Author Archives: jla088

Kick-off for Horizon 2020 | Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges 2018–2020 | Work Programmes

The University of Bergen (UoB), in association with The Norwegian Research Council (NFR) invites all UoB research leaders and researchers to a kick-off and mobilization event towards the last calls of the Horizon2020 program – WP 2018 – 2020.

We will guide you through the do’s and do not’s of Horizon2020, and present research and innovation opportunities for all sectors and all thematic areas. In addition to presenting opportunities in Horizon2020, NFR will also relate the Norwegian research programmes to Horizon2020, and present the synergy between these and other funding mechanisms.

In addition to the thematic information sessions, we will be setting up 1:1 sessions between NCPs (National Contact Points, i.e. NFR experts on the various Horizon2020 work programmes) and researchers that already know which Horizon2020 topic they will apply for.

Please note that this is an open event, i.e., all R&D actors from the Bergen area will be invited.

To secure your NCP slot, please register your interest here, and you will be contacted by a team member from UoB Division of Research Administration (FA).

Time: 31 October at. 09:00–15:15.
Venue: Scandic Ørnen Bergen, Lars Hillesgate 18, Bergen.

More information, programme and registration.

Vibeke Kyrkjebø Irgan,
on behalf of the organizing committee

The Norwegian Cancer Symposium 2017 on Precision Medicine

Professor Eivind Hovig at Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo invites to The 6th Norwegian Cancer Symposium on Precision Medicine.

The meeting gathers leading national and international speakers in the
field of precision medicine, and the topics include the following:

  • Computational cancer genomics
  • Tumor immunology and the microenvironment
  • Single cell analysis for disease trajectories and liquid biopsies
  • Monitoring cancer genetics in body fluids
  • Translational and clinical genomics

Time: 4–6 December.
Venue: Scandic Holmenkollen Park, Oslo.

Program and registration.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 23 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

Continue reading

“Waiting for Godot”

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasWhile waiting for the next Head of K2 to be formally appointed (since Per Bakke left us for the position as Dean) I am acting Head and will to the best of my capacity try to take care of these responsibilities. To contact me, I have office telephone ((559)7 4295), cell phone (924 25 171) and e-mail: or Those of you in need of a personal encounter, are welcome to my office located at 4th floor (Norwegian counting) in the Women’s Clinic (Department building for Obstetrics and Gynecology) in the corridor facing Ulriken. This takes a brisk walk from the BBB / laboratory building or the main hospital building (Sentralblokken), hopefully contributing to the recommended 10,000 daily steps to maintain good health!

In our Dean’s inaugural speech, he pointed out three main commitments areas for the Faculty to attend. For our institute to follow these (in his ranked order!), the following may be pinpointed:

  1. Students in focus

As K2’s Head of Education (Yes, I do hold several roles at present ….) I am very pleased that this aspect is on top of his list! This main University activity has to be fronted EACH day. When positions are advertised/appointed we have to take educational qualifications seriously. Do consider what each post/person may contribute in relation to educational activities. And a reminder from the administrative educational section: all teachers, please remember to use Mitt UiB/Canvas to actively check your teaching schedule and distribute educational material electronically. No one else will take care of this on behalf of you. A special pedagogy course is to be held for PhD students / postdoctoral fellows / those in academic minor positions. We are looking forward to this.

  1. Interactions with other Institutes and Faculties belonging to the University of Bergen

Cooperation across traditional academic areas will potentially give new ideas and strengthen the academic community. To achieve this, we need areas to actually meet face-to-face, actively communicate and find new partners. The first upcoming possibility is Digital Day for employees (Digital Myldredag) held in Grieghallen 4th of October. Different ongoing digitalization projects, tools and methods will be on display by more than 20 different UiB groups. What are other groups using? How may this be modified for my setting/needs?  Maybe someone has a very smart solution to something I have been struggling with?

  1. Internationalization

This will be commented in a later editorial.

And regarding the title reference to Beckett’s play: I do hope the communication within K2 is not considered as absurd.


Professor Eva Gerdts received the “Women’s Health Research Award”

k2nytt_uke-36_eva-gerdtsEva Gerdts received the Women’s Health Research Award (Kvinnehelseforskningsprisen) of 2016 at a prize ceremony on 1 September 2017. This award was founded by the Norwegian Women’s Sanitation Association (Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening) in 2016, and Gerdts was the very first awardee to receive this prize of NOK 100,000.

Eva Gerdts is a cardiologist at Haukeland University Hospital and professor at K2. She was awarded this prize for her major research effort on heart disease in women. We at K2 are proud of her many years of continuous effort, and congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition!

Announcements for recruitment positions in the autumn of 2017

The announcements for recruitment positions at the faculty for the autumn of 2017 will appear in Jobbnorge, Bergens Tidende and on UoBs website on Friday 8 September with application deadline 29 September.

The following positions will be available at the faculty:

  • Two (2) open positions as Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Fifteen (15) open positions as PhD-grants (PhD-positions)
  • Seven (7) PhD-positions earmarked for applicants that have participated in The Medical Student Research Program
  • Up to three (3) part-time research fellowship (50 %) are earmarked the National Program for Integrated Clinical Specialist- and PhD-training for dentists

Digital Day for employees on 4 October

Dear Deans, Faculty Directors and Department Directors,

All UoB employees are invited to participate in Digital Day in Grieghallen on 4 October.

The goal for the Digital Day is to present ongoing digitalization projects, tools and methods, and future digital solutions.

Program (in progress):

  • 20 stands from UoB groups presenting their digitalization work
  • Talks from the stage
  • UoB projects displayed on screens
  • Try out tools and programs
  • Mingle with colleagues

Digital Day also aims to inform, inspire and motivate all employees, and give them the opportunity to develop their digital knowledge and skills together.

Here is the website, which is updated continuously. For planning purposes, we kindly ask you to sign up (link in Norwegian) if you are interested in attending the event.

In addition to the regular Campus bus schedule, extra bus service will be provided between The Faculty of Medicine and Grieghallen.

We are looking forward to seeing as many as possible in Grieghallen on 4 October!

With best regards
The organizing committee

The Postgraduate School of Medical Research’s Network Luncheon

Dear all,

The Postgradute School of Clinical Medicine is preparing a new Network Luncheon for all PhD fellows and researchers at K1 and K2 departments.

Now is the time to sign up as a presenter, if you would like to present your latest results, engage in discussion with other PhD students and practice your presentation skills.

The upcoming Network Luncheon will take place Wednesday 20 September, in the  Konferanserom of BBB (in front of auditoriums 2 and 4), from 11:30 to 13:00.

Take a break from your daily lab-routine and enjoy a free lunch, socialize and hear talks from fellow PhD students, and on top of all that, earn one ECTS point!

If you would like to sign up for “Seminar in clinical and translational medicine” (FSKLI901), please contact Solveig Lund Witsø before 1 October.

 Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have!

Looking forward,


Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF): Free Pre-screening and Discounted Tickets

Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF) will take place from 26 September to 4 October.

We are happy to announce that UoB employees are invited to a special pre-screening of Bill Nye’s documentary Science Guy on 12 September at. 6 pm.

Employees get two free tickets by presenting their staff ID at the Magnus Barfot or Konsertpaleet cinemas.

We are also happy to announce that employees at UoB can buy discounted tickets for all regular festival screenings. The ticket price for UoB staff is NOK 60, and tickets go on sale on 8 September. Please remember to bring your staff ID.

Read more about the program here.