Endokrin Medicine receives a significant grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Postdoctoral fellow Grethe Ueland has been awarded an Excellence Emerging Investigator Grant for the project “Autonomous cortisol secretion, a frequent cause of metabolic syndrome?” in strong Nordic competition. Those of us who know Grethe’s achievements over the past few years are not surprised by this recognition. The funding (10 million DKK) provides Grethe with the opportunity to integrate research and clinical endocrinology over the next 5 years.

Researcher Anette Bøe Wolff has also been awarded an Excellence Ascending Investigator Grant to study antibodies against cytokines, as a mechanism for autoimmunity, and thereby establish her own research group. The award is a result of Anette’s skill, perseverance, and enthusiasm in the study of autoimmunity and the role of the protein AIRE (autoimmune regulator), which led to a publication in Nature last fall on dental defects in APS-1 and celiac disease. This grant, too, amounts to 10 million DKK.

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