Author Archives: apoih

Institute Day – December 12th

December 12th is closing in, and we are very much looking forward to what is a all time high participation. Here you will find som more details about the agenda.

Place:  Sted: Grand Selskapslokaler, Nedre Ole Bullsplass 1

11:00 – 12:00  Lunch
12:00    Welcome, News from the Faculty, Jubilees
13:25    Etics/REK
14:15    Risikovurderinger/Miljøfyrtårn
15:30    Ethics in publications
16:00    5 Researchgroups presents their research.
17:30    Aperitiff
18:00    Dinner


Bilderesultat for julebord

The Postgraduate School of Medical Research’s Network Luncheon – September 25th

Dear all,

The Postgradute School of Clinical Medicine is preparing a new Network Luncheon for all PhD fellows and researchers at K1 and K2 departments.

Now is the time to sign up as a presenter, if you would like to present your latest results, engage in discussion with other PhD students and practice your presentation skills.

The upcoming Network Luncheon will take place Tuesday 25th of September, in the Konferanserom of BBB (in front of auditoriums 2 and 4), from 12:00 to 13:30

Register your participation here

Take a break from your daily lab-routine and enjoy a free lunch, socialize and hear talks from fellow PhD students, and on top of all that, earn one ECTS point!

If you would like to earn one ECTS by signing up for “Seminar in clinical and translational medicine” (FSKLI901), please contact Irene Lavik Hjelmaas.

 Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have!

Looking forward,

Irene and Yasaman

Welcome back from the vacation!

I hope everyone has had a nice holiday returning with the batteries reloaded.

At the time of writing, the students have already begun, and many K2 employees are fully occupied with teaching. It is often busy getting started after the holiday. Switching from a hopefully quiet vacation to a hectic university life takes some time. New students means some more work at the start. Research never rests. Although many have picked up email and delt with the most urgent, most have probably a lot of outstanding tasks that now need to be sorted out.

So most people do not start the autumn term with empty baskets. Nevertheless, there may be reason to look into the next six months with new eyes. The new study plan has meant that many have had to change the organization of teaching, but has the content been changed accordingly? Can it be improved and made easier and more accessible? The fall is time for scientific meetings with professional refills and interaction with other researchers. Can this opportunity be used to define new research questions and research projects so that you are better prepared when the deadlines for applying for research funding come next spring?

Autumn is a nice time with many new opportunities. Grab these. Good luck with a new term.


Midway evaluations week 23

Tuesday June 5th
(Lab building 8.1/8.2)

13:00    Hildegunn H. Vetti
14:00    Hilde Renate Engerud

Wednesday  June 6th
(Lab building 8.1/8.2)

09:00      Sunniva Sakkestad
11:00      Anandan Shamundeeswari
13:00      Astrid Sandnes
14:00      Zuzana Sichmanova

Thursday June 7th
(Lab building 8.1/8.2)

10:00     Alba Kaci
11:00     Ingeborg Eskerud
13:00     Elise Grytten

Input to the department’s budget for 2018

Priority for investment in research and education (Table 4)

In the preparations of the budget for 2018, the department requests input to priority investments. Use the attached table.

Your proposal can be sent to Siv Eggereide no later than Friday 02 June at. 12:00. Applications that arrive after this time, will not be considered.

After the deadline, a committee will prioritize the proposals that have been received. Contact Siv if you have any questions.

Appendix: Table 4

Election of departmental councils – Result

Election of the departemtal councils has now been completed with the following results:

Group A- Permanent Scientific staff:

1. Silke Appel
2. Audun Nerland
3. Camilla Krakstad
1. Simon Steinar Hustad
2. Stefan Johansson
3. Valeriya Lyssenko
4. Ola Myklebost
5. Bodil Bjørndal

Group B – Temporary Scientific staff

1. Kimberly Johanne Hatfield
1. Karianne Fjeld
2. Eirik Bratland
3. Piotr Mateusz Mydel

Group C  – Permanent technical – administrative staff;

1. Siv Johnsen Eggereide
1. Janicke Liland Bjørke
2. Karl Albert Brokstad
3. Kjetil Dyrkholbotn

May 12th 2017, Election Board

Election announcement and invitation to submit nominations

Members of the Institute Council at the Department of Clinical Science (K2) group A, B and C

Members of the Institute Council at the Department of Clinical Science (K2) are going to be elected. The election is founded on the University’s election rules. The Institute Council shall be elected by and from these groups:

  • Group A: Permanent employees in teaching and research positions (leaders of departments included)
  • Group B: Temporary employees in teaching and research positions
  • Group C: Technical and administrative staff
  • Group D: Students

The deadline for proposing members (group A, B and C) is Tuesday 25 April 2017.

Proposals must be received by the electoral committee’s vicarious secretary, Julie Stavnes, at the department administration, within 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday 25 April 2017.

