Author Archives: ijo013

Horizons lecture Thursday 10th of November in Egget – Rikard Sandberg – Single-cell RNA sequencing: A modern microscope

Welcome to a Horizons lecture Thursday 10th of November in Egget at Studentsenteret

Rickard Sandberg – Single-cell RNA sequencing: A modern microscope

Refreshments will be served from 15.45. The lecture starts at 16.15.

Everybody is welcome!

The lecture is held in English.


New Names

Valeriya LyssenkoIntroducing Valeriya Lyssenko, endocrinologist and genetic expert in diabetes. She received UiB and Bergen Research foundation award and was appointed as Professor in Medicine at K2, Center for Diabetes Research on September 1. She is carrying out clinical studies on pathophysiology of diabetes and chronic complications. If you want to say hello, you can find her at childrens’ hospital 3th floor

Seminar: TFH cells

Fine tuning of antibody responses by distinct T follicular helper subsets in humans.

Professor Hide Ueno
Mount SInai Schooll of Medicine, New York, USA

Time: Monday 21st November 2016 11:00 – 12:00
Place: room 5.1/5.2, 5th floor lab. building



Dissemination implies to inform the public about research results beyond what is published in scientific journals. Dissemination is one of the main tasks of the University of Bergen, and was a topic at the university management conference last week.

Why is dissemination important? In addition to being a requirement from the authorities, dissemination is important to democracy. This may seem pompous, but in the complicated world of today it is increasingly important to inform both politicians and voters as much as possible. As scientists we can contribute in this aspect.

Dissemination may promote citation of scientific publications as well as improving chances of success in research applications. It is a requirement that applications must include a plan for dissemination. It is no longer enough to state that scientific results will be published in patient journals and in the press. Being able to demonstrate that dissemination already takes place contributes to the credibility of the dissemination plan in the next research application.

Dissemination may help to obtain good applicants for advertised PhD and postdocs and research positions.  The Dean has pointed out that dissemination should be a factor included in the salary assessments of the academic staff.

At MOF we are fortunate to have Marion Solheim who can help with dissemination. Marion is a journalist and is worth more than the rest of the communication department at UiB combined. I will call upon you to put dissemination on the agenda of the research groups. Do not hesitate to contact Marion if you need help as to dissemination.




HSE corner – Employee appraisal

Medarbeidersamtale-2_fullAll employees will be offered an annual employee appraisal. This means there is no division between permanent and temporary, scientific or technical-administrative staff. The leader with responsibility for personnel are responsible for calling appraisal: head of department, Department leader, head of the research Group or leader of the section.

At K2 head of Department is responsible for the employee appraisal for the research group leader (FGL). FGL is responsible for providing appraisal of all staff at the UIB in their group. The administration at K2 will distribute lists of who is in the different research groups, and ask for feedback on who has been offered and implemented employee appraisal of FGL.

Please note that the provision and implementation of employee appraisal is part of HSE reports for 2016 as K2 shall submit to the Central Administration.

Information about preparation, implementation and monitoring  can be foudn in the employee handbook

Please contact head of admistration if you have any questions about implementation

K2 PRESENTS: Film screening in partnership with BIFF!

til%20maanen%20med%20bestefarWednesday November 9th at 3.30 PM K2, in cooperation with the Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF), are showing a film from this year’s film festival.

The film is titled «Til Månen med Bestefar» read more about the film here
There are English subtitles.

K2 will pay for the film, and it’s free for everyone!
The film will be played in store auditorium – 3rd floor HUS

Gather Your work-colleagues, and send an e-mail to Ingvild to register.

Welcome to cinema With K2

Have you remembered to do this?

uten navnThis year’s HSE day will be held on Wednesday, November 23rd at the VilVite center in Thormøhlens Gate 51. The HSE is mandatory for all full time employees at K2
Link to registration can be found here
The invitation can be found here

If anyone has questions about the registration you can contact Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll in the expedition 8etg. lab-building. ( – 55973050)

REMINDER Reminder: Seminar: Open access to research – from international solidarity to Norwegian count edge system?

Knowledge: a public global good – a journey through Open Access over 30 years Rune Nilsen, Professor Emeritus of Global Health, University of Bergen.

Rune Nilsen was named one of Europe’s Open Access Champions in 2016. He believes that Open Access is an important means in the fight against academic apartheid.

National guidelines: Open access to research – a requirement for funding? Oddrun Samdal, member of the Working Group, Vice-Rector for Education, University of Bergen.

The government requires that Norwegian research should be openly available. The working group proposes including incentives and requirements related to funding to achieve this.

