Author Archives: apoih

Changes in the administration

As previously announced, Julie Stavnes will resign from her position as Head of Administration for K2 on May 11. The recruitment process for a new Head of Administration is ongoing. Until a new person can take over, Maria Holmaas will work as Head of Administration. I assume she is well known by most having many years of experience in the administration at K2, most recently as Head of the Finance Section. In her absence, Kjetil Haugsvær Dyrkolbotn will act as Head of Finance.

Wishing you a really good weekend!

Lage promofilm?

Har du eller dine kolleger et ønske om en promofilm for et prosjekt?
Kanskje dere sitter på forskningsmateriale som trenger å redigeres?

Studiet for TV-produksjon på Infomedia tar nå oppdrag for UiBs fakulteter og institutt.
De tilbyr tjenester innen filming, redigering, regissering og utforming av videprosjekter. Arbeidet inngår i studiet, og inntektene går til budsjettet for studentenes eksamensfilm.

Ta kontakt med meg for å høre mer eller legge inn en bestilling.

Med vennlig hilsen

Thomas V Drageset
Klyngekoordinator, UiB
T: 97627532

Apply for funds from Olav Thons Stiftelse – deadline for submission: September 15.

Olav Thons Foundation announces two rewards for 2022.

  1. The Olav Thon Foundation’s International Research Award for Mathematics/Natural Sciences and Medicine 2022

In the field of medicine, special attention will be given to gerontology as well as to studies of brain function and age-related changes in the brain.

Read more about the announcement and how to apply here:

  1. Announcement National Academic Prize 2022

10 awards up to 500 000 NOK each is awarded to Norwegian and foreign professors who excel in their teaching activities within medicine and natural sciences at Norwegian teaching facilities.

Read more about the announcement and how to apply here: (in Norwegian only)

Reminder holiday registration and important info about plus time

All employees at the University of Bergen must use the Self-Service Portal to register holidays and senior days. Employees who are to register working hours must do so in the Self-Service portal. Registration in the Self-Service Portal ensures that the employees themselves and their managers at all times have a good overview of holidays and flexible working hours, and that these are in accordance with applicable laws, collective agreements and regulations.

The holiday plan for the main holiday period should be available no later than 1 May and applications for summer holidays must therefore be registered in the Self-Service Portal well in advance of this date. The starting point is that all employees must take a minimum of three weeks holiday in the period 1 June – 30 September, and preferably between the two study semesters.

Note in particular that UiB has two settlement dates in 2021, and plus time of more than 50 hours will be deleted on 31.08.21 (postponed from 31.12.20) and 31.12.21. Overtime and travel time are not deleted. It is important that managers follow up by extracting a report in SAP Insights, see «Appendix 2. Absence overview» for user guidance.

Ferie og fleksitid

Behov for medarbeidere under OSKE-eksamen

Vi har pr i dag omtrent 40 påmeldte medarbeidere til de to OSKE-eksamenene vi skal gjennomføre i juni. Vi har klart å dekke behovet for den minste eksamenen (MED12), men for eksamen i MED6 trenger vi ytterligere 20 medarbeidere. Vi trenger flere medarbeidere enn normalt på grunn av smittevernstiltakene.


Eventuelle spørsmål kan rettes til Lise Amble (MED6) eller Dina Midtflø (MED12).

Med vennlig hilsen
Ørjan Leren

The University of Bergen is 75 years old!

In 2021, UiB will be 75 years old and everyone at UiB is invited to join the celebration, see information here.

The anniversary will have “Knowledge That Shaped Society” as a theme, and will make visible our values, our strengths and our role in society, with the faculties and the University Museum as our most important arenas of knowledge. In the autumn, there will be a separate Anniversary Week 25 – 31 October, with activities and events for UiB’s students and staff, but also for a wider audience. K2 can propose contributions to the f

Faculty that will take this on to the Anniversary Committee.

