Author Archives: jla088

Lecture on the brain’s waterways | 30 January

The Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences (Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi, NTVA) and Tekna invite to a lecture in Bergen about “The waterways of the brain”.

Lecturer: Marie Rognes, Head of Department, Simula Research Laboratory.
Time: Tuesday 30 January at. 19:00.
Venue: Nansensenteret at Marineholmen, Thormølens gate 47, Bergen.

The meeting is open to all interested parties.

Those who want to attend a single meal after the lecture, must sign up by e-mail not later than Thursday 25 January. The meal is free.

Details of the lecture can be found here. (Link in Norwegian.)

With best regards,
Lars Thomas Dyrhaug
General Secretary NTVA

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 11 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

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A fruitful new teaching year

To all K2 employees: Welcome to a fruitful new teaching year! We need you, at all the different levels/programs we conduct; from planning, facilitation (administrative or practical) to the actual performing of teaching. Thanks to everyone!

New this year in the medical curriculum is “Elective period”: In these four first full weeks each year (January), students may choose between different courses of two to four weeks duration. These span from molecular biology to cardiac ultrasound, from learning practical pedagogy with student-driven OSCE stations at the Medical Skills Center to Medicine for the Future. Probably the most extrovert (literally out-doors) is the course in Mountain Medicine, where one student definitely ended up in “deep water”; a (voluntary) student jumped in ice water on the Landås mountain to be rescued and taken care of by fellow students! K2 has prepared several exciting courses, but we need more. We would encourage each of our academic communities / research groups to offer one annual elective course.

The annual study day for K1 / K2, aiming to inspire and improve our teaching, will be held on 2 May (AFTER this spring’s most important research application deadline). There we will demonstrate examples of good student activating teaching, learn how to build a teaching portfolio (to document your own teaching experience / competence), and discuss how to make good station examinations (OSCE). Please note the date in your calendar already.

Apropos OSCE: 20 June, the first really qualifying OSCE exam (objective structured clinical exam) will be held for all 3rd year / 6th semester medical students. Then 160 students will pass through 5 parallel stations, which require contribution from the vast majority of scientific employees and teaching administrators at the medical faculty engaged in the teaching within these 6 semesters. We need you! So, neither dissertations, summer holidays nor congress permissions should be planned for this date.


75 million for a research program in nuclear medicine

The Tromsø Research Foundation and the Bergen Research Foundation jointly announce a research program in nuclear medicine. This is an initiative from Bergen and Tromsø Research Foundation, and has a budget of up to NOK 75 million for a period of 3–5 years.

The universities and university hospitals in Tromsø, Trondheim and Bergen are invited to nominate a joint application from each city. Applications are prepared by the relevant academic communities and coordinated by theme:

  • Bergen: PET Radiofarmaka
  • Trondheim: Clinical studies
  • Tromsø: Preclinical studies

Link to the announcement text for the Nuclear Medicine / PET program can be found here.

Haukeland University Hospital and the University of Bergen wish that as many academic environments as possible should have the opportunity to collaborate on the application. They therefore invite to an open meeting:

Time: 31 January, at. 09:00–11:30
Location: Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital.
No registration required.

For more information, contact Tom Christian Adamsen, Center for Nuclear Medicine / PET.

Call for SPIRE funds 2018

The Research Administration Department at UiB has announced funds in the University’s Strategic Program for International Research and Educational Cooperation (SPIRE) for 2018. The program aims to support UiB’s internationalization strategy 2016-2022. This is an important instrument for strengthening the university’s allocation of external research funds and enhancing academic quality through international cooperation.

SPIRE funds can be applied in two categories:

  • SPIRE funds for international networking and partnership cooperation
  • SPIRE-guest researcher funds

Scientific staff at UiB can apply for SPIRE funds. Applications are sent through the department to the faculty. The faculty sends all applications together to the Research Administration Department. Only applications that have been assessed, rated and submitted by the faculty within the application deadline will be processed.

See Guidelines for Applicants. And use a specific application form. (Links in Norwegian only.)

Deadline for application: 15 February.

Due to work on K2 before this deadline, the department requests applications to be sent to the head of department no later than Monday 12 February.

Evening meeting on digitization of health services and the Leader Conference 2018

The Norwegian Hospital and Health Service Association (NSH) invites to an evening meeting on digitizing health services followed by the annual leader conference.

