Daily Archives: Friday September 27th, 2024

(Norsk) Call for Service Provision for Early Career Researchers

The canSERV Consortium is pleased to launch its Specific Call for Service Provision for early career scientists “Training the Next Generation of Cancer Researchers”. Early Career Cancer Researchers, for example first-stage researchers (PhD students, junior researchers without PhD), or recognised researchers (postdocs, assistant professors, young investigators) world-wide are invited to apply for free access to cutting-edge transnational services with an indicative overall budget for this call of EUR 500.000. The primary objective of this call is to empower early career scientists through access to research services and training in order to advance their scientific merits and careers.

Submission Deadline: 17 December 2024, 2pm CET


MSCA opens €99.5m call for Staff Exchanges

The Staff Exchanges action offers a unique opportunity to promote the transfer of knowledge and innovation through international research collaborations.

MSCA Staff Exchanges promote innovative international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through exchanging staff and sharing knowledge and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain. The scheme is part of Horizon Europe, the EU’s programme for research and innovation.


Diagnosing Rare Diseases: from the Clinic to Research and back

Around 30 million people in Europe are living with a rare genetic disease (a disease that affects less than 1 in 2,000 people).

This course offers an exploration of key questions around rare disease diagnostic research and issues today, as well as insights into patient experiences.

Over the last two decades, a lot of progress has been made in diagnosing rare genetic diseases.

You will discover more about the progress made through diagnostic research, as well as the types of genetic tests available for rare diseases, and the impact of having a diagnosis – or lacking a diagnosis – on patients’ lives.

You’ll explore key issues relating to rare genetic diseases and undertake your own internet-based investigation into several diagnostic research topics.


Brokerage event for IHI’s 2025 calls

Save the date! Our brokerage event will provide people interested in our 2025 calls for proposals with an excellent opportunity to network and start forming consortia.

IHI will hold a brokerage event in Brussels, Belgium on 12-13 November 2024.

The aim of the event is to provide people interested in IHI’s 2025 calls for proposals with the opportunity to network face-to-face and start forming consortia. There will also be pitching sessions and poster sessions to give research organisations, patient groups and companies the chance to showcase their capabilities.



From Research to Academic Startup

VIS has launched a new program for researcher entrepreneurship for researchers with an innovative idea or technology that has the potential to become the next generation product or service. Are you motivated to explore commercial opportunities and realize your research in practice? Then this program is for you.

The event is primarily aimed at researchers, especially PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers at the Faculty of Medicine who are interested in how they can take their research from academia to the commercial market

04.10.2024 – 10.00–13.00

Eitri Medical Incubator


Young Researchers Night – Bergen

The Young Academy of Norway (AYF) cordially invites you to join us at the Young Researchers Night in Bergen. This year’s theme for the ‘Forskningsdagene’ is centred around Health. The event will delve into intriguing topics such as the role of Norwegian health registries, the influence of seafood on human health, and the groundbreaking advancements in 3D bioprinting.

Fredag 27. september

19:00 – 23:50

EITRI Medical Incubator

Haukelandsbakken 31




Norwegian Cancer Society’s Qualification Projects – Accelerating Research Outcome and Patient Impact

The Norwegian Cancer Society’s (NCS) aim is to prevent and fight cancer, and to ensure the best quality of life for patients and their families. Through research, prevention, information, support, advice, and lobbying, we fight cancer locally, nationally and globally. The NCS provides a considerable amount of all direct funding for cancer research in Norway, thus contributing to promoting a research environment of top international standard in the country. Furthermore, nurturing innovation and promoting novel ideas play a crucial role in advancing cancer research and enhancing patient outcomes.

Research findings frequently serve as the foundation for multiple potential commercial applications. In a qualification project, the primary objective is to thoroughly explore and pinpoint the most promising commercial application prospects, including service innovation. This initial investigation lays the groundwork for subsequent technology verification and development. Promising research and innovative solutions often take too long to reach patients. The NCS aims to accelerate this process, particularly for those applications with high patient benefit. This call focus on increasing the innovation potential of projects funded by the NCS (from 2016-2023).

Responsible organization The Norwegian Cancer Society
Application type Qualification projects
Project duration 3 months to 12 months – First/last possible start date 01.01.2025/01.07.2025
Funding scale 200 000 to 1 000 000 NOK
Total amount of call 8 MNOK
Application deadline 15 October 2024 at 13:00
Decision announcement December 2024