K2 now asks everyone for:

  1. Proposals for contributions this autumn’s Anniversary Week should be sent to the Head of Research, Silke Appel ( or the Head of Teaching, Mette Vesterhus ( by 26/4.


  • Can take place from the start of studies until the autumn and into 2021
  • Can be lectures, podcasts, guided tours, debates, conversations, exhibitions, printed matter, concerts, readings, art projects, chronicles, etc
  1. Not only retrospective topics, but also topics that are current, such as:
  2. What role should the university play in the future in a world with fake news, alternative facts?
  3. What will be the next pandemic? How should society prepare?
  4. How far can one go in replacing human parts?

Hoping for many and innovative suggestions!

Have a great weekend,



(Norsk) Disputas: Eli Skeie, fredag 23. april 2021

Foto: Jørgen Barth

Eli Skeie

Trial lecture:      23 – april 2021 kl. 10.15

Oppgitt emne:                “Forebygger kunnskapsbaserte ernæringsintervensjoner postoperative komplikasjoner? Implementering av perioperativ ernæringsbehandling I små og store sykehus”

Dissertation:                     23 – april 2021 kl. 12.15

Avhandlingens tittel:      “The association between malnutrition and postoperative complications, and the potential for prevention of both”


  1. opponent: Dosent Frode Slinde Göteborgs universitet, Sverige
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Anne Karin Lindahl, Universitetet i Oslo
  3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Anne Berit Guttormsen, Universitetet i Bergen

Custos: professor emeritus Alfred Halstensen

Open for all!

Link to digital dissertation


Dissertation – Sunniva Todnem Sakkestad, Friday April 23rd

Foto: Jørgen Barth

Sunniva Todnem Sakkestad

Trial lecture:      23 – april 2021 kl. 10.15

Subject:                “Global Challenges to effective vaccines for children in the developing world”

Dissertation:                     23 – april 2021 kl. 12.15

Subject:      “Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection and diarrhoea – Experimental infection studies and immunological characterisation to guide vaccine development”



  1. opponent: Professor Frits Koning LUMC, The Netherlands
  2. opponent: Professor II Anne Margarita Dyrhol-Riise
  3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Bergithe Eikeland Oftedal, Universitetet i Bergen

Custos:  professor emeritus Birgitta Åsjø.

Open for all.

Link to zoom


Day of Immunology 2021

Day of Immunology is a worldwide campaign to increase common knowledge and awareness about the importance of the immune system.

For COVID-19 reasons, the Norwegian Society of Immunology has organized a digital version of the annual popular science meeting this year. Rebecca Cox from our department will have a presentation and participate in the panel discussion.

This year’s theme is COVID-19 and will be hosted in Norwegian.

Torsdag 29. april 2021, kl. 13:00 til kl. 15:30

Registration is free.


Meeting ID: 675 1962 5611
Passcode: 702377

Please click here and here for more information.

It`s prize time

Now you have the opportunity to suggest colleagues and groups that have excelled in the past year for prizes – it’s prize time! The faculty announces both research and teaching prizes and each department can nominate up to two candidates in each category, except for this year’s publication (that is 2020) where one proposal can be submitted.

The research prizes are: this year’s publication, this year’s PhD dissertation, and this year’s research and innovation environment as well as the dissemination prize. For teaching, up to three prizes are awarded for outstanding efforts in education. Of these, there is a main prize of NOK 150 000 and two prizes each of NOK 50 000.

Nominations for the research awards should be sent to The Deputy Director for Research Silke Appel ( Teaching award nominations should be sent to The Deputy Director for Teaching Mette Vesterhus ( The deadline for nominations for all these awards is April 16. It would have been very nice if K2 stands out with many good nominations.

In addition, K2’s teaching prize will be awarded on the annual teaching day 19 May. Do you know anyone who has contributed to extraordinarily good student-centered teaching, or more organizationally; someone who have taken a leadership role and implemented innovative teaching programs? If so, send nominations to The Deputy Director for Teaching Mette Vesterhus us by 10 May.