Evening meeting: Digitization of health services | 7 February

  • Innovation in healthcare and health technology, Naeem Zahid, Telenor
  • Digitalization of health services – who controls this? Christine Bergland, Directorate for e-Health
  • What are the authorities’ concerns about new solutions? Bjørn Erik Thon, The Norwegian Data Protection Authority
  • Much new – has this come to be? Is the physician’s role on its way out as we know it today? Is the specialist health service affected? Thorleif Jansen in Kry, Daniel Sørli in Dr. Drop In m.fl.
  • When does the new technology come in hospitals? How should hospital management think about this? Grethe Aasved in Aleris, Marit Lind at the University Hospital Nord-Norge, and others.

Program and registration.  (Link in Norwegian.)

Leader Conference 2018 | 8 and 9 February

The leader conference is a major and important meeting place for healthcare leaders. Every year, hundreds of leaders gather for professional refills, social gathering and networking.

  • The Minister of Health’s report to health service leaders and the award of NSH’s healthcare prices
  • OUS – Norway’s largest hospital: opportunities and challenges, Bjørn Erikstein, Oslo University Hospital
  • Management of hospitals – through change and development, Eivind Hansen, Haukeland University Hospital
  • Quality bureaucracy – does it help? Anne-Lise Kristensen, ’Pasient- og brukerombudet’ in Oslo and Akershus
  • When something goes wrong – what did the eye department at St. Olavs Hospital? Marit Fagerli
  • Mission first, safety always, Geir Arne Mathiesen, Norsk Luftambulanse

Program and registration. (Link in Norwegian.)

Do you want to be an exhibitor? Send an e-mail to


With best regards,
The Norwegian Hospital and Health Service Association

Kine Martinez
const. Secretary General

Meeting about medical incubator | 8 March

Bergen and Western Norway will get a new medical incubator. As an admission to this, an open meeting will be held on Thursday 8 March at Haukeland University Hospital, where stakeholders in research, clinics, industry, business development and finance will be gathered. The purpose of the event is to gather a wide range of stakeholders to a medical incubator, to inform about the plans, and to establish a broad ownership of a further process.

The medical incubator will be placed close to a number of academic research environments with a short distance to well-run clinical environment. The activities of an incubator will further strengthen research collaboration across the academic environment, including actors outside the public organizations.

A number of significant research groups have been established within medical and biomedical subjects. We believe there will be a golden opportunity for industry to participate here, including Start-up companies from research activity.

At the meeting, you will hear lectures from local, national and international actors who share their experiences and present wishes for a new, enthusiastic commitment to a professionally exciting area.

Time: 8 March, at. 14:00–18:00.
Location: Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital.

Helge Ræder                        Bjørn Tore Gjertsen             Jens Reigstad
UiB                                         HUS                                        BTO

Higher success rate in Horizon2020 with a COST network


Your chance to succeed in Horizon2020 doubles if you are a member of a COST network, from the European average of 14 % to 28 %. COST brings together researchers across nations into networks covering specific research areas.

On this page, you can find ongoing COST networks, and it can be worth looking through those ending 2019-2021. If you find an interesting network, there are two ways to join:


  • Each country can have two representatives in each network. If the two seats are not taken, you can show interest.
  • If Norway already has two representatives, you can contact the network.

Are there no COST networks within your research field? You can submit a proposal to establish a new network. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged. The deadline is 20 April 2018.


Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology | June 2018

The Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology aims to provide introductory and advanced courses in medical statistics and epidemiology, and their application to clinical and etiology research and public health.

The course teachers come from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, Bocconi University, University of Milano-Bicocca, and other European Universities.

Time: 3–16 June 2018.
Location: Castello Brandolini Colomban, Cison di Valmarino, Treviso, Italy.

Information and registration.

Deadline: registration is now open, and the deadline for early registration is 21 March 2018.

Best regards,
Pia Holmberg
Course Administration, Summer School

The Swedish Barndiabetesfonden allocates a large amount of research funding

(In Norwegian only.)

I desember 2017 besluttet Barndiabetesfonden i Sverige å tildele 13 millioner svenske kroner til forskning innen diabetes hos barn og unge. Dette er mer enn stiftelsen har delt ut tidligere.

Midlene skal fordeles i henhold til anbefalinger fra Barndiabetesfondens vitenskapelige råd etter fjorårets utlysning og søknadsprosess.

Les mer her.