Continue reading

New K2 News editor – Johnny Laupsa-Borge

15577715_1199340486827384_880035647_nJohnny Laupsa-Borge starts next week as the editor of K2 News. He holds a master’s degree in human nutrition from the University of Bergen, and acceded in December to a post as research fellow at K2. He is affiliated to the research groups Ueland / Nygård (G3) and Hormones (G2). His main supervisor is Ottar Nygård.

Johnny has assumed the responsibility for K2 News as part of his mandatory work at K2. We encourage all employees and group leaders to contact Johnny if you have something to share with the rest of us at K2, e.g., new research or presentation of research groups.

Contact:  Johnny Laupsa-Borge

We wish Johnny good luck with the work as K2 News editor.

Holiday info 2017

It’s time to start planning your holidays. The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has set the following deadlines for application for holidays for 2017:

Holiday Deadline for request Fixed holiday
Winter Holiday (week 9) 01.02.2017 15.02.2017
Easter Holiday (week 15) 01.03.2017 15.03.2017
Summer holiday (at least 3 weeks between (15.05-15.09) 01.04.2017 15.04.2017
Autumn Holiday (week 41) 15.08.2017 01.09.2017
Any leftover Holidays 01.10.2017 15.10.2017

Application for Winter Holiday should be sent in PAGA no later than 01.02.2017. Information about holidays and how to register it can be found here:
If you have any questions regarding Holidays and registering please contact Personnel Consultant: Linn Christine Meland,, phone. 55 97 29 54.

Kristof’s H2020 Workshop at K2

Kristof from UiB’s Brussels office visited K2 Thursday in Week 3. The participants received tips and tricks on writing applications and interpretation of the text of the calls. There were plenty of time for questions and discussion. A big thanks to Kristof for taking the time to visit us, and we hope we can repeat this on another occasion.

Horizon 2020 HelpDesk

Horizon 2020 HelpDesk is a meeting arena where companies and researchers can meet and develop Horizon 2020 (H2020) projects.Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU research and innovation programme, and provides funding over 7 years (2014 – 2020).

Who should attend?
Companies and researchers from the Bergen Region are welcome to book a meeting at the HelpDesk.

What services do we provide?
EU advisors and business developers will answer your questions and help you with:
•Finding the right calls
•Application writing process
•Project organisation
•Finding partners
•Financing the writing process

Horizon 2020 HelpDesk runs every second Wednesday (even weeks) from 9PM to 12PM at BTO (2nd floor, Vitensenteret, Thormøhlensgate 51).

You can register for the HelpDesk here, or contact us if you have any questions. Contact information .

This weeks editorial

Ræder_portrettFrom Bench to Business

 How should scientists at the Department of Clinical Science improve innovation of their research? This was the topic of one of the panel debates at the strategy meeting last week with panelists from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Bergen technology transfer office (BTO) and the Department , and with research group leaders in the audience. Prime Minister Erna Solberg has previously said that our country needs more suppliers to the National budget – not more companies and institutions living on the National budget. She asked for more innovation once again in her New Year speech where she also pointed to BerGenBio as a successful example of research-driven innovation at our faculty.
K2 aims to increase innovation in the present strategy period, and point number one is to establish an innovation strategy for K2 this Spring.
I will head an advisory group for the innovation strategy which subsequently will be discussed at the Department Board in the Spring. I therefore  ask for input from you, both to the group’s composition and to the elements we should include in this strategy. As an example I already received a proposition of speed-dates between researchers at the Department and economists at NHH. The proposed idea was to pair scientists with entrepreneurs to increase the success rate. Prof. Tor Andreassen at NHH pointed to the entrepeneurship challenges at the strategy seminar: The entrepreneur should, in addition to developing increased customer and marketing understanding and investor relations also withstand being poor, work 80-hour weeks, travel up to 200 travel days, make difficult decisions, live with risk, move quickly and adapt continuously. Since researchers also lead or participate actively in a research group, we certainly require good helpers on the team if we also aim for innovation. Perhaps the way to go may be to build a bridge between K2 and the environments in Sandviken – or with other environments in Bergen aimed at innovation, including Innovation Norway and the new Mohn Center for Innovation and Regional Development at the Bergen University College.

I would like to hear from you if you have input.


Theme Day Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis clinic at Haukeland University Hospital organizes conference about tuberculosis.

Theme Day is m.a. for doctors in specialist rode almost the municipal health almost, students at the medical school, nurses, nursing educators

Thursday February 9 at 08.30 to 15.30.
Location: Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital

See the attached program and registration. Deadline for entries 01/20/17

Call for ERA-NET

kreftforeningenThe Norwegian Cancer Society wishes to inform about a new round of ERA-NET for translational cancer research – TRAN SCAN-2.
The theme of the announcement is “Minimally and non-invasive methods for early detection and / or progression of cancer.”

You can read more about the call on the NCS and TRAN SCAN their websites, see

Norwegian researchers are encouraged to participate in the announcement!