2024 is April 1st.

Read more about the criteria and application process here:

Questions about the program and assistance in getting in touch with relevant individuals at UC Berkeley can be directed to

Essential ERC – A very basic introduction to the European arena for excellent science

13. feb kl 14:00 – 15:00

It is easy to assume that all researchers are familiar with the European Research Council (ERC) grants for excellent researchers at all stages. This is however not entirely true. This is a short, very basic webinar for early stage and mature researchers who wants to know more about the grants offered to excellent researchers at all experience levels. What can you apply for, how do you apply, when and at what stage? After the presentation, there will be a Q&A.

The webinar complements our other activities for applicants to the ERC, such as writing courses, proposal reading days and more.

The webinar is held in English.

ERC web:

ERC Proposal Reading Day at UiB

Dear prospective ERC applicant,

The NFR will travel to Bergen on March 5th to offer an ERC Proposal Reading Day for researchers and support staff. You can sign up for a morning or afternoon session to sit in peace and quiet and read paper copies of successful ERC grants across disciplines from the Starting, Consolidator and Advanced categories (unfortunately no Synergy Grants to date).

  • 5th March
  • Nygårdsgaten 5 – REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!

You can register for a session and choose which applications you would like to read here: Closing date for registration is 27 February.

Grieg Foundation


Grieg Foundation supports
innovative medical research
that can have wide-reaching impact.


We support

  • Research that can have great impact on the development of new treatments.
  • Innovative ideas.
  • Women´s health and safe deliveries.
  • Cardiac disease with a special focus on women.

All projects must be

  • Must be anchored in the SDGs.
  • Have local ownership.
  • Make a difference for people and communities and contribute to a more compassionate society.
  • Our support makes a difference.

We support initiatives that focus on the well-being of women, recognizing that their health is deeply intertwined with the wellness of families and communities.

RCN self-evaluation has been submitted

On Wednesday, K2’s self-evaluation was sent to the Research Council of Norway. It turned out to be a document of 268 pages. As with previous evaluations, this has taken a significant focus for the institute administration and those of you who contributed to the self-evaluation. In addition to the institute’s overall self-evaluation, the following research groups participated with their own self-evaluation:

  • Bergen Respiratory Research Group by Tomas Mikal Lind Eagan
  • Broegelmann by Helena Erlandsson Harris
  • Endocrine Medicine by Eystein S. Husebye
  • Research Group for Infection and Microbiology by Rebecca Jane Cox
  • Drug Group by Lars Herfindal
  • Mohn Center for Diabetes Precision Medicine by Pål R. Njølstad
  • Oncology by Stian Knappskog
  • Paediatric Follow-up Group by Camilla Tøndel
  • Precision Oncology by Ola Myklebost

In addition, the following impact cases participated:

  • Catching the rhythms by Eystein S. Husebye
  • Changing clinical practice in childhood diabetes by precision medicine by Pål R. Njølstad
  • Heart disease in women by Eva Gerdts
  • Pandemic preparedness: the COVID-19 case by Rebecca Cox

The process ahead is a three-step evaluation. First, research groups are evaluated in expert panels categorized by field/discipline across sectors. Then, administrative units are evaluated in evaluation committees that are sector-specific. The third step is the national level, which includes all medical research in Norway. A selection of experts from the evaluation is used here.

The administrative units are the main object of the evaluation. Evaluation results for the research groups will be included in the evaluation report for the administrative unit to which they belong.

Many thanks to everyone who participated – especially Susanne and Silke – for great effort over a long period. Now we can enjoy the weekend with a clear conscience and hope for a good result!


Mobility seminar for researchers

Are you planning a research stay abroad? This seminar will help you with the planning.

Seminar 22.02.2024 – 09.00–12.00 Zoom

Registration link

International Centre together with the Occupational Health services, IT-department, and the division of Research and Innovation is hosting a mobility seminar for you who are planning a research stay abroad.

The topics that will be covered:

  • Health and vaccinations
  • IT security
  • Social security affiliation outside
  • Norway Health rights abroad
  • Taxation Insurance
  • Change of address
  • Personal security
  • Are you traveling with family?
  • Financing possibilities

Annual Research Presentations 2024

The Research School in Clinical Medicine at Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Science and Haukeland University Hospital organizes an annual gathering where PhD candidates present their research to their doctoral colleagues.

