Author Archives: apoih

New Study Coordinator at K2 / K1

My name is Tore LTore Lillebø 1illebø and I am the new study coordinator for the “Common Academic Administration of K1 and K2.” This means that I supervise the student administration, and we are managing subjects that K1 and K2 are responsible for. Among my tasks are planning for / and operation of study programs, communication with the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Helse-Bergen, as well as the secretary of EUU on K1 and K2.

Remember Teaching Day(s)

You can now sign up for K1 and K2s joint education days! K1 and K2 have a lot of teaching together, and this year we joint each other for teaching days. The teaching days will be 2 half days, the 1st and 14th of October. We encourage all teachers at K1 and K2 all the study administration to hold the dates. (Starts at.9 am and ends with lunch.) Registration deadline 20 September.


Registration link

Lærlinger i ekspedisjonen

Ingvild redigertK2 administrasjonen har fått ny lærling!  Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll overtar stafettpinnen etter Klaus og Lars i ekspedisjonen i Laboratoriebygget. Vi ønsker Ingvild hjertelig velkommen.

Samtidig gratulerer vi Klaus og Lars med bestått fagprøve i kontorfaget i dag.  Lykke til videre på studier og folkehøyskole og tusen takk for flott innsats og utsøkt service.Lars og Klaus redigert

Replacement of windows in the Lab-building

Advarsel skiltMonday, 15 June Bolseth glass starts working on the replacement of windows in the 9th, 8th and 7th floors: the part of the facade that is on Vivári side of the building !!!!!!
 They will start working from the rig site, (“upstairs- behind Vivári”) beginning with the dismantling of all SHED- curtains (the outer gray ones) on the Vivári side side of the building. 
This means there colud be some problems if the sun choose to show itself in the coming 14-day period. Then there will be no other sun shielding in the three floors than any “loose internal” blinds.
The actual glass replacement begins around 18.06. in and will take well one week.
Thereafter SHED-curtains will be remounted, and then they will proceed to the next half of the building on the 7th, 8th, and 9th floor and follow the same procedure.
When the windows are replaced, the entire window is lifted out, and offices will be fully open for a while.
This means that everyone must clear away things that are in window sills. Loose papers in bins and on office desks also need to be cleared away so that they do not blow away when the windows are removed.
Contacts at UiB is Irene Hjelmaas or Siv Eggereide.



Midwayevaluations week 23

Linn Anja Vikøren
Wednesday June 3 at 08:00-09:00
Place: Conference room BB-Building
More information

Anna Berg
Thursday June 4th. at 09:00-10:00
Place: Conference room 7.1/7.2 7., 7th Floor Laboratory building
More information

Karen Mauland
Thursday June 4th. at 10:00-11:00
Place: Conference room 7.1/7.2 7., 7th Floor Laboratory building
More information

Mari Kyllesø Halle
Thursday June 4th. at 11:00-12:00
Place: Conference room 7.1/7.2 7., 7th Floor Laboratory building
More information

Sahba Shafiee
Thursday June 4th. at 13:45-14:45
Place: Conference room 7.1/7.2 7., 7th Floor Laboratory building
More information



Midwayevaluation Week 21

Marie Ramsvik
Thursday May 21 at  9:00-10:00
Place: Conference room 5.1/5.2,  5th Floor Laboratory building.
For more information

Anne Mette Koch
Thursday May 21, at 10:00-11:00
Place: Conference room 5.1/5.2,  5th Floor Laboratory building.
For more information

Silje Kathrine Elgen Fevang
Thursday May 21, at 12.45-13:45
Place: Conference room 5.1/5.2,  5th Floor Laboratory building.
For more information


Eystein 2

Once again the is a focus on space utilization in The laboratory building. The background is new groups need for room, and the total cost model (TDI), which is introduced into the college and university sector, demanding visibility of all project costs, including area.

