Author Archives: apoih

Looking for partners and joining consortia

  1. sep. kl. 09.00–11.00

The webinar will answer and discuss with the participants the following questions and issues:

  • How to find the key actors in a specific field? Which websites or portals to check if you want to find information on Horizon Europe, scientific achievements or key results? How can you join a consortium that is preparing a proposal?
  • How can you make yourself more visible for European researchers and key organisations?

The course language is English, and the course is delivered by Europa Media.

TMex course – “Translational Medicine Explained”

Barcelona, 22-25 October.

This four-day course offers a unique opportunity to delve into the complexities of translating biomedical discoveries into solutions for unmet medical needs. It explores the importance of a truly interdisciplinary approach, where collaboration across various disciplines is not just encouraged but essential.



Nordic Cancer Conference

Monday October 7th in Stockholm

Bonnier Healthcare, together with Nordic Cancer Union’s members, invites you to the Nordic Cancer Conference. The venue will take place in Stockholm, Bonnier Huset, Torsgatan 21. It is also possible to participate by streaming.

The program is under construction and will be updated. It is designed together with a reference group consisting of:
Norwegian Cancer Society, Ole Alexander Opdalshei – Deputy Secretary General
The Swedish Cancer Society, Ulrica Sundholm, Manager Knowledge & Support
The Danish Cancer Society: Heidi Smollerup Rasmussen, Chief Consultant policy and legal
Bonnier Healthcare Norway, Martin Gray – Editor in Chief Dagens Medisin, and moderator for the conference.

We are delighted to welcome you to our conference where leading experts, researchers, and policymakers from across the Nordic countries come together to address one of the most pressing health challenges of our time: cancer. We will focus on four key areas:  prevention, cancer strategy, access to new medicines, clinical trials.


(Norsk) ERC Søknadslesedag/ERC proposal reading day

Morning session 3. sep. kl. 09.00–12.00

Afternoon session 3. sep. kl. 12.30–15.30

Registration latest 27 August

The research groups’ websites

Ingrid Hagerup ( at the faculty has spent the last few weeks looking over the websites of the research groups at K2. She has made some structural changes, both by agreement with certain people and on her own.

However, there is a need for a more systematic review of the content on several of the pages.

It is important that the content is up-to-date, because it is the “outward face” of the research group.

Look over the content on the website of the research group you are responsible for, and report the need for changes to the content


There is no “final deadline” for this work, but none of the content will be updated unless you let us know!

Also remember! There is both an English and a Norwegian website – you can find the overview here: