Author Archives: ijo013

Seminar: Open access to research – from international solidarity to Norwegian count edge system?

In connection with the international Open Access Week invites university library to a seminar on open access to research.

Knowledge: a public global good – a journey through Open Access over 30 years
Rune Nilsen, Professor Emeritus of Global Health, University of Bergen.

Rune Nilsen was named one of Europe’s Open Access Champions in 2016. He believes that Open Access is an important means in the fight against academic apartheid.

National guidelines: Open access to research – a requirement for funding?
Oddrun Samdal, member of the Working Group, Vice-Rector for Education, University of Bergen.

The government requires that Norwegian research should be openly available. The working group proposes including incentives and requirements related to funding to achieve this.

How can I do my research openly available?
Irene Eikefjord, Librarian, University of Bergen Library.

UiB has changed the criteria for support for open publication from 1 October 2016. How to get support for open publishing? What options exist to make the University’s research openly available?

TIME: TUESDAY 25. October 12: 30-14: 30

The event is free and open to all. Welcome!

Introductory course for new employees

It is important for the University of Bergen that we have a good system to support our new employees in what both parties is an important transition and establishment process. UiB organizes therefore an introductory course for new employees in the business. The introductory course is offered to all new employees, regardless of position size and position group. We therefore ask the units to facilitate so that new employees may have the opportunity to attend the event. On the course we address the general theme of being a worker at UiB. In addition there is a chance to get to know other employees of the institution.

The HR department organizes introductory courses for new employees 2 times a year. All information will be given in Norwegian. University hires many foreign workers. It is therefore arranged their own similar courses in English.

Time: October 12th, at 9.00 AM  – 3.00 PM
Place: Stein Rokkans house, Nygårdsgaten 5, Auditorium 1080

Registration: You can register by clicking  here!
You can find the program here

Deadline: October 7th 2016

Announcement of Erasmus OS funds 2016-17

eu-erasmus_1We remind you that this year’s OS – funds (Organizational Support) at the disposal of the faculties and departments at the University of Bergen. OS-funds are part of the Erasmus grant for the University of Bergen and is based on the number of exchanges through the Erasmus program last year. Both academic and administrative employees can apply for OS-funding to cover the costs of activities that promote mobility within the Erasmus program, such as:

• contact for creating new partnerships
• contact travel partners for quality of agreements, etc.
• various events which promote exchanges within the Erasmus program
• measures to integrate incoming Erasmus students and other exchange students
• preparation of information materials and so on.

Applicants will get 50% of the expenses covered. For major expenses the support can be somewhat smaller, and With small amounts we can consider to cover more than 50% of the total cost.

Applications for funding must be submitted to Studieadministrativ avdeling in ePhorte, case number. 2016/8533 with a brief overview of how money will be spent.

Applications will be processed continuously.

The HSE corner

informasjon_til_verneombud-1024x703It’s that time again where we choose our safety representatives again!

Saftey representatives are elected for two years at a time. Current term of office for safety representatives at the University of Bergen (UiB) expires when the year ends, and now we’re choosing our safety representatives for the period January 1st 2017 – December 31st 2018.

Deadline: October 17th
For more information including the role of safety representative and how the election work, you can press here


Have you remembered to do this?

vilvite-bergen-scienceThis year’s HSE day will be held on Wednesday, November 23rd at the VilVite center in Thormøhlens Gate 51. The HSE is mandatory for all full time employees at K2
Link to registration can be found here
The invitation can be found here

If anyone has questions about the registration you can contact Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll in the expedition 8etg. lab-building. ( – 55973050)

Career Day for all PhD candidates – Thursday 6 October

Welcome to career day for all PhD candidates at MOF! It will take place October 6 from 10.00 to 14.00 in auditorium 4, BBB.

You can find the program here.

The Career Center will present useful tips when writing job applications/CVs, former PhD candidates will talk about their career paths, and some companies will have stands in the area outside the auditorium. There will also be a simple lunch and opportunity to socialize with other PhD candidates. An updated schedule can be found here:

Link to sign up:


Follow Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry on Facebook!

14188594_1166844113355011_4246962902318979497_oThe Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry now has its own Facebook Page!

We will use this page to link to research news, events and anything that may be of interest to students and staff at the MOF.

Follow our page and check back there once in a while to see what is happening!

We also appreciate if you can like and share the posts in there – this way they will be read by even more people.

You could also tip the senior consultant  directly if you know of something exciting happening that deserves some attention on Facebook or Instagram.

New names

14456814_1115300855231348_863556757_oIntroducing Kine Gregersen, business developer in BTO. Kine will be available at K2 on the 8th floor, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. If you want to say hello, you can find her at ‘Baklommen’ in the laboratory building. Ask Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll in the expedition if you are unsure where ‘Baklommen’ is.
She is available by mail aswell

Public PhD Defence, Week 40

Ingvild Løberg TangenIngvild Løberg Tangen  will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, October 7th, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, October 7th, 2016 10:15
Topic:  “Macro- and micro-environmental factors in relation to hormone signaling in endometrial cancer”
Place:  Stort auditorium, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Friday, October 7th, 2016 12:15
Place:  Stort auditorium, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation:  “Hormone signaling related factors as biomarkers in endometrial cancer”
1st opponent: Researcher Johanne Pijnenborg, TweeSteden Ziekenhuis, Tilburg, The Netherlands
2nd opponent: Assistant professor Andrea Romano, Maastricht University Medical Centre, The Netherlands

Press release (in Norwegian)

Call for research grants for stays abroad for employees in permanent academic positions – 2017

Reference is made to the announcement and application forms on the faculty website: http: //

Three types of UiB employees are eligeble for the grants:

1) Scientific staff in permanent positions. The position must be funded by the University, and an application for research sabbatical including a stay abroad must have been submitted by the deadline for sabbaticals (1 May). Deadline: 1 October.