 Still we have sufficient area in The Lab building, but they have not been utilized equally well everywhere. In the future we have to find  arrangements that increase utilization and flexibility of the use of the area. Measures such as clearing benches that today almost exclusively are used as storage for equipment and chemicals should be done. A review of logbooks shows that there is equipment on the house that has not been in use for the past 10 years – then the museum is a better storage location. Various groups should also collaborate, using the same areas. The development in laboratory research, evolves towards more research carried out in special laboratories and technology platforms – the need for regular lab space is longer the same. To achieve a better utilization we should abandon traditional territorial thinking. In one way or another it must be documented that there is a project going on, and a fair need for the laboratory area – a professor position in itself is not enough to demand lab space. We must also ensure that lab area use is made visible in project proposals as a direct cost, so that these may be covered by project funding. To use a bit worn out “Støre-expression, “This is a demanding process” – but I hope everyone agrees that the carrot tastes better than the whip, and that together we can find good solutions.

With a hope of good collaboration and neighbor relations in the future.



Scams at UiB

username-pwdUiB is constantly being compromised via email. We have experienced that employees have exposed password and user name to outsiders. These are serious violations that could expose UiB’s Computing Resources.

We remind you that passwords and user names never must be disclosed to third parties.



Standard about information security

Electronic processing of information provides opportunities, but also poses challenges for information security at UiB. Directorate of Health has recently prepared a standard for information security. Last update was made in February 2015.

We think you should know about this norm. The purpose of the standard is to contribute to satisfactory information Security in health care. The standard is also intended to be a help in the  organizations work with information security..


Communication breakfast; Researchers in social media

WEB ‘I tweet, therefore I am “: Researchers in social media

Is social media more than selfies and cat videos? Can research conveyed in 140 characters?
The Communications Department invites all employees to a communication  breakfast May 13, with social medium on the menu. Hear about other scientists own experience, and get good tips and advice along the way. Free admission!

Time: Wednesday 13 May kl. 08:00 until 10:00
City: Egg, Student Centre
Deadline: Monday May 11

More information and registration form 


Change in Head of the institute

Per BakkeAt April14th I was engaged for four years as head of the Institute. The previous year has been a special one. Nonetheless, I have received a fantastic support from very many at K2. I am very grateful for that! Special thanks to Eystein who has been the acting head of the institute the last 12 months. He has done a great job. The fact that he at the same time also applied and got an EU grant as a coordinator makes his effort even greater. K2 is facing several challenges ahead. Reorganization of the institute, a new strategy for K2, and the economical status should me mentioned. Also the implementation of the new curriculum for the medical students and the efforts to obtain external funding for research are important tasks ahead. However, knowing how many great people there are at K2, I am very confident that we will make I together.


Happy Easter

As many of you may already know my term as leader of the Institute ends 1 April. Per Bakke will start a new period. Congratulations Per. At this point I want to thank all colleagues for support and for making the leadership period endurable and educational. The leadership group, and especially Synnøve has been of invaluable help.

 K2 is a fantastic place to work and has great potential for new discoveries in research. So keep up the good work.

Happy Easter! 


Family Blix fund for support medical research

Family Blix fund for  suppor of medical research was established on 1 December 1983. The purpose of the fund is to support medical research, particularly in the fields of cardiovascular disease and cancer, including medical diagnostics in these fields. Support from the Fund will particularly go to research that combines basal and clinical research, with special emphasis on applications from young researchers. Applications for grants must be submitted to the Fund’s Board v / attorney Erik Keiserud Hjort DA, Postboks 471 Sentrum, 0105 Oslo.
Applications must be sent no later than 25 June 2015. It must be written on a standard form which will be sent on request to e-mail

Intensivkurs i norsk – trinn 1

For the third time UiB now offer intensive Norwegian courses in the summer for international researchers (employee + spouse/partner of international researchers) and students.
This course is especially for those new to UiB in spring / summer.
It might be a good start to the employment relationship at UiB.
If  you have people coming, but not in until May 15th (deadline) – be sure to apply so they don`t have to wait until fall.

More info and registration: