Author Archives: ijo013

New guidelines for the Open Access publication fund at UiB

The University Board has adopted new guidelines for the publication fund which will take effect from October 1st, 2016. The principal changes are:

Only article processing charges (APC) to articles in Open Access journals will be fully covered. To be eligible the journal must be registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals,

Author fees to publish Open Access books are also fully covered.

Corresponding authors to Open Access articles in subscription journals on level 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, may apply for reimbursement of 50% of the APC. The application must be submitted before publishing, and the refund will be paid based on documented APC expenses.

Open Access articles in subscription journals on level 1 are no longer covered by the publication fund.

Applications will be granted based on the complete guidelines.

A new application form will be available from October 1st. Funding is only guaranteed when an application has been submitted and granted before publishing.

If you have questions, please contact

Invitation to CCBIO Special Seminar October 11th: S.Net Pre-Conference Event: Ethical and Social Aspects of Cancer Research

cancer_research_ethicsWe’d like to invite you to attend the CCBIO Special Seminar October 11th: S.Net Pre-Conference Event: Ethical and Social Aspects of Cancer Research. This will be held in Auditorium 4, BB building, Jonas Lies vei 91.

This special seminar aims at bringing together researchers from the fields of oncology, medical ethics, priority setting in health care, and science and technology studies, in order to discuss topics ranging from the ethics of personalised medicine, the role of cancer biomarkers in clinical practice, cancer and extraordinary treatments that lead to ever longer lives, and issues of privacy in biobanks.

The seminar is also a pre-event to the 8th annual S.Net meeting, which will take place 12-14 October in Bergen, with several open parts, including all keynote lectures.

As you can see from the program (link below), we have both international and local speakers and many exciting topics. There will also be a lunch session outside of the auditorium, which always is a great opportunity for networking and social interaction. The seminar is open to all and free of charge, so please feel free to forward this invitation.

We would like to underline that all participants need to register through the below link within 5th of October 2016.

New Names

14423868_1110793502348750_1096619464_oIntroducing Daniel Cacabelos, B.Sc in Chemistry, PhD in Physiology. This Spanish researcher have just joined the Lipid Group as a Posdoctoral visiting researcher. If you want to say hello or go for hike with him you can find Daniel on the 8th floor in the laboratory building.

CCBIO participates in the research days September 23rd -24th 2016

Logo3CCBIO will aslo participate in the research days this year, for students in 6th-7th. class, Friday, September 23rd, and on Saturday, September 24th it’s open for everyone. We encourage everyone to stop by on Saturday (11: 30-16: 00) and learn more about cancer, see their own epithelial cells under the microscope, and take part in exciting competitions! The event is organized for young people, but suitable for most ages.

For more information, click here.

Public PhD Defence, Week 39

Silje ElgenSilje Katrine Elgen Fevang will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, September 30th, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, September 30th, 2016 09:30
Topic:  “Mental health in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities – how should this be measured and future diagnostic classification be developed to ensure good health care?”
Place:  Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Friday, September 30th, 2016 11:15
Place:  Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation:  “Mental health among children born extremely preterm or with extremely low birth weight at preschool- and school age. A national population based study”
1st opponent: Reader Samantha Johnson, PhD, Universitetet i Leicester, Storbritania
2nd opponent: Førsteamanuensis Pål Zeiner, Universitetet i Oslo

Press release (in Norwegian)

New names

14383975_1108190415942392_780382063_nIntroducing Luiza Ghila, PhD in Developmental Biology. Luiza started as Postdoctoral Fellow in the MODY Stem Cell research group in September 2016. If you want to say hello, you can find her on the 3rd floor in the Barneklinikken building.