The event consists of two parts: a poster presentation with posters hanging in the lobby of Haukeland University Hospital, and a gathering with oral presentations.

prisvinnere forskerskolen 2024

Award winners from left to right: Prisvinnere for 2024, fra venstre til høyre: Solveig Løkhammer, Hilde Eide Lien, Rasmus Bach Sindre, May Gjerstad, Lise Skarstein Jakobsen og Urszula Kalucka. Rammah Elnour og Grete Ueland was not present.
Photo:Ingrid Hagerup



Read more: link

Seminar – Myelogene blodkreftsykdommer

Only in Norwegian

Kronisk myelogen leukemi (KML), Akutt myelogen leukemi (AML), Myelodysplastisk syndrom (MDS) og Myeloproliferative sykdommer (MPN) er eksempler på myelogene blodkreftsykdommer som har slektskap med hverandre.

Torsdag 8. februar inviterer Blodkreftforeningen til seminar om temaet på Radisson Blu Royal Bryggen hotell i Bergen. Seminaret blir også streamet og mulig å følge fra hele landet.

For program klikk lenke


MRCRM’s seminar series – February 2024

What does it take to obtain a manufacturing license for producing advanced therapies such as gene therapy, cell therapy and tissue engineering products?

Welcome to this year’s first MRCRM seminar, where the key personnel from the Section for Cell-based Medicinal Products (CMP) at Helse Bergen HF will present the Ex vivo clean room facility at Helse Bergen HF. Delve into the process, milestones achieved, and the final steps needed to secure a manufacturing license for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs).

Enjoy the insights over coffee, tea and cookies with your peers in Aud. 4 at BBB this Tuesday afternoon. The seminar is free and open to all.

Title:  How to obtain a manufacturing license according to current good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations.

Speakers: Elin Strand, Kimberley J. Hatfield and Petra Vogelsang

Time: February 20, 2024, from 14:30-15:30

Where:  BBB, Auditorium 4

MRCRM’s 2nd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine

Logo: Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine

Mohn Research Center for Regenerative Medicine (MRCRM) invites you to join our 2nd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine at Grand Hotel Terminus on April 15th and 16th, 2024.

The scientific program features renowned speakers presenting the latest advancements in regenerative medicine, including the development of advanced therapies and insights from clinical studies. We also invite master’s and PhD students to showcase their research during the Lightning Talk Session (see the link below for more information). Following the conclusion of the scientific program on day 1, we extend an invitation to a delightful networking dinner at the hotel.

Date and time: April 15, 12.00 – 19.00, April 16, 09.00 – 16.00

Venue: Grand Hotel Terminus

Registration deadline: March 22

Visit the conference website for the program and registration details!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Nominations accepted for the Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation’s 75th Anniversary Prize

The Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation’s 75th anniversary prize is awarded for significant contributions to psychosomatic research.

In this context, psychosomatic research refers to research that studies the impact of psychological factors on physical health, not research that focuses on how physical illnesses affect mental health.

The prize can be awarded to an individual scientist, a research group or a research community. Continue reading

Invitation to showcase your work at the SDG Conference 2024

Dear PhDs and postdoctoral researchers, It is our pleasure to invite you to present your work at the upcoming SDG Conference 2024!

The sixth SDG Conference in Bergen will take place 7-9 February 2024 with the theme “The role of universities in transformative change” (see SDG Conference Bergen | University of Bergen ( for details). This digital conference provides new opportunities to present emerging and important research by motivated PhD students and postdoctoral researchers addressing the conference themes. We therefore invite all PhDs and postdoctoral researchers that are interested to present a digital videorecorded poster on your research and how it relates to the theme of the upcoming conference.

The deadline for submitting a two-minute videorecorded poster is 2 February, 2024.

For more information on details on how to record your contribution and practical information regarding submitting, please see attached pdf flyer with information or visit the call for posters website. Your videorecorded poster videos will be showcased in the conference platform and available for all digital participants to view.  