How can I do my research openly available? Irene Eikefjord, Librarian, University of Bergen Library.

UiB has changed the criteria for support for open publication from 1 October 2016. How to get support for open publishing? What options exist to make the University’s research openly available?

TIME: TUESDAY October 20th   12:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Program for half-day seminar new study medicine November 11th – subjects lengthwise, collaboration across

Referring to earlier invitation to half-day seminar on the new curriculum in medicine Friday 11 November at. 8:30 to 11:30 (Beehive conference, Haukeland).

Here you can find the program for the seminar. To get good discussions on the topic sciences lengthwise – collaboration across all specialists at now also received the application sent with a request to participate.

If you have not already done so, – please register here by November 2nd

Internationalization Conference 2017 – Save the date

Topic: Boundless education

Program: Internationalisation will help raise the quality of Norwegian education and to promote intercultural competence. But what does it take to promote quality, and what is meant really with intercultural competence?

Host: Cathrine Sandnes, managing director of think tank Manifest and Manifest Publishing

Registration: Registration opens in mid-November

Audience: Everyone who works with the internationalization of higher education in Norway, from institutional leadership at all levels, researchers and administrative staff, the authorities, organizations and other actors in the field

Where and when: Internationalization Conference 2017 held in Oslo from 15 to 16 March. SIU’s organizer, in cooperation with the education sector in Norway in general. HiOA hosts konferasnen in cooperation with NMBU.

Objectives of the Conference: Internationalisation conference will be the most important annual meeting place for everyone who works with the internationalization of higher education in Norway. The conference will provide professional service on international issues for the whole sector

Background: Internationalization Conference of the past five years total over 400 participants. We expect the same interest for the conference in 2017.

Welcome to Internationalization Conference!
For more information and registration, click here

Reminder: Invitation to ‘Global Health and Education Inequalities: The State of the World’s Children 2016’

skjermbildeEvery child has the right to a fair chance in life. But around the world, millions of children are trapped in an intergenerational cycle of disadvantage that endangers their futures – and the future of their societies. We have a choice: invest in the most excluded children now or risk a more divided and unfair world. By shifting priorities and concentrating greater effort and investment on children who face the greatest challenges, governments and development partners can make sure every child has a fair chance to achieve her full potential – and realize a future of her own making.

UNICEF and Norad invite you to the launch of The State of the World’s Children 2016.

Date: 26th of October
Time: 09:00 – 11:30
Venue: Norad Info Centre, 5th floor – Bygdøy Allé 2, Oslo

The event will be in English

Registration (external link)

Program can be found here.

Welcome to a free screening of the Golden Owl-winner at Bergen kino, November 8

Every year the University of Bergen (UiB) and the Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF) award the Golden Owl Prize to the best science documentary film of the year.  This year’s winner is Monster in the Mind, a film that explores the hidden depths of the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease.

BIFF shows the film for UiB-employees and students, Tuesday November 8 at 17:30, in MB3 at Magnus Barfot Cinema Centre, Magnus Barfotsgate 12.

All UiB employees and students can collect up to two free tickets each, either in Magnus Barefoot or Konsertpaleet, from Wednesday October 26. Show your employee or student card. There are 220 vacant seats, so it’s first come first served.

In its verdict the jury says about the film: “This year’s winner of the Golden Owl Prize is a wonderful example of how science can enlighten questions of individual and societal concern. With engagement, curiosity, and personal investment, the audience is guided through the film’s multiple perspectives and facts, without losing momentum.”

Read more about the film, and watch the trailer: Read more at

Search for funding for e-learning project – deadline 11/15/16

The medical and health faculties at the Universities of Bergen, Oslo, Tromsø, Trondheim will give out NOK. 400000 to one or more e-learning project in the professional, bachelor’s and / or master programs for 2017.

The projects must include at least 2 of the faculties, and the project with the participation of all four faculties will be prioritized given satisfactory quality.

Full announcement text found here

Application deadline is November 15th, 2016.

Network Luncheon 2’nd November

All PhD candidates are invited to the luncheon next wednesday, 2’nd November.
All you need to do, is to send an e-mail to Carine Lindquist before 1’st of November that you will like to attend

We have two speakers this day with different topics (10 minutes each talk):

  • Ida Wergeland “COX-inhibitors for adjunctive tuberculosis treatment”.
  • Andreas Persson “Risk factors for revision after ACL reconstruction”

Network luncheons are a great opportunity getting to know fellow PhD candidates and their projects. We will serve you a warm lunch (FREE OF CHARGE)  after the presentations. If you have any allergies or are vegetarian, please send an email to Carine Lindquist and we will fix something.

