Author Archives: ijo013

PhD course: Course in clinical studies including ICH-GCP

forskerskolen_i_klinisk_medisinCourse in clinical studies including ICH-GCP (GCP901) is a very relevant course for PhD students doing clinical Research
At this course you will be given a thorough introduction to:

  • ICH-GCP and laws relevant to clinical research including the Health Research Act and related regulations ICH-GCP
  • on the design and conduct of clinical trials and development of some applications that are relevant to clinical research
  • Different units inform what they can assist with in the implementation of clinical trials
  • The importance of ethical considerations in clinical trialsThe PhD course GCP901 is a 1 ECTS course part of the Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research. It is led by Professor Eyvind Rødahl and Professor Thomas Halvorsen. NB! This is same course which was previously called “Good clinical practice (ICH-GCP) for PhD candidates”.

Day 1: 26th of September (half day)
Day 2: 29th of September (whole day)
Day 3: 7th of October (half day)

Registration: at the Studentweb by 1st of September
If you have any questions regarding the course please feel free to contact:

Course content: Eyvind Rødahl – , Thomas Halvorsen- or Stefan Johansson – Administrative matters: Solveig Lund Witsø

NGS application seminar Thursday September 8th

Regarding our new Illumina HiSeq4000 next-generation sequencing system the Genomics Core Facility is happy announce a NGS application seminar Thursday September 8th.

Time: September 8th, 13.00 – 16.00.
Place: Meeting room 5.1/5.2, 5th floor Laboratory building.

Please see the invitation here for more information on the program and for registration to the seminar.

K1/K2 seminarseries 2016

We wish to invite you all to the next K1/K2 Seminar in 2016. Tuesday August 30th!

Grant Brinkworth -PhD, associate professor, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO – Food and Nutrition, Adelaine, AUS
Long-term health and safety effects of Very Low Carbohydrate Diets for Type 2 Diabetes Management:
Current clinical practice guidelines for type 2 diabetes management advocate a diet low in fat and high in unrefined carbohydrates. However, this recommendation has been questioned following advancements in understanding that carbohydrate restriction and higher intakes of protein and unsaturated fat improve blood glucose control and cardiovascular disease risk.
This presentation will discuss the findings of a large, long-term, well-controlled, randomized controlled clinical study comparing the effects of either a traditional high-carbohydrate diet or a very-low-carbohydrate, high-unsaturated-fat diet while participating in a structured exercise program on multiple health outcomes, including glycemic control, cardiovascular disease risk, renal function, and mental wellbeing and performance.
Findings indicate that independent of any change in weight, the blood glucose profile improves substantially in the very-low-carbohydrate group. The diet is well tolerated and the need for medication is also reduced to a greater extent than the traditional high-carbohydrate dietary approach.

Time: Tuesday August 30th, 14:30 – 15:30
Pace: Stort Auditorium, 3 etasje, Sentralblokken
Chair: Simon Dankel, Dep. Of Clinical Science, UiB

Pizza is served between 14:15 -14:30
Everyone is welcome.


Research award and honor of one of our PhD candidates

terjeIn connection with the annual Scandinavian Conference in Cardiothoracic Surgery in Reykjavik August 17th -19th of this year, our PhD candidate Terje Aass nominated and won the award “C. Walton Lillehei, Ph.D., M. D. Young Investigators Award “of $ 5,000 for his lecture:

Myocardial energy status and ultrastructure with polarizing and depolarizing cardioplegia arrest in a porcine model.

Terje Aass is chief physician at Thoracic Surgery Section, Department of Cardiology, Haukeland University Hospital, and is also working on a PhD project related to Cardiovascular Research Group at K2. The project is an animal experimental study of a new kardioplegiløsning used to stop the heart and protect myocardium by open heart surgery in which a user heart-lung machine.
Walton Lillehei, an American heart surgeon with Norwegian idea, termed internationally as the open hjertekirurgiens father.

Two important dead lines

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions:
Dead line: September 14th-16

ERC Starting grants:,topics=callIdentifier/t/ERC-2017-STG/1/1/1/default-group&callStatus/t/Forthcoming/1/1/0/default-group&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0/default-group&callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0/default-group&+identifier/desc
Dead line: October 18th-16. Those who need funding from 2018 must apply now

Important Issues this Autumn

bakke0x2c_per_0x2830x29Well belated summer! I hope everyone got to recharge their batteries and are now ready for the autumn. The editorial that was issued just before the summer dealt with K2’s new strategy document and it stated that we would use it actively in our efforts to enhance K2. The strategy document concerns us all and you can find it here if you need to freshen it up. The K2 management will have a particular focus on the following issues in the strategy document this fall: Recruitment, publication activity, use of MittUiB, Canvas and Inspera and financial reporting. We will come back to these issues in future editorials. When it comes to recruitment, the following should be noted: The K2 economy is now balanced, and in the next few years there are some natural age retirements. This opens opportunities for strategic recruitment.

Øystein Bruserud was the head of the Recruitment committee, who recommended that when recruiting after retirement we should check first that the teaching requirements within that particular field is covered. Then the vacant position should be advertised as broad as possible to ensure the best possible recruitment. I think these are good thoughts.

To be continued.



New Names

13956943_1072627702831997_1409737136_nIntroducing Katarina Flaskerud, Master in Economics and Business Administration. Katarina started in August 2016 as a Higher Executive Officer in economics at Department of Clinical Science. If you want to say hello , you can find her 8th-floor in the lab-building.