This is a great opportunity to share your research with a global audience and we hope to see your presentation at the conference!

Link for more information

SDG Conference in Bergen 2024

Remember to register for 

SDG Conference in Bergen 2024:

The role of universities in transformative change 

7–9 February 2024

The climate and nature crises indicate a code red for humanity. There is a huge gap between political leadership, knowledge, resources and technology. This reflects an urgent need for transformative change. How can universities and the academic professions engage in these changes in new and more radical ways?

We are delighted to invite you to the 7th annual SDG Conference taking place from 7 to 9 February 2024. This digital conference brings together participants from around the world and includes speakers from academia, government, innovation hubs, industry, and more.

The programme is now available online

The conference is digital. Participation is free of charge and open to all!

Register now!


Introduction to Research Ethics

The University of Bergen (UiB) has created the e-learning course “Introduction to Research Ethics,” which is recommended for all employees in scientific positions: The course aims to ensure a good understanding of fundamental research ethical norms and guidelines. It is available in both Norwegian and English and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Sound research ethics are crucial for both the quality and integrity of research. Research ethics not only form the foundation but also serve as a key to maintaining trust in research, both for individual researchers and for UiB as an institution.

Dear everyone!

It’s again time to find younger, promising candidates for Trond Mohn Starting grants: The Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMS) has announced a new round of TMS Starting grants with a final deadline of 8 March (more info here). Since there is a limit to the number of nominated candidates each department can promote, we ask interested applicants to send an outline of maximum 3 pages describing the candidate, the project, and the research community, and the candidate’s CV (TMS wants a CV of up to three pages that includes the most important and relevant publications).

The internal deadline is February 12. The project outline and CV must be sent to

It is worth noting that this scholarship provides an opportunity to bring in external candidates, something both the foundation and the Faculty of Medicine strongly encourage.

And it is still possible to promote individuals for the faculty awards 😊

Proposal for Publication/PhD/Group/Dissemination/Innovation

Suggestions for Education Awards

Have a nice week-end!


Tilskudd til StudentEntreprenørskap (STUD-ENT)

Er dere studenter ved et norsk universitet eller høyskole med en forretningside og har ambisjoner om å starte bedrift? Har dere undersøkt om det finnes et behov eller et marked for idéen? Har dere etablert et team som ønsker å jobbe med dette? Da kan dere søke inntil 1 million kroner i tilskudd til utvikling og kommersialisering av løsningen.

Det er nå åpent for å registrere nye søknader for 2024. Søknadsfrist er 29. februar.

STUD-ENT retter seg mot studenter som skal etablere egen bedrift basert på kunnskap fra studiene. Formålet er å lage en skalerbar og bærekraftig forretningsmodell rundt en forretningsidé, og utvikle nye løsninger som markedet etterspør.

Unfortunately the call text is only in Norwegian

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early-Stage Researchers

UiB Ferd supports Early-Stage Researchers: doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows, researchers and associate professors. We offer a range of services designed to help you develop your career within and beyond the university. 

Throughout the spring semester, the University Library offers open webinars on the principles of Open Science, and how to meet requirements and best-practices. The Library also offers support and courses for researchers on other topics, such as literature searching, publishing, and digital tools.  

UiB Ferd located in Nygårdsgaten 5.

UiB Ferd Newsletter for January 2024 

Registration for the UiB Ferd monthly newsletter

RCN Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges

Application type Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project
Application deadline 13 March 2024, 13:00 CET
Relevant thematic areas for this call

Cross-cutting topics

Enabling technologies

Target groups Research organisations
Funding scale NOK 4 000 000-20 000 000
Amount of funding presumed available for this call for proposals NOK 1 095 000 000
Project duration 24-48 months

Open call for the 2024-2025 Momentum Programme

This is a call for applications to the 6th UiB Momentum Programme. The application deadline is 17.00 on the 22 mars 2024. Information on eligibility criteria, the application process, admission requirements and participation in the programme is available online (link below).

Momentum is the UiB career development programme for early stage researchers at UiB who seek a career in academia.

Total 15 persons will be admitted, 3 of them from the Faculty of Medicine.