Author Archives: ijo013

Learning Note from the notification scheme of events in specialized health services where the wrong patient was treated

This is a short learning memorandum concerning “Wrong patient was treated.” The Health Department has received around 35 messages per month in which the wrong patient was treated because of misunderstandings.

Learning note is specifically aimed at managers of clinical departments and personnel who are responsible for organizing patient flow and patient record systems as well as those performing ID verification. The note is also relevant departments for medical biochemistry, imaging, pathology departments and departments of immunology and transfusion medicine.

This paper is also published on Helsedirektoratets nettsider under Publikasjoner, type Læringsnotat.

Learning notes contains information from § 3-3 to institutions covered by the statutory obligation to report incidents that cause, or could have given considerable damage to the patient. Illuminated risk areas is based on the content of messages.
It is not conducted systematic searches for improvements in connection with the preparation of the note.

The Health Department is considering incidents in a system perspective and direct their attention towards preventing future occurrences.

It is desirable that the note is used as part of improvement work in patient safety in the special Health department.

Dersom det ønskes nærmere informasjon, eller ved tilbakemeldinger på læringsnotatet, vennligst kontakt:

Eli Saastad, researcher, PhD. E-mail: phone 24 16 35 17
Øystein Flesland, Head of Section, E-mail: phone 459 69 707

Annual inspection Safety benches

Bryn Byggningklima will come November 8th 2016 to take annual inspection of safety benches in the lab-building.

Starting approximately at 10:00 AM  on Microbiological dept. 4th floor.
Expect to be completed in the afternoon on November 10th.

Has set aside Friday, November 11th to any. rework / repair.

Guidance Conference 2017: Information and Call for papers

February 15th and 16th 2017 the National Guidance Conference is being held at University College Southeast Norway campus Drammen on Papirbredden. The target audience for the conference is anyone working with guidance; practical, theoretical and through research.

We want the conference to demonstrate the diversity of the guidance field, and it embraces both educational guidance, career counseling and health and social guidance. We invite therefore wide to contribute to the academic program at the conference.

Abstracts, program for workshop and posters will be reviewed by an expert group. Feedback given within November 28th 2016.

See more about the program and registration here.
Deadline: January 1st 2017

Deadline for submission of abstracts, program for workshops and posters: November 1st 2016
Feedback abstracts arrangements for workshops and posters: November 28th 2016

External work

bakke0x2c_per_0x2830x29It’s time to register and / or update your external work. The University Board has decided that all employees at UiB, regardless of the job category and position fraction shall register the tasks they have outside of UiB. The intention is that there should be full transparency both for people both inside and outside UiB about employees’ potential links. The list of external work is therefore publicly available.

It is emphasized that it is entirely legitimate and also desiraable that UiB employees have external work. But all external work is to be registered. You do the registration in Paga.

What external work should be registered? Read the manual here

As one of the largest departments at UiB, K2’s cards are often looked at. Last year we were checked in terms of the number of K2 employees who had registered their external work.
Many had not done this. This year there is a clear order that this is happening. I therefore expect that everyone registers their external work within October 21st at 4:00 PM.
It’s easy to do and takes most of us under 15 minutes. For those who do not have external work to register, send an email to Ingvild with the following text. “I have no external work”

If you are in doubt about the registration of external work, contact Julie
(NB: Read the instructions first!)


HSE corner

The university management has an increased focus on employee external work and the department will hereby remind all employees to register or update registration of external work. Deadline October 21st, 2016.

Here you can find manuals


You have not registered external work in PAGA and we need feedback from you if this is right

If you have external work to be registered, please register this in PAGA within October 21st 2016.

Registration is done here:

1. Once logged in, go to “Tasks”

2. Then “New form” select “Additional Information”, then select “Add”

3. Then “Registration of external”

If you have any questions regarding the registration, contact Julie Stavnes

With external work means part-time position, second jobs, assignments and duties as an employee at UiB outside her position at UiB, whether work or duties are paid or not. Also work done for an enterprise or company wholly or partly owned by the employees, considered as external work.

The following shall not be registered:
• Membership in external assessment committees
• Referee for professional journal
• Tasks remote sensors
• Professional duties that come with the main position
• Isolated minor teaching assignments at another institution
• Individual smaller assignments in connection with continuing education courses at another institution
• Individual less mediation missions or individual assignments as an expert commentator in the media, etc.
• Other similar activities of limited scope and duration, which can be considered as a part of the university’s social responsibility
• Unpaid positions of limited scope and duration of nonprofit institutions

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

For more information on Principles of external work pressure here.


If you have registered external work in PAGA, please confirm that this is still correct.

Please complete a check of your registered external work, or perform corrections within Ocotber 21st 2016. 

Registration is done here:
Here you can find manuals

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

For more information on Principles of external work pressure here.

Life outside academia

alle_utenfor_0Thursday October 6th arranged Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry a career day for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows for the first time. The crowd in a packed auditorium heard their former colleagues tell about life outside academia.

Read the full article here (only in Norwegian)

New Names

14699632_1129408737153893_926720324_oIntroducing Eivind Rath, at UiB. He is a doctor and has worked several years at H araldsplass Hospital and then at the infection section at med.avd, Haukeland University Hospital. September 1st 2016 he began as a researcher at K2, linked to INFECT study, an EU funded study on necrotizing fasciitis, which is also part of Streptococcal Group. Supervisor is Trond Bruun. If you want to say hello, you can find him on the 3rd floor of Fjellsiden.