Monthly Archives: September 2024

Would you like to explore UiB buildings that you don’t usually visit?

The Geophysical Institute, the University Library, the University Aula, and Nygårdsgaten 5 will be open on Sunday, September 15, with the exception of the University Library, which will also be open on Saturday, September 14.

We look forward to opening up and showcasing the diversity of our building stock. An important theme for this year’s festival is the renovation, transformation, and rehabilitation of buildings.

There is a festival offer of black coffee and a choice of bun at Christie Café (Godt Brød, Museplassen 3) for NOK 49, with the presentation of the festival newspaper ‘Open House Bergen.’ Refreshments from Christie Café can also be enjoyed in the Aula during the program with films and information from the stage.

See this page for more information on times and tours:

The buildings are open to everyone, so feel free to bring friends and family!


CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, October 3rd, 2024

We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium on October 3, 2024. This seminar series offers a fantastic opportunity to connect and engage with fellow young scientists. We look forward to vibrant and insightful discussions, as always.

We are honored to have Randi Hovland, the leader of the Cancer Genomics unit at Haukeland University Hospital, as our keynote speaker. She will share how her department utilizes advanced technology for molecular cancer diagnostics. Additionally, Hanan Ashrafi and Pouda Panahandeh will present their research on how IFN-gamma and the IRX3 Homeobox protein effect sensitivity to estrogen receptor (ER) inhibition. Lucrezia Berton from the Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory will discuss genetic features that predict neoadjuvant treatment outcomes in breast cancer. Lastly, Lorena Larios Salazar will present how nanodiamonds may enhance oral cancer treatment.

We hope to see you there for an enriching and inspiring experience! Please register within September 30th at 11.00.

When: October 3, 2024, at 09.15-13.00

Where: Møterom, HBE, Glasblokkene, Blokk 8, U1etg, U364, Auditorium, campus Haukeland, Bergen

Registration: on this link

Open to both junior and senior researchers as well as students. The symposium series is open, but also part of the CCBIO Research School under the code CCBIO901.


09.15-09.30: Introduction
09.30-10.15: “Introduction to genetic diagnostics of cancer” Keynote lecture by Randi Hovland
 10.15-10.25: Coffee break

10.25-10.50: “IFN-gamma modulates NAD metabolism in breast cancer cells and enhances sensitivity to estrogen receptor antagonists” by Hanan Ashrafi

10.50-11.15: “Genetic features predicting effect of neoadjuvant breast cancer treatment” by Lucrezia Berton

11.15-12:00 Lunch (free of charge, register within September 30th at 11.00)
12:00-12:25: “Novel double functionalized nanodiamonds for targeted treatment to prevent oral cancer recurrence” by Lorena Larios Salazar

12:25-12:50: “The role of IRX3 Homeobox protein in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer and response to endocrine therapy” by Pouda Panahandeh

12:50-13:00: Concluding remarks

Mari Kyllesø Halle and Vladan Milosevic are coordinators of the junior seminars and are planning and chairing these meetings. Any questions can be addressed to them.

Read more about the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposia here.


The World Cancer Research Fund International calls for funding

The World Cancer Research Fund International calls for funding on the role of diet, nutrition and physical activity in either Cancer Prevention or Cancer Survivorship. Note: these grants do not pay the salary of the PI, do not cover institutional overhead, do not fund research on anti-cancer drugs or cancer treatment. International collaboration is encouraged, but not required. There are two types of grants:

Investigator Initiated Grants 500 GBP (7 MNOK NOK), 4 years.
Pilot and Feasibility Grants 60 GBP (850 000 NOK), 2 years.

Deadline for outline of application: 30 October 2024 

Contact the research advisers at the Faculty and register if you plan to apply:

This weeks edithorial

As the newly appointed research leader at K2, this is my first editorial in K2-nytt. I am a medical specialist in infectious diseases and completed a PhD in 2012 on clinical and immunological analyses of patients with long-term complaints following the Giardia outbreak in 2004. Since then, I have researched diarrheal diseases and immunology with Giardia, ETEC, and Cryptosporidium as my favorite microbes.

In my new role, there is much I want to familiarize myself with. I have started by getting an overview of the research activities at K2. Measured in publications, K2 is involved in around 480 scientific articles per year. This has been stable over the past four years. 65% of our publications have international co-authorship, and 89% are published with open access. It is gratifying that the proportion of high-quality publications, published in the more selective level-2 journals, has shown positive development from 18% in 2021 to 25% in 2023. Our research publication relative to our number of first positions and full-time equivalents has remained stable in recent years.

The goal must be to maintain or improve the quality and research production at K2 despite tight finances and necessary cost-saving measures that must be implemented this year and next year. We managed to keep going through the pandemic, and I see it as an important task for me in my role as research leader at K2 to help ensure that we achieve this in the future as well.

I have an office on the 5th floor of the Lab building if you want to have a chat with me. For those interested in more publication statistics from UiB, this can be found at

Hilde Eide Lien – Public defence September 3th.

