Trial Lecture: Friday, June 28, 2024, at 09:15
- Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
- Topic: “Shared decision making: What is it, how can it be practiced, and what is the latest research in this field?”
Disputation: Friday, June 28, 2024, at 11:15
- Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
- Thesis Title: “Unveiling the Complexities: Patients’ and Healthcare Providers’ Perspectives on Understanding and Managing Ovarian Cancer”
- Opponents:
- Professor Karina Dahl Steffensen, Syddansk Universitet
- Professor Simen A. Steindal, VID vitenskapelige høgskole
- Committee Member: Professor Tone Merete Norekvål, Universitetet i Bergen
The disputation will be chaired by Professor Anagha Joshi and is open to all interested parties
Press release (only norwegian)