You find more information on the prizes in K2-news week 12 (

REgarding teaching, the Norwegian Parliament has allocated a total of NOK 150 million to universities, colleges to pay students to provide academic follow-up to other students. Our faculty has received about 1 million kroner for this and the idea is that the funds will be used already this spring. Possible use is to pay experienced students to have group tuition for younger students. Here, however, the deadline is very short and the department must send proposals to the faculty as early as 12 April. Proposals are sent to Mette Vesterhus

Hoping for many nominations and proposals.

Eystein Husebye

Workshop “Communicating animal research – why and how”

Learning outcomes for participants:

Increased awareness of the importance of clear, transparent and open communication and proactive engagement with the public on matters relating to animal research. Improved understanding of how to communicate about animal research (e.g. where, what and how). Improved communication skills (including oral, visual and written)



Workshop; Data Management Planning workshop for Life Science Projects

ELIXIR Norway, the Centre for Digital Life Norway and the University Library Bergen are organizing a joint workshop on Data Management  Planning for Life Science Projects on **April 21/22**, including a practical part with hands on help on the Data Stewardship Wizard.

The full program can be found here:

The number of participants is limited to 40 – first come first serve.


Rakel and Otto-Kristian Bruuns endowment

The fund’s purpose is to support medical basic research within biochemistry, physiology, and pathology. Cancer-related projects are prioritized.

The fund aims to distribute three grants of NOK 200.000 to innovative projects in 2021.

Grants are awarded to qualified scientists who are licensed Medical Doctors. Individuals may apply, but applications on behalf of institutes or research groups are preferred.

Grants are awarded to cover running expenses and purchases of smaller scientific equipment

Applications must be submitted electronically via the fund’s website (click here). The fund’s complete call for applications and application form is announced on May 1.

The application deadline is June 15, 2021.

For questions, please contact UNIFOR

Rakel og Otto Kristian Bruun’s Legat

2021-2022 Peder Sather Center Call for Proposals

Peder Sather Center (PSC) is a consortium between UC Berkeley and key Norwegian universities including UoB. PSC offers seed funding for research collaboration and exchange of researchers across the Atlantic. There is no medical faculty at UC Berkeley, which might explain why The faculty of Medicine has had few projects related to PSC. However, there are still possibilities for collaboration for instance with research groups within AI and biomedicine.

You apply directly to PSC. More information and link to application form is found:

Peder Sather Grant Program | Peder Sather Center (

Deadline for 2021-22 applications: June 1st, 2021

New Head of Administration and ARK

As you may have noticed, our current Head of Administration, Julie Stavnes, is leaving. Julie has held the position for six years and has made a huge effort for the Department. Her background as a Master of Business Administration from NHH and the business community has been very useful in the demanding job of being Head of Administration for a department that is as large as several other faculties at the University of Bergen.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Julie for a wonderful effort, not only administratively professionally, but also socially and as a fellow human being. I think I can say on behalf of everyone at K2 that we will miss her very much. She goes to the position of Head of Administration at BIO, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and they are very lucky.

Julie will be difficult to replace. Hence, we hope to get good applicants. If you know of any good management candidates, you need to encourage them to apply. The deadline is the weekend after Easter.

I also take this opportunity to encourage everyone to respond to the ARK survey. It is absolutely central as an instrument for improving the working environment and preventing unnecessary health, environment and safety work (HMS in Norwegian) measures. Here, all voices will count and be important. A unique aspect of the survey is that it is repeated every few years so that it is possible to map changes in the working environment over time.

Dean Per Bakke has promised a free lunch with tall sandwiches and something extra for the department with the highest response rate. K2 is used to winning and this “gold is gonna go home”. Conduct the survey today!


This years awards

The Faculty of Medicine will also this year award prizes for best 2020 publication, PhD work, research / innovation environment and outstanding research dissemination as well as outstanding measures in education. The proposals will go through the departments.

We ask for proposals for this year’s prices by Friday 16 April. More comprehensive information can be found here.