Please join us 2’nd of November, 11.30 in the conference room (109F), 3’rd floor BBB (under the stairs, vis-a-vis the auditoriums). RSVP before 1’st of November if you are attending. Remember, if you are signed up in Studentweb to get credit point, you need to attend three luncheons in total, one in which you present yourself. Importantly, you do not have to be signed up to attend, the luncheons are for all PhD candidates!

Public PhD Denfece, Week 44

Luka StanisavljevicLuka Stanisavljevic will defend his PhD thesis on Tuesday, November 1st, 2016
Trial lecture: Tuesday, November 1st, 2016 10:30 AM
Topic:  ”The role of metformin in colorectal cancer”
Place:  Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Tuesday, November 1st, 2016 12:15 PM
Place:  Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation:  ”Molecular and clinicopathological factors in colorectal cancer With emphasis on prognostic and predictive factors for survival”
1st opponent: Førsteamanuensis Karen-Lise Garm Spindler, Århus Universitet , Danmark
2nd opponent: Professor Julia S. Johansen, København Universitet, Danmark

Press release (in Norwegian)

Education Day 2016, Was there anything to be gained from that?

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasTo those who participated in this years teaching day for K1 and K2: thanks for the good cooperation and fruitful participation with questions, comments and discussion.
To those who weren’t present, here are some key points, including examples of how to make multiple choice tasks.

AMEE (Assocation for Medical Education) arranges an annual international major cogress on Medical education, this year in Bacelona, and next autumn in Helsinki. One can participate to get inspiration for their own teaching (there are lectures, seminars and workshops) and one can happily present their own educatinal project.

MittUiB (where we can post lectures/handouts quizzes etc.) try to do this one for the students: The file Storage will NOT be avaliable to them, which is the place where only we upload our presentations. Each course in one semester has its’ Module (excl. Obstetrics, Gynecology, Gynecologic Oncology each module in the current MEDFØD), where it’s made avaliable to the students to use for the current term. For more explanation, click here and if you log in to MittUiB you’ll find MOFKURS2016 with courses on Canvas (which is the actual name of the program).

The lecture on evidence of eLearning by Rune Haagensen OUS showed good examples from Helse-Bergen (and the bad ones from OUS,  talk about the Public courtship…) but the pointed out that this is useful if used in the right context, adapted to the target and as part of multimodal teaching, Learning multichannel delivers more Power than just one Method (example: lectureing alone)

Tobias Slørdahl from NTNU taught about multiple choice that we recommend for all exams (60% of the entire examination, rest short questions = essays) and that it is to be used for upcoming national exam (common to all our Faculty of Medicine). For each task we produce here from UiB we can pick out a task from common question bank (Return of 100%!). If all lecturers stock five tasks to the exam which will be held in their course  in the autumn we will have a good beginning for next year’s exam! Hans Flaatten (K1) managed startup “Bergen Bank”, he will be contacting exam responsibles for each deposit. We will also need their own “peer review” undergoing new made questions.

How should a good multiple choice questions be? It should have a brief but necessary introduction, like to patients history (age, gender, where there problem is) with relevant information (symptoms / findings) and then a question as a whole sentence. Create four approximately equal length answer option where one answer should clearly be the best. Correct answer gives 1 point, wrong answers / no answer gives 0 points. Calculate 2 minutes per question, so you can see how many tasks needed for 60% of the exam time, students have at their disposal. Link to Slørdal presentation can be found here.

Here is an example of multiple choice questions:

53 year old man, a professor at K2, did not participate at the Education Day at VilVite autum 2016. What is the most acceptable explanation for the absence?

A He on autumn holiday with the Family,  the trip was booked a long time ago and this was resolved administratively.

B He is against changing the curriculum and will leave everything practical respect MittUiB to study administration.

C. He attended the day of instruction two years ago and did not think he should participate until next year.

D He is a natural talent for teaching as well as research and fagmedisin, need no new teaching impulses.

Luckily everyone gets another chance in the spring, and then it’s not autumn holiday … Studies (me) welcomes suggested topics to be clarified


K2 PRESENTS: Film screening in partnership with BIFF!

66831a1ef9a4aa6f20779aa97200b725Wednesday November 9th at 3.30 PM K2, in cooperation with the Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF), are showing a film from this year’s film festival.

The film is titled «Til Månen med Bestefar» read more about the film here
There are English subtitles.

K2 will pay for the film, and it’s free for everyone!
The film will be played in store auditorium – 3rd floor HUS

Gather Your work-colleagues, and send an e-mail to Ingvild to register.

Welcome to cinema With K2