Author Archives: apoih

INVITATION: CCBIO seminar next week, Thursday 25.01.2024, 14.30–15.30, Aud. 4, BBB, with Vibeke Fosse

We are happy to invite you to a CCBIO seminar next week, Thursday 25.01.2024, in Aud. 4 BBB, from 14.30-15.30. 

Vibeke Fosse will give a talk on, Comparative oncology: a valuable model for cancer immunotherapy research.

Speaker: Vibeke Fosse

Title: Comparative oncology: a valuable model for cancer immunotherapy research

Time: Thursday 25.01.2024, 14.30–15.30

Where: Aud. 4, BBB

Host: Emmet McCormack

Abstract: Is available here

Onsite event in the auditorium. The CCBIO seminars are open to all, so feel free to forward this invitation.

Hope to see as many as possible there!

Best wishes,

Camilla Tvedt Ekanger
Seminar coordinator/PhD student
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
The University of Bergen
Mobile +47 465 29 280

UTFORSK Call 2024

31 January 2024 9.00-11.00

This seminar offers an introduction to UTFORSK, a measure under the Norwegian government’s strategy for cooperation on higher education and research with Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Africa, South Korea and the USA, the Panorama Strategy.

We will start by looking into the UTFORSK call and how it is aligned with policies and objectives outlined in relevant policy documents. From this starting point we will discuss objectives related to institutional partnerships, integration between higher education, research and working life, sustained student mobility and enhanced international learning environment. Last but not least we will dig into the recent UTFORSK call for applications and how to write a convincing application.


  • Introduction to the UTFORSK call (HK-dir)
  • One or two project proposals that were funded in previous rounds will share experiences from their applications:
    • professor Bjørnar Borvik and senior adviser Ingrid Tøsdal, Faculty of Law
    • TBC
  • How to write a convincing application; story telling, impact, tips and tricks
  • Timeline for guidance from the support team

Target group:
UTFORSK is open to all levels (Bachelor, Master, and PhD) and all academic fields. Cooperation across disciplines and sectors is encouraged. Accordingly the seminar is open to interested academic and administrative staff across UiB.


Happy New Year!

As we begin the new year, it’s time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. For many of us, this means returning to work after a well-deserved break. As a large university medical department with many specialties in medicine as well as in pharmacy and nutrition with staff teaching and performing research, we have a unique opportunity to set the tone for the year ahead.

It is important to acknowledge the challenges that we have all faced over the past few years, including the pandemic and its impact on our work and personal lives as well as large cuts in public funding, which has resulted in a negative surplus in the economy. However, it is also important to focus on the positives and look for ways to move forward. This can include setting new goals, developing new strategies, or simply finding new ways to connect with colleagues. It is important to remember that challenges are a natural part of any organization’s growth and development. By working together and focusing on our strengths, we can find new and innovative ways to overcome these obstacles. This can include exploring new funding sources, developing new partnerships, or simply finding ways to streamline our operations.

Thus, coming back to work in the new year is an opportunity to start fresh and make a positive impact. By focusing on the positives, investing in your environment, and maintaining open lines of communication, you can help set the stage for a successful year ahead.


The artificially intelligent billion

In September, the Norwegian government launched an investment in research and innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital security

The investment must be “at least NOK 1 billion over five years” (2024-28) and have three main tracks:

  • Social consequences
  • Technology development
  • Innovation

The Research Council has had an expert group that has made recommendations for the organization of the AI billion. UiB has been represented by pro-rector Pinar Heggernes. They have described the current situation and expectations for the investment as well as suggested overall measures.

The initiative will have three cross-cutting, overarching themes: trust, responsibility, and creativity. The ambition is that the investment is both long-term, fruitful, ground-breaking, and interdisciplinary.

Follow-up at UiB concerns both research, innovation, and education. UiB will organize a mobilization event when the first calls for proposals open around Easter. The purpose is to identify opportunities for cross-sector and cross-faculty collaboration and lay a good foundation for the application work.

Read more about mobilization at UiB here .

Read more about UiB AI

Information about HR

Julie Hansen has been HR Adviser at the Department of Clinical Science. She is leaving UoB and moving to an external position in January. Christine Bresil is in training and will take over as HR Adviser at the department. From now on, HR inquiries can be directed to Christine Bresil: Christine Bresil | University of Bergen (

Thank you Julie for your efforts so far, and welcome to Christine.

(Norsk) Informasjon om bibliotekets kurs for ansatte våren 2024

Be good in literature searching and reference software. The Medical library offers the following courses this spring:

  • Searching in PubMed and Embase
  • Introduction to Endnote
  • Introduction to Zotero
  • Introduction to systematic reviews
  • Literature studies for Bachelor and Master students (in Norwegian)

The courses are planned as a hybrid solution, with the option of attending either physically or online via Zoom. The courses are mainly for employees and PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and for employees at Helse Bergen. Courses for students are normally given as a part of their study program. If that isn’t the case, they can attend these courses as well. The courses are free of charge, but registration is necessary for our planning.

Dates, registration and more information can be found on the library’s web pages:

Courses in English:

Overview of all courses (Norwegian or English):

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