Priser, Prizes, funds for education and PhD positions til utdanning og stipendiatstillinger

This year’s awards

The Faculty of Medicine will also this year award prizes for best 2020 publication, PhD work, research / innovation environment and outstanding research dissemination as well as outstanding measures in education. The proposals will go through the departments.

We ask for proposals for this year’s prices by Friday 16 April. Send these to More comprehensive information can be found here.

Announcement of incentive funds for education 2021

For 2021, the University of Bergen is announcing a total of NOK 3.3 million in searchable incentive funds for quality-enhancing measures in the educations. The purpose of the scheme is to promote projects that are innovative, in line with UiB’s strategic initiatives or that contribute to achieving national goals for study quality and implementation.

Guidelines and application are linked here. We request that applications be sent to by Wednesday 7 April. The applications will be sent to the Faculty, which forwards the applications to UiB.

PhD positions at the Pandemic Center

The Pandemic Center at the University of Bergen invites to project sketches for two PhD positions. The call is open to all academic environments at UiB. Further information about the positions, requirements for project sketches and template for application form can be found below.

K2’s teaching prize

Our Department recognizes the importance of good teaching to the extent that we have a prize awarded to the person / teaching environment that has excelled during the previous year. It can be clinical or paraclinical, within the areas for which K2 has teaching responsibility. It can be directly close to the student or more organizational; to create a new study plan. Who do you know who has contributed to extraordinarily good student teaching, or more organizationally; gone in the breeze and implemented innovative teaching programs?

Please send an email to by 10 May regarding your candidate and a brief explanation. The Department management will then select the best candidate to receive this year’s prize, which will be awarded on the Teaching Day on 19 May. :

Finally, I will again encourage everyone to vote in the election of a new rectorate.

Have a great weekend!

Instituttseminar – 24. mars kl. 13:00

Wednesday March 24th, at 13:00

13:00 – 13:45  ; The alarmin HMGB1, inflammation and arthritis – knowledge today and visions for the future
Professor og overlege Helena Erlandsson Harris, Institutionen för Medicin, Karolinska institutet

14:00 – 14:45; Towards personalized therapies for inflammatory diseases
Professor Silke Appel, Klinisk institutt 2/Broegelmanns forskningslaboratorium

Link to the seminar:


(Norsk) Disputas – Jon Espen Dale, torsdag 25. mars 2021

Trial lecture:      25. mars 2021 kl. 10.15
Subject:                “Proton therapy for head and neck cancer”

Dissertation:       25. mars 2021 kl. 12.15
Title:      “Dose Constraints for important Organs at Risk in the Head and Neck Region for Carbon Ion Radiotherapy optimized with the Local Effect Model I (LEM I)”

  1. opponent: Professor Cai Grau, Aarhus University, Denmark
  2. opponent: Ph.d. Markus Stock, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
  3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen, Universitetet i Bergen

Custos: professor Einar K. Kristoffersen

Open for all; Digitalt møterom


Dissertation – Anne Katrine Bergland, Friday 26th of March

Foto: Svein Lunde

Trial lecture:      March 26th, at 09.15

Subject:                “Kognitiv svikt som følge av kronisk traumatisk hjerneskade – mekanismer, klinisk utredning og forløp”

Dissertation:                     March 26th , at 11.00


Subject:      “Cognitive impairment – role of vascular risk factors and lipid alterations for development and progression”

  1. opponent: Professor II Börje Bjelke, Universitetet i Oslo
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Rannveig Sakshaug Eldholm, NTNU
  3. medlem av komiteen: Professor II Lasse Gøransson, Universitetet i Bergen

Custos:  professor Dennis Nilsen.

Open for all; Digitalt møterom


Know-how seminars – Center for digital life Norway

The webinars cover basic topics in regulatory affairs and topics in intellectual property rights specific to digital biotech that should be considered early in projects. The webinars are tailored to the centre’s biotechnology projects, but are free and open to all researchers. See the programmes and sign up.