The candidate is from the Department of Clinical Science Main supervisor: Professor Camilla Krakstad Co-supervisors: Professor Lars Andreas Akslen and Professor Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen

Trial lecture: Friday, September 13, 2024, at 09:15
Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15 Assigned topic: “Immune tumour microenvironment composition in endometrial cancer and its relationship with therapy response”

Defense: Friday, September 13, 2024, at 11:15
Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15 Thesis title: “Single cell expression patterns in endometrial cancer and novel biomarkers for improved treatment”

1st opponent: PhD Laura Muinelo Romay, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

2nd opponent: PhD Hanne Askautrud, Oslo University Hospital

3rd committee member: PhD André Sulen, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Emerita Birgitta Åsjø.

Open to all interested parties

Incentive funds for teaching

UiB has awarded NOK 2,150,000 as incentive funds for teaching-related innovation, distributed across 14 projects. Two grants went to environments associated with K2: Silje Skrede, Jon Andsnes Berg, and Trond Trætteberg Serkland were awarded NOK 150,000 for the project ‘Transition to digital, student-focused teaching in basic pharmacology for medical students’ ( Reidun L. S. Kjome at the Center for Pharmacy was awarded NOK 130,000 for the project ‘Global competence through virtual exchange.’


Ethics and integrity for AI in research

How can we promote the ethical use of AI? How might AI be employed to advance fundamental values and committments in science-related research and communication? And how can research practices in this new digital environment be assessed? These are the questions that this webinar will address.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is disrupting and revolutionising science by accelerating research progress, boosting innovation, and improving researchers’ productivity. The European Union (EU) has embraced the opportunities this brings, including AI’s potential to make science more accessible, reduce inequities, and contribute to mitigating the reproducibility crisis. At the same time, we must be ready to respond to the challenges and threats associated with this fast-evolving technology, such as the risks of furthering inequalities, exacerbating biases, and developing unethical behaviours among scientists and academics as well as by their institutions.

10 September 2024 14:00-15:30

The Aurora Mobility Programme – Researcher Exchange for New Collaboration Between Norway and France

The support provided through the AURORA mobility programme should contribute to establishing and expanding contact between research organisations in Norway and corresponding organisations in France. The purpose is to strengthen European research collaboration under Horizon Europe.
Researchers from Norway may seek funding for short-term visits in France for the purpose of launching and developing new joint research projects.–researcher-exchange-for-new-collaboration-between-norway-and-france/



Save the date – Microplastic and Human Health Symposium

The Plastic Network at UiB and collaborators will also this autumn organize a one-day symposium on microplastics, this time concerning Microplastics and Human Health.

During this meeting, we will focus on the multifaceted issues surrounding microplastic pollution, human exposure, and its impact on human health.

Title: Microplastics and Human Health; sources, exposure, and impact
Date: November 22nd , 2024
Location: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen
Virtual access: Online attendance on Zoom is possible
Speakers: We have invited renowned experts and early career scientists in the field of microplastic research. Confirmed speakers so far include Dorthe Herzke (FHI), Asbjørn Jokstad (UiT), Øyvind Pernell Haugen (STAMI), and Damaris Daniel (UiB). Updated and detailed scientific program will be published online in due time.

Who should attend: This symposium is designed for researchers, healthcare professionals, environmental scientists, policy makers, and anyone interested in understanding the growing concern over microplastics and their implications for human health.

More information about the meeting including full scientific program and registration will be provided soon.

Warm regards,
Organizing committee: Amy Lusher (NIVA), Tanja Kögel (HI), Jutta Dierkes (UiB) and Odd André Karlsen (UiB)



Looking for partners and joining consortia

  1. sep. kl. 09.00–11.00

The webinar will answer and discuss with the participants the following questions and issues:

  • How to find the key actors in a specific field? Which websites or portals to check if you want to find information on Horizon Europe, scientific achievements or key results? How can you join a consortium that is preparing a proposal?
  • How can you make yourself more visible for European researchers and key organisations?

The course language is English, and the course is delivered by Europa Media.

Newsletter – International HR – September 2024

Please find our newsletter online by clicking on the image above or follow this link: NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2024.

You can also find our previous newsletters in this link.

Wishing you all a wonderful day and please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions or queries you might have.

All the best from the Euraxess team at the International Centre.

TMex course – “Translational Medicine Explained”

Barcelona, 22-25 October.

This four-day course offers a unique opportunity to delve into the complexities of translating biomedical discoveries into solutions for unmet medical needs. It explores the importance of a truly interdisciplinary approach, where collaboration across various disciplines is not just encouraged but essential.



Nordic Cancer Conference

Monday October 7th in Stockholm

Bonnier Healthcare, together with Nordic Cancer Union’s members, invites you to the Nordic Cancer Conference. The venue will take place in Stockholm, Bonnier Huset, Torsgatan 21. It is also possible to participate by streaming.

The program is under construction and will be updated. It is designed together with a reference group consisting of:
Norwegian Cancer Society, Ole Alexander Opdalshei – Deputy Secretary General
The Swedish Cancer Society, Ulrica Sundholm, Manager Knowledge & Support
The Danish Cancer Society: Heidi Smollerup Rasmussen, Chief Consultant policy and legal
Bonnier Healthcare Norway, Martin Gray – Editor in Chief Dagens Medisin, and moderator for the conference.

We are delighted to welcome you to our conference where leading experts, researchers, and policymakers from across the Nordic countries come together to address one of the most pressing health challenges of our time: cancer. We will focus on four key areas:  prevention, cancer strategy, access to new medicines, clinical trials.