Scientific publishing, expert committee and nominations for level 1 and 2
As you all know, institutions (for example UiB) are accredited for scientific publications authored by persons acknowledging affiliation with the institutional unit at the time of publishing (through author affiliations included in the publication). The units are credited based on the share of the publication’s authors affiliated with the unit. This is called author shares. Thus it is important that addresses etc. are correct in Cristin and here the responsibility rests on the individual institution (read: also researcher).
The national measurement system for scientific publications is based on a subdivision of scientific publications in various levels based on an evaluation of the quality of the journals. The purpose of a quality division of journals is to stimulate high quality output when publishing scientific articles. When the publication channel has level 1 or 2 it means that it is of approved standard, and level 2 channels have the highest international prestige (about 20 % of all scientific journals within respective disciplines).
NSD is case handling level 1 channels, whereas UHRs’ Publication council is coordinating the placement of level 2 channels. This is done based on feedback from UHR’s many national expert committees. The national expert committee you will find here.
You may search for any scientific journal at NDS‘s publication channel register.
In order to find out where “your” scientific journals are situated, you may read pages 4 and 5 in the following letter. This was sent out together with the nomination process last autumn 2013. Here you will find links to all scientific journals in medicine, sorted into academic sub-disciplines. Note that changes done last autumn will not be updated in this letter (which was sent out prior to the nominating).
If you wish to suggest changes in levels 1 and/or 2 within your academic area you may contact the national expert committee or NSD which is responsible for administering centralized services for the documentation system, such as registers for authorized publication channels (scientific journals, series and publishers):
– Procedures for suggestions to the register (in Norwegian):
Description of procedures for adding new channels to the register, with focus on how user suggestions are processed.
– Criteria for approval of new publication channels (in Norwegian): Information about criteria used to evaluate new channels.
– System for research documentation (in Norwegian): Information about the model for the documentation system.
Deadline for suggesting new channels within the reporting year 2014 is November 30.