2) Postdoctoral fellows with UiB funding.
Deadlines 1 March and 1 October.

3) PhD candidates with UiB funding/UiB research fellow (PhD) positions: PhD candidates funded by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen, can apply for research grant limited to 25.000nok. Application deadline are 1. March and 1. October

Call for proposals and application forms in English:

Research Scholarship for stays abroad in the sabbatical leave can be searched by academic staff in permanent positions that are funded by the University of Bergen / Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. When applying for a research grant applicant must have applied for a sabbatical by the stipulated deadline (May 1st.), Where the research stay at the foreign institution included in the sabbatical leave. It is also a prerequisite that parallel application for funding through the Meltzer Fund which deadline is :December 1st.

Information about Meltzer Fund are here:

Free Internet Courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics

Our introductory course in Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics (UU 87,307 7.5 ECTS) for spring 2017 is now open for registration.

The course, which is entirely free to EU / EAA citizens, is suitable for students and researchers who are interested in learning how complex biological processes can be studied down to the finest level of chemical detail with the help of informatics, and how it can be used for understanding life processes and to develop drugs and improved pharmacotherapy.

The course is completely online and takes place during the period January 15 – March 23; for more information and preliminary notification see<>.

At the request of many former participants we now also offer two additional online courses:

I. Applied pharmaceutical Structural Bioinformatics (UU 87 309 5 ECTS) (January 15 – February 28)

II. Applied Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics (UU 87320 5 ECTS) (April 2 – May 16)

More information is available at<>.

I would also be grateful if you could pass on the information about the courses from your undergraduate and graduate students as we find it difficult to reach out to them.

Genomics Club Invitation

Genomics Club announces new season of scientific Meetings.
Our first meeting will take place on the 5th October, 12:00 in room 6.1, Laboratoriebygget (6th floor).

During inauguration meeting we will have three 20 minutes presentations from people experienced with CRISPR technology:

Kornel Labun – CRISPR tools for XXI century genome engineering

Johanna Lüdeke – CRISPR knockout of HADH in HEK293 cells

Simon Dankel – CRISPR applied in functional genetics Research

If you want to be informed of later Genomics Club meetings, please make sure to be included on the Club list by sending an email to

Later meetings will NOT be advertised on the K2/K1 news letters.


Call for research grants for stays abroad for postdocs – application round in autumn 2016

You will find the announcement and application forms on the Faculty website:

You can find the call for proposals and application forms in English here:

The announcement apply research scholarships for university-funded postdoctoral fellows at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen. Post Doctors who are externally funded (eg NFR, Helse Vest, State Educational Loan Fund, the Cancer Society, etc.) Must seek funding source about støtte.Siden grant is intended as a partial financing of the stay abroad, encouraged all postdocs who want a stay abroad to seek external funding through other arrangements. Research has its own scholarship base for researcher mobility which gives a brief presentation of mobility grant from the Research Council and other actors:

Application deadline is October 1st  2016

New guidelines for the Open Access publication fund at UiB

The University Board has adopted new guidelines for the publication fund which will take effect from October 1st, 2016. The principal changes are:

Only article processing charges (APC) to articles in Open Access journals will be fully covered. To be eligible the journal must be registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals,

Author fees to publish Open Access books are also fully covered.

Corresponding authors to Open Access articles in subscription journals on level 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, may apply for reimbursement of 50% of the APC. The application must be submitted before publishing, and the refund will be paid based on documented APC expenses.

Open Access articles in subscription journals on level 1 are no longer covered by the publication fund.

Applications will be granted based on the complete guidelines.

A new application form will be available from October 1st. Funding is only guaranteed when an application has been submitted and granted before publishing.

If you have questions, please contact

Invitation to CCBIO Special Seminar October 11th: S.Net Pre-Conference Event: Ethical and Social Aspects of Cancer Research

cancer_research_ethicsWe’d like to invite you to attend the CCBIO Special Seminar October 11th: S.Net Pre-Conference Event: Ethical and Social Aspects of Cancer Research. This will be held in Auditorium 4, BB building, Jonas Lies vei 91.

This special seminar aims at bringing together researchers from the fields of oncology, medical ethics, priority setting in health care, and science and technology studies, in order to discuss topics ranging from the ethics of personalised medicine, the role of cancer biomarkers in clinical practice, cancer and extraordinary treatments that lead to ever longer lives, and issues of privacy in biobanks.

The seminar is also a pre-event to the 8th annual S.Net meeting, which will take place 12-14 October in Bergen, with several open parts, including all keynote lectures.

As you can see from the program (link below), we have both international and local speakers and many exciting topics. There will also be a lunch session outside of the auditorium, which always is a great opportunity for networking and social interaction. The seminar is open to all and free of charge, so please feel free to forward this invitation.

We would like to underline that all participants need to register through the below link within 5th of October 2016.

New Names

14423868_1110793502348750_1096619464_oIntroducing Daniel Cacabelos, B.Sc in Chemistry, PhD in Physiology. This Spanish researcher have just joined the Lipid Group as a Posdoctoral visiting researcher. If you want to say hello or go for hike with him you can find Daniel on the 8th floor in the laboratory building.