Author Archives: apoih

The artificially intelligent billion

In September, the Norwegian government launched an investment in research and innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital security

The investment must be “at least NOK 1 billion over five years” (2024-28) and have three main tracks:

  • Social consequences
  • Technology development
  • Innovation

The Research Council has had an expert group that has made recommendations for the organization of the AI billion. UiB has been represented by pro-rector Pinar Heggernes. They have described the current situation and expectations for the investment as well as suggested overall measures.

The initiative will have three cross-cutting, overarching themes: trust, responsibility, and creativity. The ambition is that the investment is both long-term, fruitful, ground-breaking, and interdisciplinary.

Follow-up at UiB concerns both research, innovation, and education. UiB will organize a mobilization event when the first calls for proposals open around Easter. The purpose is to identify opportunities for cross-sector and cross-faculty collaboration and lay a good foundation for the application work.

Read more about mobilization at UiB here .

Read more about UiB AI

Information about HR

Julie Hansen has been HR Adviser at the Department of Clinical Science. She is leaving UoB and moving to an external position in January. Christine Bresil is in training and will take over as HR Adviser at the department. From now on, HR inquiries can be directed to Christine Bresil: Christine Bresil | University of Bergen (

Thank you Julie for your efforts so far, and welcome to Christine.

(Norsk) Informasjon om bibliotekets kurs for ansatte våren 2024

Be good in literature searching and reference software. The Medical library offers the following courses this spring:

  • Searching in PubMed and Embase
  • Introduction to Endnote
  • Introduction to Zotero
  • Introduction to systematic reviews
  • Literature studies for Bachelor and Master students (in Norwegian)

The courses are planned as a hybrid solution, with the option of attending either physically or online via Zoom. The courses are mainly for employees and PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and for employees at Helse Bergen. Courses for students are normally given as a part of their study program. If that isn’t the case, they can attend these courses as well. The courses are free of charge, but registration is necessary for our planning.

Dates, registration and more information can be found on the library’s web pages:

Courses in English:

Overview of all courses (Norwegian or English):

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Norwegian Microphysiological Systems (NOR-MPS) symposium 14. February 2024!

Join the annual Norwegian Microphysiological Systems (NOR-MPS) symposium 14. February 2024!

The NOR-MPS Symposium with keynotes, talks, poster session and panel debates will be a satellite event of Norway Life Science 2024 at Meet Ullevaal/Ullevaal Stadium Oslo.

For the registration pls first register for the main event (cost free) and then for the NOR-MPS satellite symposium using the link below.

We look forward to the event!

How to meet Open Science requirements

The University Library offers guidance and support services for adopting open science practices and meeting requirements from funders and policy makers

There has been an increasingly strong focus on open access to publications and research data and good data handling practices. This is reflected in expectations and demands from financiers, authorities and institutions.

In this webinar the university library will give a short introduction to:

  • Open access to scientific publications (support for open publishing, open access agreements, requirements from funders (Plan S), guidelines at UiB)
  • FAIR data management and open access to research data (requirements from funders, data management plans, data documentation and metadata, archiving and reuse of FAIR research data, citable code)
  • Publication strategies (status for open publishing, visibility of own research and evaluation based on open science)

26.01.2024 – 10.15–11.00

Upcoming events at the International Centre

Introduction to tax
Sign up and join us for an online informative meeting about how to pay tax in Norway. This is useful if you are moving to Norway, shifting between Norway and other working

countries, or working from abroad. We have this seminar 2 Fridays per month, from 11.00 to 11.30. The next seminar will be on January 12th. In the registration form you can choose which date you want to sign up to.

Read more here

Introduction course for new employees
This course is step 2 of our introductory seminars for new international employees. The course will take place on February 1 st from 12.00 to 15.00, in Bjørn Christiansens hus

Seminarroom 110. The doors open a bit in advance, so you have the chance to have a coffee and snacks and get to know each other. You can register here

Please complete step 1 (short e-learning course before attending.

Global Health EDCTP3 Work Programme 2024 Published

The Global Health European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership 3 Joint Undertaking (GH EDCTP3 JU) has released its Work Programme for 2024.

In 2024, the GH EDCTP3 JU will distribute €140 million through two calls, which are planned to be launched on 18 January 2024, with a stage 1 deadline of 4 April 2024:

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Grantee of ERC – Permanent Position at the Faculty

The Faculty of Medicine, UiB (MED) is introducing from 01.01.24 a scheme that facilitates researchers who are awarded an ERC project to be permanently employed after the end of the project period at the institute where the research activity naturally belongs. The faculty will cover the salary cost at the institute. With this arrangement, we aim to stimulate increased application activity towards ERC, strengthen future medical research in Bergen, and make the faculty more attractive, especially for researchers early in their career.

The following criteria apply:

  1. The arrangement applies to individuals who are employed in postdoc or researcher positions, or in temporary positions as associate professors or professors at MED at the time of the ERC project award.
  2. The arrangement applies to individuals who move to MED with their ERC project from the start of the project period and who have their research activity at MED during the project period.
  3. The arrangement does not apply to individuals who are permanently employed as scientific staff at MED as associate professors or professors prior to the ERC award.
  4. Salary funds from the faculty will normally be provided after the completion of the ERC project. This means that candidates must secure their own salary from the ERC project or other sources during the project period.
  5. The position (associate professor or professor) will be advertised using the usual procedure as the project period nears its end, but the advertisement text will be tailored to the candidates’ scientific and methodological profile.

Research and Training Grants from the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)

Members of FEMS Member Societies can apply for our grants. Research and Training Grants assist early career scientists in pursuing research and training at a European host institution in a country other than their own country of residence (and exceptionally to support research and training projects outside Europe). These grants may be used to contribute to travel, accommodation and subsistence costs of making the visit. Support is limited to a maximum of €5000.

Applicants should be active microbiologists, having obtained their highest degree less than five years prior to the application deadline date or be a PhD student*. They should be a member of a FEMS Member Society. You can find a detailed overview of the requirements for this grant in the FEMS Grants Regulations.

CCBIO courses with deadline February 1st.

Dear all,

We have a range of courses coming up this spring, and please note: for study point (ECTS) providing participation, registration deadline is February 1, in Studentweb. So, PhD candidates and students: remember to register, and supervisors and PIs, remember to advise your students to register.

(Except for the Clinical Trials course which takes place January 17-19, which qualifies for a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate as well as study points. ECTS deadline in Studentweb for this course was January 5, and non-ECTS registration closes January 12.)

Courses with deadline February 1 for registration in Studentweb:

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